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1 discussion post
I'm running the Windows 7 beta version and after getting a trial license key for the Pro version of DisplayFusion I've got a couple things that don't seem to work correctly:

  • I can enable the taskbar for each monitor but the option for "All taskbars show relevant windows" is grayed out. The other two options are available.
  • Also, I've noticed that if I have a window open on the second monitor I cannot click on the window in the taskbar of the second monitor (non-primary monitor) to minimize it. If it is already minimized it will bring the window up, but if the window is up it will not minimize.

Apr 15, 2009  • #1
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5 discussion posts
  • I can enable the taskbar for each monitor but the option for "All taskbars show relevant windows" is grayed out. The other two options are available.

I asked the same thing in this post and got the following response...
Hi, sorry for the confusion. The "All taskbars show relevant windows" is currently unavailable in Windows 7. The reason for this is that I don't currently have a good way of "hiding" the taskbar items on the Windows 7 taskbar. Because the taskbar items also double as the shortcut, I really don't want to mess with them. Once the Windows 7 SDK goes out of beta I will be investing much more time into adding this feature. For now, you can have the Windows 7 taskbar display all the windows, and the DisplayFusion taskbar can display only the relevant windows. Thanks!

(I hope for not very long)
Apr 22, 2009  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
is2gu is correct, it isn't supported yet in Windows 7.
Apr 23, 2009  • #3
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