33 discussion posts
Well I am having an issue with my system (Win 7 Home Premium) programs are leaving taskbar buttons on the screen (just the DF ones) and I have to exit out of DF to make them go away...Pretty strange one Jon.
P.S. If you want a screen cap let me know.
A screenshot would be excellent, thanks!

33 discussion posts
Here you go
I uninstalled 105 and went back to 104 and everything was OK, I put 105 back in to take this shot.

DF 105.png

Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
Well, to save a topic:
When you pull up a window from the taskbar, and you get the animation of it enlarging, the taskbar button comes up before the program is up. I actually like it personally, but in lieu of what DF aims for, I figured it was worth a mention. Maybe an advanced option to change the delay back to 0 if you do fix it?
@b00bie: Are these floating TitleBar Buttons from a window that was minimized, or one that was closed?
@Kevin: The TitleBar Buttons should still be appearing before the window animation finishes, is this what you are seeing?

33 discussion posts
In this particular case the window was moved down, you can see the open window just below the floaters but happens after a closes and minimizes also and BTW I did a reboot after a malware scan of the PC with two of the floaters on the screen and when the system rebooted and DF ran the buttons reappeared on the screen I closed down DF and they went away. I have put 104 back in but if there is anything else I can do to help just let me know.

229 discussion posts
I have same problem here. Windows 7 x64, 2 monitors.
@Pete: Can you describe what causes the problem for you?
@b00bie: Let me just make sure I have this figured out: you moved the window down, and the titlebar buttons were duplicated? Or are the buttons from a window that was closed?

33 discussion posts
In that particular occurance they were duplicates. The original window was moved down and a copy of the buttons left behind. BTW I am also running the 64 bit version of Win 7, not sure if that adds anything to the mix.
Did both sets of buttons work, or was one frozen? Can you make this problem happen again? And if so, once it does can you go into the DF Settings window, and paste the information from the Troubleshooting tab while the duplicate buttons are showing? Thanks!

Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
Jon: Per your post, its working as expected, showing up immediately after you click the taskbar icon and beating the animation by a good bit.
As for the issue, I have noticed the same thing when a window minimizes itself, and perhaps moves itself. You can see this easily with the 7 wifi connector pop up that comes when its connecting, it tends to minimize itself while it tries to connect, and the button will stay, and disappear when it does connect, as the window closes itself from the minimized state. Dunno if any of this will help you Jon.