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273 discussion posts
I had to use Remove Hooks for this Application for AgileBits 1Password version (current release). Before this compatibility setting, the password window scrolled and painted VERY slow.

Additionally, the icon for Process Lasso version (current release) displays as an empty icon on the DF task bar, but shows properly on the Windows task bar.

I'm using Windows 7 SP 1.

Below is pasted


----- System Information ---------------
Name: DisplayFusion Pro v6.0.0 (Beta 5)
Name Data: DisplayFusion
Build Date: Apr 25, 2014 16:31
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601.65536)
Is Server: False
Is Windows 8.1 Update 1: False
Detected Version: Windows7 / Server2008R2 (Windows7 / Server2008R2)
x64 Process / System: True / True
Date/Time (UTC): 04/29/2014 18:15:24
Date/Time (Local): 04/29/2014 11:15:24
.NET Framework: 2.0.50727.5477
CurrentCulture: English (United States) (en-US • en)
CurrentUICulture: English (United States) (en-US • en)
Is Using Themes: True
Is Composition Enabled: True
Short Date Pattern: M/d/yyyy [%#m/%#d/%Y]
Short Time Pattern: h:mm tt [%#I:%M %p]
Long Date Pattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy [%A, %B %d, %Y]
Long Time Pattern: h:mm:ss tt [%#I:%M:%S %p]
Process Integrity Level: High
Administrator: False
UAC Enabled: True
Touch Enabled: True
On Battery: False
Command Line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe" 
Current Folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion
Process CPU Affinity: 0 (8 cores)
Memory Trim: False
Debug Logging: L3_All
Update Check Normal: True
Update Check Beta: True
Update Check Timer Interval: 100,800,000ms
Update Check Timer Status: True
IsStarting: False
IsExiting: False
Font Scaling: 1.25x1.25 (XPStyle • Reason: BFPublicData • Error: False)
Growl Detected: False
Window: GetShellWindow:1: 0x000102a8 • Class: "Progman" • Rect: {X=-1200,Y=-616,Width=4400,Height=2224} • Style: 0x96000000 • StyleEx: 0x00000080 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 4688 • Path: "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
Window: GetShellWindow:2: 0x000102a8 • Class: "Progman" • Rect: {X=-1200,Y=-616,Width=4400,Height=2224} • Style: 0x96000000 • StyleEx: 0x00000080 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 4688 • Path: "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
Window: GetDesktopWindow: 0x00010010 • Class: "#32769" • Rect: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1600,Height=1200} • Style: 0x96000000 • StyleEx: 0x00000000 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 656 • Path: ""

----- System Folders ---------------
ApplicationData: "C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Roaming" • Exists: True
CommonApplicationData: "C:\ProgramData" • Exists: True
CommonProgramFiles: "C:\Program Files\Common Files" • Exists: True
MyDocuments: "C:\Users\Robert\Documents" • Exists: True
MyPictures: "C:\Users\Robert\Pictures" • Exists: True
ProgramFiles: "C:\Program Files" • Exists: True
Recent: "C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent" • Exists: True
System: "C:\Windows\system32" • Exists: True

----- Process/Memory/Handles Information ---------------
Priority: Normal
Handles: 1,015
GDI Objects: 81
GDI Objects Peak: 133
User Objects: 118
User Objects Peak: 142
Paged Memory: 103,356k
Paged Memory Peak: 120,188k
Paged System Memory: 535k
Non-Paged System Memory: 127k
Private Memory: 103,356k
Virtual Memory: 714,560k
Virtual Memory Peak: 779,544k
WorkingSet: 120,332k
WorkingSet Min: 200k
WorkingSet Max: 1,380k
WorkingSet Peak: 138,636k

----- License ---------------
Key: 101-POQR-3842-WHDQ-5...
Key Hash: 03da587766ccd80b7fce340d30728ed6
Type: ProLicensed
Loaded: HKCU:APP
Validation: True
Validation Status: Valid
Validation Type: Unknown
Validation Version: V1
Validation Pro: ProLicensed
Validation Expiry Date: Never

----- Monitors: All [4] ---------------
Mode: Win7
Has Split: False
Has Cloned: False
Monitors by Bounds: 3, 1, 4, 2
Force Order: None

----- Monitors: Ignore Duplicate [4] ---------------
Mode: Win7
Has Split: False
Has Cloned: False
Monitors by Bounds: 3, 1, 4, 2
Force Order: None

----- #1: X=0, Y=0, W=1600, H=1200 ---------------
Is Primary: True
Is Attached: True
Is Extra: False
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610
Monitor: DELL 2000FP (Generic PnP Monitor)
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1
Colours: 32 bpp
Refresh: 60 hz
Bounds: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1600,Height=1200}
WorkArea: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1600,Height=1200}
Orientation: Landscape
DPI Scale X: 0
DPI Scale Y: 0
Driver: Builtin
Output: DVI
SID: 0
SAID: 210071:0
Con: 0

----- #2: X=1600, Y=408, W=1600, H=1200 ---------------
Is Primary: False
Is Attached: True
Is Extra: False
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610
Monitor: Cintiq21UX (Generic PnP Monitor)
Device: \\.\DISPLAY2
Colours: 32 bpp
Refresh: 75 hz
Bounds: {X=1600,Y=408,Width=1600,Height=1200}
WorkArea: {X=1600,Y=408,Width=1600,Height=1200}
Orientation: Landscape
DPI Scale X: 0
DPI Scale Y: 0
Driver: Builtin
Output: VGA
SID: 1
SAID: 210071:0
Con: 1

----- #3: X=-1200, Y=0, W=1200, H=1600 ---------------
Is Primary: False
Is Attached: True
Is Extra: False
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610
Monitor: Dell 2007FP (Digital) (Dell 2007FP (Digital))
Device: \\.\DISPLAY3
Colours: 32 bpp
Refresh: 60 hz
Bounds: {X=-1200,Y=0,Width=1200,Height=1600}
WorkArea: {X=-1200,Y=0,Width=1200,Height=1600}
Orientation: Portrait
DPI Scale X: 0
DPI Scale Y: 0
Driver: OEM
Output: DVI
SID: 0
SAID: 212954:0
Con: 0

----- #4: X=1600, Y=-616, W=1280, H=1024 ---------------
Is Primary: False
Is Attached: True
Is Extra: False
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610
Monitor: VL 1716 (Generic PnP Monitor)
Device: \\.\DISPLAY4
Colours: 32 bpp
Refresh: 60 hz
Bounds: {X=1600,Y=-616,Width=1280,Height=1024}
WorkArea: {X=1600,Y=-616,Width=1280,Height=1024}
Orientation: Landscape
DPI Scale X: 0
DPI Scale Y: 0
Driver: Builtin
Output: DVI
SID: 1
SAID: 212954:0
Con: 1

----- DisplayFusion Pro ---------------
Start with Windows [flag]: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Auto-Update: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Auto-Update Beta: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
System Hooks Pause FullScreen: False
Current Monitor Profile: b8ff2d24-ece9-4c01-aa68-b752a517da13
Ignore Monitor Profile Change: False
Font Scaling Correct: True
Aero Colour Mode: None [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]

