I don't know if this only happens to me, if it's a bug or just "the way it's meant to be" but here's what happens:
I have WLM's window on my second monitor, so does all the chat windows. The problem is that whenever someone talks to me (new chat window opens) it opens minimized! And because they don't flash on the secondary taskbar 90% of the time I don't notice it.
Any light on why it starts minimized? (I tried other multi-monitor software and it works fine there)

7 discussion posts
Hi there,
I updated to 3.0.4, but the problem is still ocurring?

7 discussion posts
Any news on this? Will this be in 3.0.5?
@rpsgc is correct. The flashing is working in version 3.0.5, but there isn't anything I can do about the windows opening minimized.