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Brian V
7 discussion posts
Most of my personal scripted functions work together which makes them have the same code in each function. It would be nice to have the ability to have multiple "Scripted Function" editor windows open at the same time so I can view/copy/paste... etc. from one window to the other. Currently, I have to open one function, copy code, close window, open another function, paste, close, open another function, paste, close... etc.
Mar 31, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
I've added this to our feature request list. We don't guarantee that feature requests will be implemented, or offer timelines on possible implementation. We'll be sure to let you know if we do add it to our planned features in a future version.

Apr 6, 2023  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released 10.0 Beta 27, and in this build you can now open multiple scripted function edit windows simultaneously.

Apr 10, 2023  • #3
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