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Bryan Crockett
16 discussion posts
I have been testing the new Outlook Preview version and found that the TitleBar buttons overlap the icons MS has added to the top right side of the TitleBar.

I created an Compatibility exception for Outlook, which works until there is an update to Outlook. MS decided, in their infinite wisdom, to put each new version in a new folder with the version number in it so I keep having to go back in and add a new exception rule for every update.

Any ideas on how to create a rule that would stick for this permanantly? Or update DF to adjust the buttons for the Outlook app itself?
Jun 15, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
You can use an asterisks (*) as a wildcard, so putting "*outlook.exe" should grab it when the path updates.
Jun 15, 2023  • #2
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Bryan Crockett
16 discussion posts
I updated the path for the app to be "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.OutlookForWindows*\olk.exe" putting the asterisk where the version number keeps changing.

So far so good and I'll update if there are problems.

Thank you for the info.
Jun 15, 2023  • #3
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