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I am very happy to announce that starting today, we will be accepting Bitcoin as payment for any of our products! This includes DisplayFusion, ClipboardFusion, FileSeek and LogFusion! What is Bitcoin? It's a completely open and decentralized currency that's still quite new. Take a look at the Bitcoin website for more information on this exciting new currency.

To see how much a product will cost using Bitcoin, just select a license type, use the "Estimate the price in your currency" dropdown, then click the "Update" button:

Estimate the price in Bitcoin
Estimate the price in Bitcoin

Click the "Checkout" button when you've entered the required information, then just click the Bitcoin payment logo to start the Bitcoin payment process:

Bitcoin payment option
Bitcoin payment option

On the checkout page, you'll also see an estimate for the purchase price in Bitcoin. This estimate will change daily, but we'll do our best to honour any quoted Bitcoin estimates.

This is a very exciting step for us, and one that has been requested by our community for a little while now. Thanks to everyone who helped us test the Bitcoin purchases, and thanks to the Bitcoin community for creating such an open and innovative new currency!

Aug 4, 2013  • #1
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