----- Monitor Splits ---------------
AltTab: True
MirrorMonitor: False
OpenWindow: True
ScreenSavers: True
Taskbars: True
Wallpaper: True
WindowManagement: True
WindowsLogon: False

----- Themes ---------------
Visual Style Detected: True
DWM Composition Detected: True
Win8 Basic Mode: False
WindowBlinds Detected: False
Filename: C:\Windows\resources\Themes\Aero\Aero.msstyles
Colour: NormalColor
Size: NormalSize
File: --
Bitmap File: --

----- Wallpaper ---------------
Profile: "Default Profile" (b89b4643-b295-4d45-adbc-2cbe739f3aae)
Active Desktop: False
Active Desktop Items: False
Wallpaper Span: DifferentImageEachMonitor
Wallpaper Transitions: True
Wallpaper Check / Fix: True / True
Windows Wallpaper: "C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Roaming\DisplayFusion\Wallpaper_1" • Exists: True • Size: 4400x2224
Windows TileWallpaper: 1
Windows WallpaperStyle: 0
Generated Wallpaper Folder: C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Roaming\DisplayFusion
500px Manual Allowed: True
500px Random Allowed: True
Bing Image Search Manual Allowed: True
Bing Image Search Random Allowed: True
deviantART API Manual Allowed: True
deviantART API Random Allowed: True
deviantART RSS Feed Manual Allowed: True
deviantART RSS Feed Random Allowed: True
Flickr Manual Allowed: True
Flickr Random Allowed: True
Google Image Search Manual Allowed: True
Google Image Search Random Allowed: True
InterfaceLIFT Manual Allowed: True
InterfaceLIFT Random Allowed: True
Vladstudio Manual Allowed: True
Vladstudio Random Allowed: True
WallpaperFusion Manual Allowed: True
WallpaperFusion Random Allowed: True

----- Wallpaper Screens [4] ---------------
Min, Max: -1200x-616, 3200x1608
Total: 4400x2224

----- #1: X=0, Y=0, W=1600, H=1200 ---------------
Image Mode: MyComputer
Image Random: False
Image Size Mode: FitBestMaintainClip
Image: "D:\Archives\My Pictures\20090117_0676x1920.jpg" • Exists: True • Size: 1920x1200
Web ID: 
Web URL: 
Scale: 100.00%
Move: 0x0
Rotate: 0
FlipH: False
FlipV: False
Info: False
Info Position: TopLeft
Info Format: <wp-title>
Random Change Minutes: 60

----- #2: X=1600, Y=408, W=1600, H=1200 ---------------
Image Mode: SolidColour
Image Random: False
Image Size Mode: FitBestMaintainClip
Image: --
Web ID: 
Web URL: 
Scale: 100.00%
Move: 0x0
Rotate: 0
FlipH: False
FlipV: False
Info: False
Info Position: TopLeft
Info Format: <wp-title>
Random Change Minutes: 60

----- #3: X=-1200, Y=0, W=1200, H=1600 ---------------
Image Mode: SolidColour
Image Random: False
Image Size Mode: FitBestMaintainClip
Image: --
Web ID: 
Web URL: 
Scale: 100.00%
Move: 0x0
Rotate: 0
FlipH: False
FlipV: False
Info: False
Info Position: TopLeft
Info Format: <wp-title>
Random Change Minutes: 60

----- #4: X=1600, Y=-616, W=1280, H=1024 ---------------
Image Mode: SolidColour
Image Random: False
Image Size Mode: FitBestMaintainClip
Image: --
Web ID: 
Web URL: 
Scale: 100.00%
Move: 0x0
Rotate: 0
FlipH: False
FlipV: False
Info: False
Info Position: TopLeft
Info Format: <wp-title>
Random Change Minutes: 60

----- Wallpaper Profiles [1] ---------------
Default Profile: b89b4643-b295-4d45-adbc-2cbe739f3aae

----- Monitor Profiles [2] ---------------
Profile: 1234
Last Used Profile: 1234

----- 1 ---------------
ID: 5aefb3ca-7024-475d-ad21-76535c4cde2b
Last Used: 01/01/0001 00:00:00
WallpaperID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
DesktopIconsID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Split Screen Savers: True
Split Taskbars: True
Split Wallpaper: True
Split Window Management: True
Monitor #1
  Attached: True
  Primary: True
  Bounds: X=0, Y=0, W=1600, H=1200
  Colour: 32bpp
  Refresh: 60hz
  Orientation: Landscape
  SplitH: 1
  SplitV: 1
Monitor #2
  Attached: False
Monitor #3
  Attached: False
Monitor #4
  Attached: False

----- 1234 ---------------
ID: b8ff2d24-ece9-4c01-aa68-b752a517da13
Last Used: 01/01/0001 00:00:00
WallpaperID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
DesktopIconsID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Split Screen Savers: True
Split Taskbars: True
Split Wallpaper: True
Split Window Management: True
Monitor #1
  Attached: True
  Primary: True
  Bounds: X=0, Y=0, W=1600, H=1200
  Colour: 32bpp
  Refresh: 60hz
  Orientation: Landscape
  SplitH: 1
  SplitV: 1
Monitor #2
  Attached: True
  Primary: False
  Bounds: X=1600, Y=408, W=1600, H=1200
  Colour: 32bpp
  Refresh: 75hz
  Orientation: Landscape
  SplitH: 1
  SplitV: 1
Monitor #3
  Attached: True
  Primary: False
  Bounds: X=-1200, Y=0, W=1200, H=1600
  Colour: 32bpp
  Refresh: 60hz
  Orientation: Portrait
  SplitH: 1
  SplitV: 1
Monitor #4
  Attached: True
  Primary: False
  Bounds: X=1600, Y=-616, W=1280, H=1024
  Colour: 32bpp
  Refresh: 60hz
  Orientation: Landscape
  SplitH: 1
  SplitV: 1

