229 discussion posts
Having a problem with Outlook 2010 not showing TitleBar buttons.
This app loads at login via StartMenu Startup. I have to choose profile and buttons not there. They show on every other app.
If I then close the app and reopen buttons are always there. It is just the first load that seems to be the problem.
What do you need from me to investigate this?
I have more info; on subsequent loads the buttons disappear after an amount of time. Outlook 2010 is on second monitor.
Child windows correctly displays buttons though; image attached.
More again - [color=red]this is happening with all the new Office 2010 products[/color]. This is new in 3.1.3.

Thanks - I'll check this out. The next time it happens, can you post the info from the Troubleshooting tab? Thanks!

229 discussion posts
So this is same symptoms from a second machine. W7 Enterprise RTM this one x32 obviously Office x32 here.
The one earlier is same but x64 & Office 2010 is x64.
Let me know if you need anything further.

229 discussion posts
Jon, seems to have fixed it, but I will keep you posted.