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6 discussion posts
Running DisplayFusion Pro 2.1.1 on Windows XP Pro SP3

I have inherited second PC. Each system has dual monitors, so I've now got 4 monitors wrapped around me. On my main system, which is on the left, I've designated monitor 2 (on the right) to be the primary monitor. I had a single wallpaper stretched across both monitors, but when I changed the primary monitor of course it didn't match up. I thought simply refreshing it would fix it, but it did not. So I then changed it so each monitor had a different image. The left monitor (1) changed, but the right monitor (2) did not.

Confusing, I know....

Going left to right:
monitor 1 - connected to PC1, secondary monitor
monitor 2 - connected to PC1, primary monitor **this one is not updating the wallpaper** (Windows Taskbar is on this one)
monitor 3 - connected to PC2, primary monitor (Windows Taskbar is on this one)
monitor 4 - connected to PC2, secondary monitor

does any of that make sense?

I also have MultiMonitor Taskbar running, as well as Synergy so I can use the same mouse and keyboard across the 2 PC's (all 4 monitors).
May 8, 2008  • #1
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
Nice setup....... I would believe it has to do with SP3..... But I will Troubleshoot regardless.

Try using the windows desktop properties to change the WP, see if that works. If it does, try DF again, and tell me if it changes the picture from what you set with desktop properties.
May 9, 2008  • #2
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6 discussion posts
thanks, I'm digging it myself... ;-)

Ok I changed the wallpaper on PC1 through windows desktop properties, which affected monitors 1 & 2.

Went back into DFP and reapplied the previous settings (1 image spanning both) and everything seems to be fine now.


Thanks!! It's always nice when things work out better than expected. :)
May 9, 2008  • #3
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
Not a problem, Service packs have the tendency to do weird things. Usually little things like this work great, and I am glad it worked out.

Jon, when/if you read this, would it be possible to make me a moderator so I can mark these complete after I solve em? That's two today.. lol
May 10, 2008  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Pyrobob, you're on a roll! I'd rather not have anyone else mark topics as complete as I still like to review every topic and see if there is any room for improvement in DisplayFusion. Even if there isn't an issue with DisplayFusion sometimes I can learn more about how people are using it, and try to develop for these situations. I'm glad to hear everything worked out, hopefully the issue doesn't reappear. :)
May 10, 2008  • #5
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