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Dr34m M4st3r
30 discussion posts
Hey ya!
This software Playnite is cool on my side monitor, but when I play with a joystick I would like to use my tv, I've configured to make it show in full screen on my tv once I press F11. I would like to make a shortcut to make it launch the application and then press F11 ONLY when I click on the TV shortcut, NOT on my sicre monitor. The software is always open in this second monitor so when I click on the TV shortcut, it restore the Playnite on my side screen.
Can I do it somehow?
Jan 13, 2024  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I don't think there would be a way to do that, no. I would recommend submitting a feature request to the Playnite devs for more control over their full screen options :)
Jan 16, 2024  • #2
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Dr34m M4st3r
30 discussion posts
I don't think there would be a way to do that, no. I would recommend submitting a feature request to the Playnite devs for more control over their full screen options :)

I don't understand, When I F11 playnite it already opens on my tv, what I would like it that, dunno... Maybe a shortcut on my TV taskbar to open Playnite (it already does) then press F11 after it opens. Isn't it possible? I know I can create a rule to do so, but it would apply everytime I open playnite, not just when I click the tv shortcut.
Jan 18, 2024 (modified Jan 18, 2024)  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah sorry, I misunderstood your initial request. You could probably do something like this:

1. Create a Scripted Function that launches the EXE, waits some time (e.g. 5 seconds), then sends F11:



2. Create a shortcut on the taskbar:
Application: "C:\Program Files\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionCommand.exe"
Params: -functionrun "Name of your scripted function"

Hope that helps!
Jan 19, 2024 (modified Jan 19, 2024)  • #4
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