----- Virtual Desktop ---------------
IsMain: True

----- FullScreen Applications [0] ---------------

----- Functions [77] ---------------
Enabled: True
"Move Window to Different Monitor (shows monitor selector)" ~ alt;ctrl;win;53 ~ Windows Aero\Show Monitor Selector.png Jump List: True ~ Description: "Move Window to Different Monitor (shows monitor selector)"
"Size and Move Window to Top Side of Monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;38 ~ Windows Aero\Top Side.png Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to top-middle side of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 100%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
"Size and Move Window to Bottom Side of Monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;40 ~ Windows Aero\Bottom Side.png Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to bottom-middle side of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 100%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
"Size and Move Window to Left Side of Monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;37 ~ Windows Aero\Left Side.png Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to left-middle side of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 100%"
"Size and Move Window to Right Side of Monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;39 ~ Windows Aero\Right Side.png Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to right-middle side of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 100%"
"Disable Screen Saver" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Disable Screen Saver"
"Enable Screen Saver" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Enable Screen Saver"
"Highlight Window" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Highlight Window"
"Highlight Window: Disable All Highlights" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Highlight Window: Disable All Highlights"
"Load Monitor Profile: 1" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Load Monitor Profile: 1"
"Load Monitor Profile: 1234" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Load Monitor Profile: 1234"
"Load Next Monitor Profile (alphabetically)" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Load Next Monitor Profile (alphabetically)"
"Load Next Random Wallpaper Image" ~ CTRL;WIN;82 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Load Next Random Wallpaper Image"
"Load Previous Monitor Profile (alphabetically)" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Load Previous Monitor Profile (alphabetically)"
"Load Wallpaper Profile: Default Profile" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Load Wallpaper Profile: Default Profile"
"Lock Desktop" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Lock Desktop"
"Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Focused Window" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Focused Window"
"Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Monitor" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Monitor"
"Main/Middle Monitor" ~ alt;ctrl;win;50 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to monitor #1 and maximize"
"Maximize Window" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Maximize Window"
"Minimize All Windows Except Current Window (All Monitors)" ~ ctrl;win;77 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Minimize All Windows Except Current Window (All Monitors)"
"Minimize All Windows Except Current Window (Current Monitor)" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Minimize All Windows Except Current Window (Current Monitor)"
"Minimize Window" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Minimize Window"
"Mirror Monitor" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Mirror Monitor"
"Mirror Window" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Mirror Window"
"Move All Windows to Current Monitor" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move All Windows to Current Monitor"
"Move Mouse Cursor to Center of Active Window" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move Mouse Cursor to Center of Active Window"
"Move Mouse Cursor to Center of Current Monitor" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move Mouse Cursor to Center of Current Monitor"
"Move Mouse Cursor to Center of Different Monitor (shows monitor selector)" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move Mouse Cursor to Center of Different Monitor (shows monitor selector)"
"Move Mouse Cursor to Next Monitor" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move Mouse Cursor to Next Monitor"
"Move Mouse Cursor to Previous Monitor" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move Mouse Cursor to Previous Monitor"
"Move Window to Bottom-Left Corner and Size 50%" ~ shift;ctrl;win;37 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to bottom-left corner of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
"Move Window to Bottom-Right Corner and Size 50%" ~ shift;ctrl;win;40 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to bottom-right corner of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
"Move Window to Center of Monitor" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to center of monitor"
"Move Window to Center of Monitor and Size to 75%" ~ ctrl;win;81 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to center of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 75%, Change window height to specified percentage: 75%"
"Move Window to Current Monitor" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to current monitor"
"Move Window to Current Monitor and Maximize" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to current monitor and maximize"
"Move Window to Current Monitor and Minimize" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to current monitor and minimize"
"Move Window to Current Monitor and Size Proportionally" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to current monitor and size proportionally"
"Move Window to Next Monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;88 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to next monitor"
"Move Window to Next Monitor and Maximize" ~ CTRL;WIN;65 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to next monitor and maximize"
"Move Window to Next Monitor and Minimize" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to next monitor and minimize"
"Move Window to Next Monitor and Size Proportionally" ~ CTRL;WIN;90 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to next monitor and size proportionally"
"Move Window to Previous Monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;87 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to previous monitor"
"Move Window to Previous Monitor and Maximize" ~ CTRL;WIN;69 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to previous monitor and maximize"
"Move Window to Previous Monitor and Minimize" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to previous monitor and minimize"
"Move Window to Previous Monitor and Size Proportionally" ~ CTRL;WIN;68 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to previous monitor and size proportionally"
"Move Window to Top-Left Corner and Size 50%" ~ shift;ctrl;win;38 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to top-left corner of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
"Move Window to Top-Right Corner and Size 50%" ~ shift;ctrl;win;39 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to top-right corner of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
"Open DisplayFusion Desktop Wallpaper" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Open DisplayFusion Desktop Wallpaper"
"Open DisplayFusion Monitor Configuration" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Open DisplayFusion Monitor Configuration"
"Open DisplayFusion Settings" ~  ~  Jump List: True ~ Description: "Open DisplayFusion Settings"
"Page/Left Monitor" ~ alt;ctrl;win;49 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to monitor #3 and maximize"
"Prevent Window Deactivation (keeps game windows focused)" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Prevent Window Deactivation (keeps game windows focused)"
"Restore Window" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Restore Window"
"Send Window to Back" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Send Window to Back"
"Send Windows Store (Metro) app to desktop window" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Send Windows Store (Metro) app to desktop window"
"Set Next Playback Communications Device as Default" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Set Next Playback Communications Device as Default"
"Set Next Playback Device as Default" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Set Next Playback Device as Default"
"Set Next Recording Communications Device as Default" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Set Next Recording Communications Device as Default"
"Set Next Recording Device as Default" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Set Next Recording Device as Default"
"Set Previous Playback Communications Device as Default" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Set Previous Playback Communications Device as Default"
"Set Previous Playback Device as Default" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Set Previous Playback Device as Default"
"Set Previous Recording Communications Device as Default" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Set Previous Recording Communications Device as Default"
"Set Previous Recording Device as Default" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Set Previous Recording Device as Default"
"Span Window Across all Monitors" ~ CTRL;WIN;192 ~  Jump List: True ~ Description: "Span window across all monitors"
"Start Screen Saver" ~ ctrl;win;83 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Start Screen Saver"
"Status/Upper Monitor" ~ alt;ctrl;win;52 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to monitor #4 and maximize"
"Toggle Key Combinations" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Toggle Key Combinations"
"Toggle Multi-Monitor Taskbar" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Toggle Multi-Monitor Taskbar"
"Toggle Pause Current Wallpaper Images" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Toggle Pause Current Wallpaper Images"
"Toggle TitleBar Buttons" ~  ~  Jump List: True ~ Description: "Toggle TitleBar Buttons"
"Toggle Window Always on Top" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Toggle Window Always on Top"
"Toggle Window Location" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Toggle Window Location"
"Toggle Window Snapping" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Toggle Window Snapping"
"Toggle Window Transparency" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Toggle Window Transparency (50%)"
"White Board/Right" ~ alt;ctrl;win;51 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to monitor #2 and maximize"

----- TitleBar Button Manager ---------------
Enabled: True
Minimum Window Width: 0
Force Classic Style: False
Aero Positioning: True
Shrink if Needed: True
System Caption Button Size: 43x26
Detected Caption Button Size [normal]: 39x22
Detected Caption Button Size [close]: 57x22
Custom Background: --
Button Glow Size: {X=20,Y=20}
Button Glow Image: {Width=56, Height=45}

