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19 discussion posts
i know it's easy to open the desktop wallpaper manager, but i still wish there were a hotkey for it.

also, i wish there were a way to take some of the hotkeys out of the list, or enable/disable them individually. and, now that i think about it, when you try to load a random wallpaper, it says 'you must select a 'randomly change images' option for at least one monitor first'. it would be cool if there were a hotkey to turn that on and off, so i could then use another hotkey to change the wallpaper, and then toggle the random off again. i bet that would be complicated, though. anyway, i guess my point is, it would be cool if there were better hotkey management, like better options to create your own. the creation window doesn't do much.
Mar 4, 2012  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've added your vote to a feature request for being able to delete the built-in HotKeys. The way they work right now, it's not possible, but we'll certainly look into it in the future.

I've also added your request for a HotKey to launch the Wallpaper Configuration.

As for the random images, if you want to manually use the HotKey to load the next random image, but not advance on its own, you can do this:
  • Setup your random wallpapers
  • Right-click the DisplayFusion tray icon and navigate to Desktop Wallpaper Settings > Pause Current Images
  • Use the CTRL+WIN+R HotKey any time you want it to load a new random image :)
Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Mar 5, 2012 (modified Mar 5, 2012)  • #2
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19 discussion posts
oh. ok, that's awesome. i will do that. apparently i need to just spend more time learning all your features. thanks again, keith.
Mar 6, 2012  • #3
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95 discussion posts
"It's easy to open the desktop wallpaper manager, but i still wish there were a hotkey for it" —

A Windows 'shortcut' [Ctrl + Alt + …] can be assigned to Wallpaper Manager from its application properties in Start > All Programs > DisplayFusion. (Windows 7)

Just confirmed operation with 'W' > Ctrl + Alt + W.

All good wishes!
Mar 6, 2012  • #4
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19 discussion posts
aha! cool, i'll do that. thank you so much. you know, i knew about creating windows hotkeys, so i feel like a dork for not thinking of that. you rock, thank you.
Mar 6, 2012  • #5
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19 discussion posts
it worked. (i should've said that in the last reply).
Mar 6, 2012  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the tip Hans! I had completely forgotten that you can create keyboard shortcuts for launching programs from the Start Menu :)
Mar 6, 2012  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just a quick update, we've released DisplayFusion 3.5 Beta 11 (renamed to 4.0.0 Beta 11), and we've added HotKeys for opening the DisplayFusion Wallpaper, Settings, and Monitor Configuration windows. They don't have key combinations assigned by default, but you can set them on the HotKeys tab in the DisplayFusion Settings.

Mar 30, 2012  • #8
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19 discussion posts
that's awesome, thank you.
Mar 30, 2012  • #9
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