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Ahmad Zaytoun34333
2 discussion posts
I created a monitor profile and it's working fine every time I load it.
I got a file explorer in teh top right section, chrome in the bottom right section, and a word document on the left half.
If I move the windows and load the profile it works fine, but if I for example go into another directory using the file explorer, and move the windows, the profile won't load. The same issue if I open a word document other than that specific one I had opened when I first created the profile.
Could you please help?
Feb 10, 2024  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Ahmad,

Are you referring to Window Position Profiles? If so, are you using the "Window Text" match condition on those windows? The window text is likely changing when you go to a different tab, so DisplayFusion doesn't see it when you load the profile.
Feb 12, 2024  • #2
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Ahmad Zaytoun34333
2 discussion posts
thanks. that sloves the problem.
Feb 15, 2024  • #3
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