2 discussion posts
I have AdvSysCare 8 Pro and
Display Fusion Pro v6.1.2.
When I ran SysCare it deleted all my MS Office Recent files list. I sent an email to SysCare and after MANY back and forths where they wanted me to click on an icon for Settings that only did "Move window to Next Monitor" they gave up and linked me to several Display Fusion Discussions, none of which seemed to answer my problem.
They seem to implying that Display Fusion is causing this Icon for settings to be one for "Move window to Next Monitor". Can you give me specific step-by-step advice as to how to fix this. I love Display Fusion and I also like the Adv SysCare app.
Attached is 1 (1).jpg which is what THEY say the screen should look like and ASC8Pro.jpg is what my screen looks like.
• Attachment [protected]: 1 (1).jpg [279,388 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: ASC8Pro.JPG [61,821 bytes]

2 discussion posts
Worked perfectly. Thanks!