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2 discussion posts
I'm having intermittent trouble with display fusion. About once a day, it will cause outlook to display incorrectly - missing buttons and text. It happened on XP and now still on Windows 7. The fix is closing outlook and DF and then reopening both
Mar 15, 2013  • #1
ChrisN's profile on
I use Outlook 2003 and DisplayFusion 5.0 on Windows 7 Pro 64bit and I haven't had any problems with it. It sounds like a graphics card/driver issue to me.
ChrisN's profile on
Mar 18, 2013  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Howedj: Do you run Windows 7 with the Classic Theme, or Aero?
Mar 19, 2013  • #3
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Pete MacMahon
3 discussion posts
I'm running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit & MS Outlook V14 32 bit from MS Office 2010 pro.

I'm experiencing the same exact issue. It will get to the point where opening an email will show the previous screen (inbox list) inside the email. Re-sizing does not help. But if you drag your mouse inside the email window while holding the left click button, it will start refreshing the screen with the proper contents of the email.

Dragging the window in question to the second monitor just causes window echos all over both screens.

I usually have to kill outlook and restart it to get back to work.

Never happens when my laptop is not docked and running on it's own.

My help desk is flummoxed.
Apr 22, 2014 (modified Apr 22, 2014)  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Pete: Could you attach a copy of the info from the Settings > Troubleshooting tab?

Apr 23, 2014  • #5
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William A
2 discussion posts
Hi, I'm also having a similar issue, we are running Win 7 Enter 64bit Sp1, Office 2010 Sp3 32bit. We noticed the issue is happening more with Outlook, when deleting emails, it doesnt refresh the email list, we have to minimize outlook and bring it back up to refresh it. disabling displayfusion so far is whats working for us? The other issue we are having is when dragging a window from one screen to another, it leaves traces or echoes on the monitor, please advise, thanks.

just fyi, we are running newer computers - Dell Optiplex 9020 with dual AMD Radeon HD8490, Samsung SSD 841, & 8GB of memory.
May 2, 2014  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@William: Could you attach a copy of the info from the Settings > Troubleshooting tab?

May 6, 2014  • #7
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William A
2 discussion posts
sorry, for the late reply. We temporarily disabled displayfusion to help us isolate the problem and so far, we haven't had any issue since displayfusion was disabled. I will have one of my user reenable it and wait for the issue to come up, thanks.
May 15, 2014  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sounds good, thanks William! When they are able to reproduce it again, please send over a copy of the info from the Settings > Troubleshooting tab and we'll go from there :)
May 16, 2014  • #9
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Pete MacMahon
3 discussion posts involved with life............but here is the values in the trouble shooting tab.
• Attachment [protected]: Displayfusion_Settings_Troubleshooting.txt [71,046 bytes]
May 16, 2014  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks Pete! I believe this issue is related to the DisplayFusion taskbar previews conflicting with the non-DWM Windows theme. Could you try changing your Windows theme to Windows 7 under the "Aero Themes" section of the Personalization settings? (right-click the desktop > Personalization)
May 16, 2014  • #11
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Pete MacMahon
3 discussion posts's so ugly! OK - let me try this for a few days and report.

// Pete
May 16, 2014  • #12
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