----- TitleBar Buttons [4] ---------------
Handle Cache Owners: 4
"New Discussion • DisplayFusion • Binary Fortress Software - Mozilla Firefox" ~ Rect: {X=-357,Y=-19,Width=221,Height=65} ~ 0x00100fe2 ~ Window:{X=-1200,Y=0,Width=1200,Height=800} ~ Window DWM [True]:{X=-1200,Y=0,Width=1200,Height=800} ~ Visible:True ~ Owner Minimized:False ~ Buttons: 3 [135px] ~ Process:x86 ~ MozillaFirefox ~ "MozillaWindowClass" ~ BorderY:9 ~ DPIAware: True ~ OffNormal: 0x0 ~ OffMax: 0x0 ~ Style: WS_combine_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW__TILEDWINDOW, WS_CLIPCHILDREN, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, WS_VISIBLE ~ StyleEx: WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE ~ ChildMode: False ~ -357x-19 ~ Reason: SafeCaption:[X=-137, Y=0, W=137, H=800] ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
"Process Lasso" ~ Rect: {X=2522,Y=-493,Width=221,Height=65} ~ 0x00020094 ~ Window:{X=2057,Y=-474,Width=822,Height=881} ~ Window DWM [True]:{X=2057,Y=-474,Width=822,Height=881} ~ Visible:True ~ Owner Minimized:False ~ Buttons: 3 [135px] ~ Process:x64 ~ GenericAppWindow ~ "Class_PLMain" ~ BorderY:9 ~ DPIAware: True ~ OffNormal: 0x0 ~ OffMax: 0x0 ~ Style: WS_combine_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW__TILEDWINDOW, WS_CLIPCHILDREN, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, WS_DISABLED, WS_VISIBLE ~ StyleEx: WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES, WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE ~ ChildMode: False ~ 2522x-493 ~ Reason: SafeCaption:[X=2742, Y=-474, W=137, H=881] ~ "C:\Program Files\Process Lasso\ProcessLasso.exe"
"" ~ Rect: {X=-320,Y=369,Width=221,Height=65} ~ 0x002f0a70 ~ Window:{X=-1168,Y=394,Width=1136,Height=813} ~ Window DWM [True]:{X=-1174,Y=388,Width=1148,Height=825} ~ Visible:False ~ Owner Minimized:False ~ Buttons: 1 [57px] ~ Process:x64 ~ GenericAppWindow ~ "" ~ BorderY:3 ~ DPIAware: True ~ OffNormal: 0x0 ~ OffMax: 0x0 ~ Style: WS_SYSMENU, WS_combine_CAPTION, WS_CLIPCHILDREN, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, WS_VISIBLE ~ StyleEx: WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT, WS_EX_APPWINDOW ~ ChildMode: False ~ -320x369 ~ Reason: SafeCaption:[X=-100, Y=388, W=74, H=825] ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe"
"About Process Lasso" ~ Rect: {X=2366,Y=-369,Width=221,Height=65} ~ 0x002e0bd8 ~ Window:{X=1826,Y=-344,Width=828,Height=481} ~ Window DWM [True]:{X=1820,Y=-350,Width=840,Height=493} ~ Visible:True ~ Owner Minimized:False ~ Buttons: 1 [57px] ~ Process:x64 ~ GenericAppWindow ~ "#32770" ~ BorderY:3 ~ DPIAware: True ~ OffNormal: 0x0 ~ OffMax: 0x0 ~ Style: 348653764 ~ StyleEx: WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME, WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT ~ ChildMode: False ~ 2366x-369 ~ Reason: SafeCaption:[X=2586, Y=-350, W=74, H=493] ~ "C:\Program Files\Process Lasso\ProcessLasso.exe"

----- Taskbars [3] ---------------
Enabled: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Taskbar Mode: WindowsAll_DisplayFusionAll
Middle-Click Behaviour: OpenNewInstance
Opacity: 10
Flash Forever: False
Flash Never: False
Thumbnail Preview: Win7Style
Thumbnail Preview Animations: True
Sizing Bar Size: 0
Button Width Max (Icons): 60
Button Width Max (Text): 160
Button Width Override: 0
Button Icon Size: 40
Button Gap Size: {Width=2, Height=0}
Clock Time Format: h:mm tt
Windows Taskbar Side: Top
Windows Taskbar Bounds (over): {X=0,Y=0,Width=1600,Height=48}
Windows Taskbar Bounds (leave): {X=0,Y=0,Width=1600,Height=0}
Windows Taskbar Monitor ID: 1
Windows Taskbar Monitor Bounds: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1600,Height=1200}
Windows Taskbar Monitor WorkArea: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1600,Height=1200}
Windows Render Mode (system): Aero
Windows Render Mode (current): Aero
Force Classic Style: False
Disabled Taskbars: None
Colour Tracking Override: None
Updates Waiting: 6
Button Height H: 48
Button Height V: 54
Need TrayIconEnum: True
Progress Marquee Timer: False
Count: 3

----- Taskbar 2 [2] ---------------
AppBarMode: False
Bounds Current: X=1600, Y=362, W=1600, H=48
Bounds MouseOver: X=1600, Y=408, W=1600, H=48
Bounds MouseLeave: X=1600, Y=362, W=1600, H=48
Bounds AppBar: X=1600, Y=408, W=1600, H=2
Monitor: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610\Cintiq21UX (ID: 2 • Primary: False • Attached: True • Extra: False • Split: False • Bounds: {X=1600,Y=408,Width=1600,Height=1200} • WorkArea: {X=1600,Y=408,Width=1600,Height=1200} • Clone: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • Driver: Builtin • Device: \\.\DISPLAY2 • TA:ID: 1048833 • TA:AID: 210071:0 • Output: VGA • DPIScaleX: 0 • DPIScaleY: 0 • Orientation: Landscape)
Position (Setting/Current): Automatic / Top
Size: Automatic
Auto-Hide: Enabled
Button Grouping Setting: Automatic
Button Grouping Current: True
TopMost: True [Top:NeedSet [Mode: Top ~ "ProcessButtons:NoFullScreen:NoForce:TaskbarManager:ProcessTaskbarsCallback"]]
Start Button v2: {Width=68, Height=48}
Buttons: 5
"C:\Program Files\Process Lasso\ProcessLasso.exe" ~ "Process Lasso" ~ Handles:0x00020094:AL:0x00020094 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=2057,Y=-474,Width=822,Height=881}
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" ~ "V3ImagingTestMuleMDIApp - Microsoft Visual Studio" ~ Handles:0x004f1708:AL:0x004f1708 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=0,Y=0,Width=1600,Height=1200}
"C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\1Password.exe" ~ "1Password - 1Password 2" ~ Handles:0x00331632:AL:0x00331632 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=400,Y=457,Width=988,Height=679}
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ~ "New Discussion • DisplayFusion • Binary Fortress Software - Mozilla Firefox" ~ Handles:0x00100fe2:AL:0x00100fe2 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=-1200,Y=0,Width=1200,Height=800}
"C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe" ~ "Settings • DisplayFusion Pro v6.0.0 (Beta 5)" ~ Handles:0x002f0a70:AL:0x002f0a70 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=-1174,Y=388,Width=1148,Height=825}
Pinned: 0

