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4 discussion posts
I recently got a new computer and am setting up DisplayFusion on it again. I feel like I recall there being an option that saved my images, temporarily to a local drive, when they are selected as wallpapers. (I want to note that my images is the source selected in the software, not what I am calling it.) I can't find this option anywhere now. Am I missing it? If so, where is it? Or am I not remembering this correctly?

My use case: Wallpaper images are stored on an external drive, which is frequently removed. When removed and computer restarts, the wallpaper is black instead of loading a temporary file. I must reconnect drive and refresh wallpapers to load the image, since it appears to be attempting to load the selected file location, rather than a temporary one.
14 days ago (modified 14 days ago)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
12 days ago  • #2
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