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Daniel Jurišević92006
2 discussion posts
Hello there,

I just started using this piece of software, so I know NOTHING about it. I would really appreciate some help on 2 of my problems.

1. I want to have 2 monitors open and when I am on the right one (secondary) when I open firefox, I want that window to open on my current monitor used, but it keeps opening on the MAIN DISPLAY! how can I deal with that?

2. Biggest issue is, I am using my MAIN DISPLAY for pc things and mainly for PS4 gameplay....and when I play PS4 the SOURCE is on another HDMI not the PC one.
So my question is, how should I make the software temporarely make the SECONDARY DISPLAY the PRIMARY one until the source for PRIMARY DISPLAY is back?

The second issue wouldn't be a problem if I meange to make the number 1 work apparently :)

Thank you in advace guys :)
May 6, 2018  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
To fix #1, you can create a Trigger rule like the one in the attached screenshot.

Hopefully that fixes #2 for you as well :)
• Attachment: Trigger - All Windows to Current Monitor.png [32,302 bytes]
Trigger - All Windows to Current Monitor.png
Trigger - All Windows to Current Monitor.png
May 9, 2018  • #2
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Daniel Jurišević92006
2 discussion posts
WOW, this fixed my EVERY problem!

Thank you for the easy and fast reply.
May 13, 2018  • #3
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90 discussion posts
Great a thing... I had a similar problem I was not aware of (primary is a TV)

It's nice to find a solution BEFORE getting hit by a problem !!


May 15, 2018  • #4
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1 discussion post
To fix #1, you can create a Trigger rule like the one in the attached screenshot.

Hopefully that fixes #2 for you as well :)

Hello. Sorry for reviving this old thread but I'm really, really desperately trying to get this feature to work.

I did exactly the same, same thing shown in the screenshot, but alas, nothing works and at this point I feel like I've tried everything this 40$ software offers. I saved the trigger and made sure it was enabled, but whenever I open a new window, no matter if it's from the windows taskbar or the DF taskbar, it still always shows up on the monitor I last closed the window on.

Furthermore, is there really no way to have a simple indicator on the taskbar to show if an app is opened, like what Windows does with the small bars under the taskbar icons? For a software the price of a full game? Seriously?

How can something this simple and this necessary be so hard to implement? Especially when it's that expensive?

I'm seriously at my wit's end here, so I would appreciate any solution you could provide.
• Attachment: Capture d_ecran 2023-06-19 204714.jpg [75,602 bytes]
Capture d_ecran 2023-06-19 204714.jpg
Capture d_ecran 2023-06-19 204714.jpg
Jun 20, 2023 (modified Jun 20, 2023)  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Your trigger looks correct, could you send me over a debug log? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log

Our taskbars do have an indicator for opened windows. What version Windows are you running?
Jun 20, 2023  • #6
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