----- Taskbar 3 [3] ---------------
AppBarMode: False
Bounds Current: X=-1200, Y=-46, W=1200, H=48
Bounds MouseOver: X=-1200, Y=0, W=1200, H=48
Bounds MouseLeave: X=-1200, Y=-46, W=1200, H=48
Bounds AppBar: X=-1200, Y=0, W=1200, H=2
Monitor: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610\Dell 2007FP (Digital) (ID: 3 • Primary: False • Attached: True • Extra: False • Split: False • Bounds: {X=-1200,Y=0,Width=1200,Height=1600} • WorkArea: {X=-1200,Y=0,Width=1200,Height=1600} • Clone: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • Driver: OEM • Device: \\.\DISPLAY3 • TA:ID: 3146000 • TA:AID: 212954:0 • Output: DVI • DPIScaleX: 0 • DPIScaleY: 0 • Orientation: Portrait)
Position (Setting/Current): Automatic / Top
Size: Automatic
Auto-Hide: Enabled
Button Grouping Setting: Automatic
Button Grouping Current: True
TopMost: True [TopMost [Mode: TopMostForce ~ "ProcessMouseEnter"]]
Start Button v2: {Width=68, Height=48}
Buttons: 5
"C:\Program Files\Process Lasso\ProcessLasso.exe" ~ "Process Lasso" ~ Handles:0x00020094:AL:0x00020094 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=2057,Y=-474,Width=822,Height=881}
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" ~ "V3ImagingTestMuleMDIApp - Microsoft Visual Studio" ~ Handles:0x004f1708:AL:0x004f1708 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=0,Y=0,Width=1600,Height=1200}
"C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\1Password.exe" ~ "1Password - 1Password 2" ~ Handles:0x00331632:AL:0x00331632 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=400,Y=457,Width=988,Height=679}
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ~ "New Discussion • DisplayFusion • Binary Fortress Software - Mozilla Firefox" ~ Handles:0x00100fe2:AL:0x00100fe2 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=-1200,Y=0,Width=1200,Height=800}
"C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe" ~ "Settings • DisplayFusion Pro v6.0.0 (Beta 5)" ~ Handles:0x002f0a70:AL:0x002f0a70 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=-1174,Y=388,Width=1148,Height=825}
Pinned: 0

----- Taskbar 4 [4] ---------------
AppBarMode: False
Bounds Current: X=1600, Y=-662, W=1280, H=48
Bounds MouseOver: X=1600, Y=-616, W=1280, H=48
Bounds MouseLeave: X=1600, Y=-662, W=1280, H=48
Bounds AppBar: X=1600, Y=-616, W=1280, H=2
Monitor: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610\VL 1716 (ID: 4 • Primary: False • Attached: True • Extra: False • Split: False • Bounds: {X=1600,Y=-616,Width=1280,Height=1024} • WorkArea: {X=1600,Y=-616,Width=1280,Height=1024} • Clone: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • Driver: Builtin • Device: \\.\DISPLAY4 • TA:ID: 3146002 • TA:AID: 212954:0 • Output: DVI • DPIScaleX: 0 • DPIScaleY: 0 • Orientation: Landscape)
Position (Setting/Current): Automatic / Top
Size: Automatic
Auto-Hide: EnabledShownWithWindows
Button Grouping Setting: Automatic
Button Grouping Current: True
TopMost: True [Top:NeedSet [Mode: Top ~ "ProcessButtons:NoFullScreen:NoForce:TaskbarManager:ProcessTaskbarsCallback"]]
Start Button v2: {Width=68, Height=48}
Buttons: 5
"C:\Program Files\Process Lasso\ProcessLasso.exe" ~ "Process Lasso" ~ Handles:0x00020094:AL:0x00020094 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=2057,Y=-474,Width=822,Height=881}
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" ~ "V3ImagingTestMuleMDIApp - Microsoft Visual Studio" ~ Handles:0x004f1708:AL:0x004f1708 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=0,Y=0,Width=1600,Height=1200}
"C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\1Password.exe" ~ "1Password - 1Password 2" ~ Handles:0x00331632:AL:0x00331632 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=400,Y=457,Width=988,Height=679}
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ~ "New Discussion • DisplayFusion • Binary Fortress Software - Mozilla Firefox" ~ Handles:0x00100fe2:AL:0x00100fe2 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=-1200,Y=0,Width=1200,Height=800}
"C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe" ~ "Settings • DisplayFusion Pro v6.0.0 (Beta 5)" ~ Handles:0x002f0a70:AL:0x002f0a70 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=-1174,Y=388,Width=1148,Height=825}
Pinned: 0

----- Taskbar Deleted Items [0] ---------------

----- Taskbar Items [6] ---------------
0x00681692: AL:0x00681692 ~ Rect: {X=800,Y=600,Width=0,Height=0} ~ GroupingPath: "C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\1Password.exe" ~ Ex: DelphiUnknown ~ Class: "TApplication" ~ IconGCL: 40x40 ~ IconNormal: 40x40 [Icon_Big:Color [A=255, R=170, G=201, B=232]] ~ IconProcess: 40x40 [Color [A=255, R=75, G=106, B=129]] ~ IconLarge: 40x40 [Icon_Big] ~ Window: 0x00681692 • Class: "TApplication" • Rect: {X=800,Y=600,Width=0,Height=0} • Style: 0x9cca0000 • StyleEx: 0x08000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 194344 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\1Password.exe" ~ ProcessAppID: "" ~ WindowAppID: ""
0x00020094: AL:0x00020094 ~ Rect: {X=2057,Y=-474,Width=822,Height=881} ~ GroupingPath: "C:\Program Files\Process Lasso\ProcessLasso.exe" ~ Ex: None ~ Class: "Class_PLMain" ~ IconGCL: 40x40 ~ IconNormal: 40x40 [GCL_HIcon:Color [A=255, R=151, G=224, B=255]] ~ IconProcess: 40x40 [Color [A=255, R=138, G=106, B=53]] ~ IconLarge: 40x40 [GCL_HIcon] ~ Window: 0x00020094 • Class: "Class_PLMain" • Rect: {X=2057,Y=-474,Width=822,Height=881} • Style: 0x1ecf0000 • StyleEx: 0x00000110 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 2508 • Path: "C:\Program Files\Process Lasso\ProcessLasso.exe" ~ ProcessAppID: "" ~ WindowAppID: ""
0x00331632: AL:0x00331632 ~ Rect: {X=400,Y=457,Width=988,Height=679} ~ GroupingPath: "C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\1Password.exe" ~ Ex: None ~ Class: "TFrm1pMain" ~ IconGCL: null ~ IconNormal: 40x40 [Icon_Big:Color [A=255, R=170, G=201, B=232]] ~ IconProcess: 40x40 [Color [A=255, R=75, G=106, B=129]] ~ IconLarge: 40x40 [Icon_Big] ~ Window: 0x00331632 • Class: "TFrm1pMain" • Rect: {X=400,Y=457,Width=988,Height=679} • Style: 0x1ecf0000 • StyleEx: 0x00050100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 194344 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\1Password.exe" ~ ProcessAppID: "" ~ WindowAppID: ""
0x004f1708: AL:0x004f1708 ~ Rect: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1600,Height=1200} ~ GroupingPath: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" ~ Ex: None ~ Class: "wndclass_desked_gsk" ~ IconGCL: 40x40 ~ IconNormal: 40x40 [GCL_HIcon:Color [A=255, R=245, G=119, B=57]] ~ IconProcess: 40x40 [Color [A=255, R=245, G=119, B=57]] ~ IconLarge: 40x40 [GCL_HIcon] ~ Window: 0x004f1708 • Class: "wndclass_desked_gsk" • Rect: {X=-32000,Y=-32000,Width=160,Height=32} • Style: 0x36cf0000 • StyleEx: 0x00040100 • Min: True • Max: False • PID: 230380 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" ~ ProcessAppID: "" ~ WindowAppID: ""
0x002f0a70: AL:0x002f0a70 ~ Rect: {X=-1174,Y=388,Width=1148,Height=825} ~ GroupingPath: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe" ~ Ex: None ~ Class: "" ~ IconGCL: null ~ IconNormal: 48x48 [Icon_Big:Color [A=255, R=24, G=91, B=147]] ~ IconProcess: 40x40 [Color [A=255, R=16, G=75, B=129]] ~ IconLarge: 48x48 [Icon_Big] ~ Window: 0x002f0a70 • Class: "" • Rect: {X=-1168,Y=394,Width=1136,Height=813} • Style: 0x16c80000 • StyleEx: 0x00050100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 233252 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe" ~ ProcessAppID: "" ~ WindowAppID: ""
0x00100fe2: AL:0x00100fe2 ~ Rect: {X=-1200,Y=0,Width=1200,Height=800} ~ GroupingPath: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ~ Ex: None ~ Class: "MozillaWindowClass" ~ IconGCL: 40x40 ~ IconNormal: 40x40 [GCL_HIcon:Color [A=255, R=217, G=92, B=41]] ~ IconProcess: 40x40 [Color [A=255, R=217, G=93, B=41]] ~ IconLarge: 40x40 [GCL_HIcon] ~ Window: 0x00100fe2 • Class: "MozillaWindowClass" • Rect: {X=-1200,Y=0,Width=1200,Height=800} • Style: 0x16cf0000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 238796 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ~ ProcessAppID: "" ~ WindowAppID: ""

