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1 discussion post
Not sure how best to explain this. I've set a bind for Prevent Window Detection so that when I go in game, I can continue to use my second monitor without tabbing.

I've found that if I have mIRC or Spotify already open when I go in game them use this bind it will cause both programs to act like they aren't there. The only way to fix seems to be closing them from the taskbar and restarting. Once they've restarted, it's fine and will only occur if I use my bind again.

For ref, the bind I have is Alt + Ctrl + L

I don't use the Multi-Monitor taskbars
Feb 2, 2018  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately there isn't really anything we can do there. All the function does is prevent the game window from receiving the WM_KILLFOCUS message sent by Windows when switching the active window. We don't have any control over how the game or other windows behave when that happens :(
Feb 5, 2018  • #2
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