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Don Gracie
1 discussion post
I've recently moved to a Surround setup but there are a few issues that are bugging me.

Firstly, I've added two 60Hz side monitors to my 120/144Hz center monitor. Surround, so says Nvidia, requires matching refresh rates across all three displays. I can set the center to 60Hz and run Surround fine, but let's just say going back to 60Hz is jarring. Does Display Fusion support multiple refresh rates in Surround, or is it possible to add such support? I've read on other forums peoples' workarounds to get multiple refresh rates working on Surround/Eyefinity, so it's not a hardware impossibility.

Secondly, Surround only allows for a single icc profile to be loaded at once. Does Display Fusion support multiple icc profiles in Surround, or is it possible to add such support? For what it's worth, Color Profile Keeper, used to keep icc profiles loaded across applications on Nvidia GPUs, has been made open source. Perhaps the developers can glean something from that code.

Anyways, those features would be amazing, as Nvidia's Surround software simply comes up short in those areas (among many others, it seems). I'd gladly pay triple the asking price of Display Fusion for these features, and I'm sure many others would to, especially for multiple icc profiles in Surround.

Oh, I'd also gladly move to ATI if those features could be added to Eyefinity.

Dec 24, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
DisplayFusion can't currently do either of these things. Could you link me to the forum posts you read about getting Surround to work with different refresh rates?
Dec 31, 2013  • #2
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