----- Taskbar Start Menu ---------------
Start Button: 0x00010210 • Class: "Button" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=-45,Width=66,Height=46} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=-45,Width=66,Height=46} [DWM: True] • Text: "Start" • Style: 0x94000c00 • StyleEx: 0x00080088 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 4688 • Path: "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
Start Button [External: Detected]: Windows7AndLower
Start Menu: Null Window
Button Classic Flag [small]: Size: 16x16
Button Classic Flag [medium]: Size: 20x20
Button Classic Flag [large]: Size: 24x24
Button Full Normal: Size: 66x66
Button Full Hover: Size: 66x66
Button Full Pressed: Size: 66x66
Button TopChop Normal: Size: 66x66
Button TopChop Hover: Size: 66x66
Button TopChop Pressed: Size: 66x66
Button BottomChop Normal: Size: 66x66
Button BottomChop Hover: Size: 66x66
Button BottomChop Pressed: Size: 66x66
Button Padding: {Left=11,Top=12,Right=11,Bottom=11}
Button Real Size: 44x43
Text Start: "Start"
Text JumpList: "Jump List"
Text Show Tray Overflow: "Show hidden icons"
Text System Control: ""
Text System Promoted: "System Promoted Notification Area"
MUI Path: "C:\Windows\en-US\explorer.exe.mui" (Exists: True)

