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33 discussion posts
Currently running 10.1.2 Steam on Windows 10 x64 22H2.
I've had a 3 monitor setup for a while, at least since using DFv9.
My 2nd monitor is on a HDMI switcher as I use that with my work laptop on occasion.

This is my standard montior layout on my PC:

On my normal PC 3 monitor setup, I have the windows taskbar on Montor 1, and DF taskbars on monitors 2 and 3.
Taskbars on monitors 2 and 3 both have different pinned programs.



Previously, if I switched monitor 2 to be connected to my laptop by using the HDMI switch, my PC would revert to using only 2 monitors, Mon 1 and 3. When I switched back, Monitor 2 would re-appear and all was as before.

Since a recent update, pinned programs are now not functioning as before.
If I do the switch now, when I switch Monitor 2 back into my system, the pinned programs for Mon2 are replaced with those from Mon3, so I end up with both Mon2 and Mon 3 taskbars looking like this:



Each taskbar is seperate, I can delete a pinned icon off Mon2 and it stays on Mon3 so its not like its displaying the same toolbar on both monitors.

Whatever recent change has been made seems to be overwriting or losing pinned program info, as up until recently I have had 0 issues with pinned programs changing when disconnecting the monitor by using the HDMI switch.
Feb 23, 2024 (modified Feb 23, 2024)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me over a debug log? Here are the steps:

  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Troubleshooting tab, change the Logging drop-down to "L1: Log Minimal" and click Apply
  • Reproduce the issue and note the time so we'll know where to check in the log file
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button on the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Reply with the file attached
  • Disable debug logging after sending the log
Feb 26, 2024  • #2
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33 discussion posts
Annoyingly, it has started behaving itself after 2 weeks of doing it constantly.
I have left logging on and when it occurs again, I will upload the log with the relevent time stamp.
Feb 29, 2024  • #3
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33 discussion posts
Happened again today, logging was still enabled, time would have been between 17:43 and 17:45, 21 March 2024
• Attachment [protected]: [306,017 bytes]
Mar 21, 2024 (modified Mar 21, 2024)  • #4
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over. Could you send me two copies of your troubleshooting info, one when the taskbars are set correctly, and another when they are incorrect? Here are the steps:

  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached
Mar 22, 2024  • #5
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33 discussion posts
The one uploaded previously had the logs when the toolbar as incorrect, i have attached a log to this message from when its working normally
• Attachment [protected]: [397,326 bytes]
Mar 23, 2024  • #6
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Actually could you send me a copy while you have your laptop connected instead of monitor 2 as well?
Mar 25, 2024  • #7
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Log with laptop connected attached
• Attachment [protected]: [374,369 bytes]
Mar 25, 2024  • #8
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33 discussion posts
Also, once the Monitor 2 toolbar has lost its pinned programs and been duplicated with Monitor 3, those new pins persist after a reboot, so the only way to get it back is to remove the pins on Monitor 2 and manually set the pinned programs up again every time it occurs.
Apr 3, 2024 (modified Apr 4, 2024)  • #9
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We have a change coming in our next beta to help with the taskbar ID detection, we'll let you know once it's released to test out.

Apr 18, 2024  • #10
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33 discussion posts
Thanks, was there a change in the most recent version that caused this then?
Apr 18, 2024  • #11
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Nothing that we could find. We've released a new beta that might fix this up, can you try it out and let me know if the issue persists?
Apr 24, 2024  • #12
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33 discussion posts
Hi, yes updated to beta 3 and now on beta 4 and I'll let you know.
Apr 24, 2024  • #13
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