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273 discussion posts
First, sorry about multiple posts. I broke them into problem reports that I'd like to see from my own tech support staff.
  • The TitleBar buttons now look like they are part of the Windows UI. The lag time is gone. Good job!
  • The hover light goes on when mousing over the button. Nice touch.
  • Change the TitleBar Button Background dropdown on the settings tab and all the buttons change to that OS type and color. Very nice touch.
  • There is a tilde (~) in the file names in the TitleBar Button dropdown. This looks like a DOS long to short filename munge. Do you want that? Indeed, do you even want to have ".png" showing up in the dropdown at all? Probably not, IMHO.
Jul 9, 2009  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Thank you for the excellent feedback. :) For your 4th point, the ~ is just a directory separator. Having the \ really bothered me aesthetically. What symbol would you use in it's place? Good point about the file extensions, I'll hide those in Beta 5.
Jul 9, 2009  • #2
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273 discussion posts
Thank you for the excellent feedback.
You're welcome! 8-)

What would I use instead? Ok... Let's start with this: to the end user, the dropdown is simply a list of images. There is nothing here to make the end user think that this is actually a directory (other than mentions of files in the forums when updating beta 2.0 to beta 2.1), nor should there be.

I am presuming that you are taking the selection index, getting the text from the control, and parsing out the tilde to create the path to load the image. A time saver, for sure. But if you are considering dropping the .PNG at the end (you just strcat it when you need it), you could search for a hyphen (-) instead of the tilde. This makes a nice delimiter, assuming you don't use it in a file name in the future. For the end user, it appears as a modifier punctuation of some sort.

I will point out that you could just as easily drop the tilde altogether. Either assure that the part previously before the tilde is always two words and parse for the second space (to replace with it the backslash), or simply add code to search for the string like Vista Basicor XP.

BTW, I'll add because I understand how it is easy it is to miss things when rushing for a release, the TitleBar Button Background dropdown also contains .png, which I suggest be removed.
Jul 9, 2009  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Beta 4 is now out, and has almost all of these suggestions implemented. Thanks!
Jul 10, 2009  • #4
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