----- Taskbar Tray Icons Visible [4 / 28] ---------------
4688: "Solve PC issues: 2 messages" ~ ID: 123 ~ Overflow: False ~ Command: 3 ~ Msg: 1124 ~ Icon: 20x20 ~ IconType: HIcon_Direct ~ Window: 0x00080b1c • Class: "WorkerW" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} [DWM: False] • Text: "" • Style: 0x04c00000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 4688 • Path: "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
4688: "Network Internet access Unidentified network No network access" ~ ID: 49994 ~ Overflow: False ~ Command: 2 ~ Msg: 1124 ~ Icon: 20x20 ~ IconType: HIcon_Direct ~ Window: 0x00010770 • Class: "ATL:000007FEE7AB52C0" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} [DWM: False] • Text: "Network Flyout" • Style: 0x84800000 • StyleEx: 0x00000008 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 4688 • Path: "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
4688: "Speakers: 27%" ~ ID: 100 ~ Overflow: False ~ Command: 1 ~ Msg: 1120 ~ Icon: 20x20 ~ IconType: HIcon_Direct ~ Window: 0x00020744 • Class: "ATL:000007FEFAD741F0" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} [DWM: False] • Text: "" • Style: 0x84000000 • StyleEx: 0x00000080 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 4688 • Path: "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
5620: "Dropbox 2.4.11 Up to date" ~ ID: 0 ~ Overflow: False ~ Command: 0 ~ Msg: 1044 ~ Icon: 20x20 ~ IconType: HIcon_Direct ~ Window: 0x000106fe • Class: "DropboxTrayIcon" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1020,Height=756} • RectDWM: {X=-6,Y=-6,Width=1032,Height=768} [DWM: True] • Text: "DropboxTrayIcon" • Style: 0x04c80000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 5620 • Path: "C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe"
4180: "" ~ ID: 128 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 3 ~ Msg: 32769 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x000102cc • Class: "Afx:0000000140000000:0" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} [DWM: False] • Text: "Realtek HD Audio CPL for Vista" • Style: 0x84000000 • StyleEx: 0x00000000 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 4180 • Path: "C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVCpl64.exe"
5664: "" ~ ID: 1 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 11 ~ Msg: 2048 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x00030416 • Class: "" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} [DWM: True] • Text: "" • Style: 0x04c00000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 5664 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Dolby Home Theater v4\pcee4.exe"
1372: "" ~ ID: 0 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 14 ~ Msg: 1025 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x000105aa • Class: "NotificationIconWindowClass" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} [DWM: False] • Text: "NotificationIconWindow" • Style: 0x04c00000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 1372 • Path: "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display\nvtray.exe"
7724: "" ~ ID: 0 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 18 ~ Msg: 1125 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x00060b0a • Class: "WindowsUpdateNotificationWindow" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} [DWM: False] • Text: "Windows Update Taskbar Notification" • Style: 0x84000000 • StyleEx: 0x00000000 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 7724 • Path: "C:\Windows\System32\wuauclt.exe"
11220: "" ~ ID: 0 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 8 ~ Msg: 49756 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x00060d94 • Class: "OneNoteM" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} [DWM: False] • Text: "Microsoft OneNote 2010 - Windows taskbar" • Style: 0x84000000 • StyleEx: 0x08000080 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 11220 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\ONENOTEM.EXE"
210852: "" ~ ID: 1 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 15 ~ Msg: 2048 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x005f0c42 • Class: "" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} [DWM: True] • Text: "" • Style: 0x04c00000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 210852 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe"
2508: "" ~ ID: 37655 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 0 ~ Msg: 1025 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x00020084 • Class: "ProcessLasso_Notification_Class" • RectNormal: {X=60,Y=60,Width=960,Height=696} • RectDWM: {X=60,Y=60,Width=960,Height=696} [DWM: True] • Text: "ProcessLasso_Notification_Window" • Style: 0x04cf0000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 2508 • Path: "C:\Program Files\Process Lasso\ProcessLasso.exe"
5408: "" ~ ID: 6036 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 7 ~ Msg: 6035 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x00010444 • Class: "WinPatrol" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} [DWM: True] • Text: "WinPatrol" • Style: 0x04cf0000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 5408 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\BillP Studios\WinPatrol\WinPatrol.exe"
6140: "" ~ ID: 194 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 4 ~ Msg: 1025 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x000d0a34 • Class: "SplashtopRemote" • RectNormal: {X=499,Y=399,Width=602,Height=402} • RectDWM: {X=499,Y=399,Width=602,Height=402} [DWM: True] • Text: "Splashtop® Streamer" • Style: 0x840a0844 • StyleEx: 0x00010000 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 6140 • Path: ""
11856: "" ~ ID: 0 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 20 ~ Msg: 1024 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x000714a4 • Class: "WinpidginSystrayWinCls" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} • RectDWM: {X=-6,Y=-6,Width=170,Height=57} [DWM: True] • Text: "" • Style: 0x04c00000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 11856 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Pidgin\pidgin.exe"
1680: "" ~ ID: 1001 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 17 ~ Msg: 1025 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x00020714 • Class: "Flick Notification Window Class" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} [DWM: False] • Text: "" • Style: 0x84c80000 • StyleEx: 0x00080188 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 1680 • Path: "C:\Windows\System32\wisptis.exe"
4620: "" ~ ID: 0 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 2 ~ Msg: 1025 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x000102ba • Class: "NotifyIconWindowClass" • RectNormal: {X=120,Y=120,Width=960,Height=696} • RectDWM: {X=114,Y=114,Width=972,Height=708} [DWM: True] • Text: "NotifyIconWindowTitle" • Style: 0x04c00000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 4620 • Path: "C:\Program Files\TightVNC\tvnserver.exe"
5600: "" ~ ID: 4157 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 12 ~ Msg: 32770 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x0004006e • Class: "SnagIt5UI" • RectNormal: {X=2090,Y=-196,Width=790,Height=416} • RectDWM: {X=2090,Y=-196,Width=790,Height=416} [DWM: True] • Text: "Snagit" • Style: 0x04cf0000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 5600 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TechSmith\Snagit 11\Snagit32.exe"
4964: "" ~ ID: 1000 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 1 ~ Msg: 1025 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x000100c0 • Class: "SEPClass" • RectNormal: {X=150,Y=150,Width=158,Height=45} • RectDWM: {X=144,Y=144,Width=170,Height=57} [DWM: True] • Text: "" • Style: 0x04c00000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 4964 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\12.1.2015.2015.105\Bin\ccSvcHst.exe"
5352: "" ~ ID: 1 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 13 ~ Msg: 49645 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x000103ce • Class: "wxTaskBarExWindowClass" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} • RectDWM: {X=-6,Y=-6,Width=170,Height=57} [DWM: True] • Text: "BOINCManagerSystray" • Style: 0x04c00000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 5352 • Path: "C:\Program Files\BOINC\boincmgr.exe"
198024: "" ~ ID: 1 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 22 ~ Msg: 50452 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x01e40fc0 • Class: "ENTrayWnd" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} [DWM: False] • Text: "" • Style: 0x84000000 • StyleEx: 0x08000080 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 198024 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\EvernoteTray.exe"
5856: "" ~ ID: 1024 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 9 ~ Msg: 1032 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x000104d2 • Class: "WinampAgentMain" • RectNormal: {X=210,Y=210,Width=960,Height=696} • RectDWM: {X=204,Y=204,Width=972,Height=708} [DWM: True] • Text: "" • Style: 0x04c00000 • StyleEx: 0x00000188 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 5856 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Winamp\winampa.exe"
178616: "" ~ ID: 0 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 19 ~ Msg: 32772 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x00481290 • Class: "SWT_Window0" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} • RectDWM: {X=-6,Y=-6,Width=170,Height=57} [DWM: True] • Text: "SWT_Window_SmartGit/Hg-C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartGitHg" • Style: 0x04c00000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 178616 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartGitHg\bin\smartgithg.exe"
0: "" ~ ID: 4736 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 21 ~ Msg: 1025 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: Invalid Window: 0x00441280
194344: "" ~ ID: 7772 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 24 ~ Msg: 1025 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x001d1e5c • Class: "TPUtilWindow" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} [DWM: False] • Text: "" • Style: 0x84000000 • StyleEx: 0x00000080 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 194344 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\1Password.exe"
0: "" ~ ID: 4272 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 23 ~ Msg: 1025 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: Invalid Window: 0x001310b0
4688: "" ~ ID: 1226 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 16 ~ Msg: 1226 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x00020752 • Class: "SystemTray_Main" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=16,Height=16} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=16,Height=16} [DWM: True] • Text: "Battery Meter" • Style: 0x84040000 • StyleEx: 0x00000180 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 4688 • Path: "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
5788: "" ~ ID: 135 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 10 ~ Msg: 1024 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x000104e8 • Class: "Afx:00400000:b:00010009:00000006:000504AB" • RectNormal: {X=30,Y=30,Width=960,Height=696} • RectDWM: {X=30,Y=30,Width=960,Height=696} [DWM: True] • Text: "Accerlerator Schedule - MarvellTray" • Style: 0x04cfc000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 5788 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Marvell\storage\tray\MarvellTray.exe"
5336: "" ~ ID: 109 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 5 ~ Msg: 49666 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x00010490 • Class: "AppleInternetServicesNotifyIcon" • RectNormal: {X=180,Y=180,Width=960,Height=696} • RectDWM: {X=180,Y=180,Width=960,Height=696} [DWM: True] • Text: "iCloud" • Style: 0x04cf0000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 5336 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Internet Services\iCloudServices.exe"

----- Taskbar Tray Icons Alt [0] ---------------

----- Window Snapping ---------------
Snap to Monitor Edges: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Snap to Application Window Edges: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Snap Distance: 10
Snap Mode: OnlyWithoutModifier
Snap Modifier: Shift
Snap Sticky: True

----- Window Management ---------------
Maximized Window Dragging: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Maximized Window Dragging Overlay: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Middle-Click Window Moving: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Window Move/Size ToolTips: False [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Win+M Helper: False [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Window Move Use New Method: False
Move Child Windows: False [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Move Child Windows Modal: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Move Child Windows Centre: False [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Mouse Wheel Scrolling: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Mouse Wrap X: False [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Mouse Wrap Y: False [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Mouse Wrap NoSnag: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]

