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1 discussion post
Hi. I recently installed DisplayFusion so I can control 2 or more Heros/Characters/Players at once on each window using the same keyboard and mouse on seperate Overwatch 2 tasks. However when I use my keybind to activate them on each window the sound effect plays but it still only controls 1 window.

I would also like to point out when I right click on tasks it doesn't show DisplayFusion options like what I've seen on Youtube videos

I only installed this software today so I'm still quite new to using it and its the Display Fusion Pro Trail 10.0

Perhaps I am missing something or am I unaware that it does not work with Overwatch 2

If anyone knows or has an idea what it might be i appriate the help. Thanks
Aug 22, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
It's likely due to their anti-cheat blocking our hooks, we have a note about using that function with online games on this page:
Aug 23, 2023  • #2
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