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Paulo Aitchy87854
1 discussion post
I know this is old stuff, but i like CRTs for dos gaming on windows 10. if i configure my (licensed) display fusion to use say 640x480 at 60hz it displays a screaming screen like its outside of the hz range. if i do the same though in windows by listing all modes and selecting the same resolution and frequency it works fine. go back to display fusion and ask it to do the same, again an insane range/output. not sure why its doing this! if its the same res and freq why would it do it differently? anyone else using old monitors as secondaries? thanks!
29 days ago  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you download this test tool and copy the output to a notepad file while the refresh rate is set incorrectly, and send it over?
20 days ago  • #2
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