----- Window Location [1] ---------------
Enabled: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Queue Length: 26
Taskbar Shortcuts Waiting: 0
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ~ CommandLine: "" ~ Delay: 0ms ~ Monitor: 3 ~ MoveMode: FirstWindowOnly ~ WindowType: OriginalSize ~ HotKeyID: caa0e17c-7174-4f2e-95bb-52127281e086

----- Alt+Tab Handler [0] ---------------

----- Windows Logon Background ---------------
Enabled: True
Use Wallpaper: False
Image: C:\Users\Robert\Documents\earthmoon.tif
Colour: Color [A=255, R=0, G=0, B=0]
Size Mode: FitBestMaintainClip
Colour Mode: Normal

----- Windows 8 ---------------
Win+X Helper: False [AdminLock: False • Loaded: Ignore: MinWindowsVersion]

----- Desktop Icon Profiles [0] ---------------

----- Screen Savers [5] ---------------
Enabled: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Span: False [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Is Allowed: True [Allowed]
0: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\ScreenSavers\Photos.scr" ~ Preview: True
1: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\ScreenSavers\Photos.scr" ~ Preview: True
2: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\ScreenSavers\Photos.scr" ~ Preview: True
3: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\ScreenSavers\Photos.scr" ~ Preview: True
4: "C:\Windows\System32\ssstars.scr" ~ Preview: True

----- Screen Savers Installed [9] ---------------
"3D Text" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\ssText3d.scr"
"Blank" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\scrnsave.scr"
"BOINC" ~ "C:\Windows\boinc.scr"
"Bubbles" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\Bubbles.scr"
"DisplayFusion Photos Screen Saver" ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\ScreenSavers\Photos.scr"
"Mystify" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\Mystify.scr"
"Photos" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\PhotoScreensaver.scr"
"Ribbons" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\Ribbons.scr"
"Starfield" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\ssstars.scr"

----- Languages [38] ---------------
ms (Loaded): "Malay" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\ms.lang"
da (Loaded): "Danish" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\da.lang"
de (Loaded): "German" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\de.lang"
en (Loaded): "English" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\en.lang"
en-gb (Loaded): "English (United Kingdom)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\en-gb.lang"
en-us (Loaded): "English (United States)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\en-us.lang"
es (Loaded): "Spanish" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\es.lang"
fr (Loaded): "French" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\fr.lang"
hr (Loaded): "Croatian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\hr.lang"
it (Loaded): "Italian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\it.lang"
lv (Loaded): "Latvian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\lv.lang"
hu (Loaded): "Hungarian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\hu.lang"
nl-be (Loaded): "Dutch (Belgium)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\nl-be.lang"
nl-nl (Loaded): "Dutch (Netherlands)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\nl-nl.lang"
no (Loaded): "Norwegian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\no.lang"
pl (Loaded): "Polish" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\pl.lang"
pt (Loaded): "Portuguese" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\pt.lang"
pt-br (Loaded): "Portuguese (Brazil)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\pt-br.lang"
ro (Loaded): "Romanian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\ro.lang"
sl (Loaded): "Slovenian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\sl.lang"
sk (Loaded): "Slovak" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\sk.lang"
sr (Loaded): "Serbian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\sr.lang"
fi (Loaded): "Finnish" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\fi.lang"
sv (Loaded): "Swedish" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\sv.lang"
vi (Loaded): "Vietnamese" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\vi.lang"
tr (Loaded): "Turkish" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\tr.lang"
cs (Loaded): "Czech" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\cs.lang"
el (Loaded): "Greek" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\el.lang"
bg (Loaded): "Bulgarian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\bg.lang"
ru (Loaded): "Russian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\ru.lang"
uk (Loaded): "Ukrainian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\uk.lang"
hy (Loaded): "Armenian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\hy.lang"
he (Loaded): "Hebrew" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\he.lang"
fa (Loaded): "Persian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\fa.lang"
zh-cn (Loaded): "Chinese (People's Republic of China)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\zh-cn.lang"
zh-tw (Loaded): "Chinese (Taiwan)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\zh-tw.lang"
ja (Loaded): "Japanese" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\ja.lang"
ko (Loaded): "Korean" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\ko.lang"

----- Compatibility [6] ---------------
"C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\1Password.exe" ~ TitleBar Buttons: True ~ TitleBar Buttons All: False ~ Window Snapping: False ~ Wallpaper Changes: False ~ Window Move Middle-Click: False ~ Maximized Drag: False ~ Windows Taskbar Item Remove: False ~ Hooks: True ~ Mouse Scroll: False ~ Disable Taskbars: False ~ Alt Mouse Scroll: False ~ TB NormalX: 0 ~ TB NormalY: 0 ~ TB MaxX: 0 ~ TB MaxY: 0
"C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\Agile1pAgent.exe" ~ TitleBar Buttons: True ~ TitleBar Buttons All: False ~ Window Snapping: False ~ Wallpaper Changes: False ~ Window Move Middle-Click: False ~ Maximized Drag: False ~ Windows Taskbar Item Remove: False ~ Hooks: False ~ Mouse Scroll: False ~ Disable Taskbars: False ~ Alt Mouse Scroll: False ~ TB NormalX: 0 ~ TB NormalY: 0 ~ TB MaxX: 0 ~ TB MaxY: 0
"C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunes.exe" ~ TitleBar Buttons: True ~ TitleBar Buttons All: False ~ Window Snapping: False ~ Wallpaper Changes: False ~ Window Move Middle-Click: False ~ Maximized Drag: False ~ Windows Taskbar Item Remove: False ~ Hooks: False ~ Mouse Scroll: False ~ Disable Taskbars: False ~ Alt Mouse Scroll: False ~ TB NormalX: 0 ~ TB NormalY: 0 ~ TB MaxX: 0 ~ TB MaxY: 0
"C:\Users\Robert\Dev\Falcon32\R&D\UltimateTLB\Beta2Test\Debug\Beta2Test.exe" ~ TitleBar Buttons: True ~ TitleBar Buttons All: False ~ Window Snapping: False ~ Wallpaper Changes: False ~ Window Move Middle-Click: False ~ Maximized Drag: False ~ Windows Taskbar Item Remove: False ~ Hooks: False ~ Mouse Scroll: False ~ Disable Taskbars: False ~ Alt Mouse Scroll: False ~ TB NormalX: 0 ~ TB NormalY: 0 ~ TB MaxX: 0 ~ TB MaxY: 0
"C:\Users\Robert\Dev\Falcon32\R&D\UltimateTLB\V3ImagingTestMuleMDIApp\Debug\DialogTestMule.exe" ~ TitleBar Buttons: True ~ TitleBar Buttons All: False ~ Window Snapping: False ~ Wallpaper Changes: False ~ Window Move Middle-Click: False ~ Maximized Drag: False ~ Windows Taskbar Item Remove: False ~ Hooks: False ~ Mouse Scroll: False ~ Disable Taskbars: False ~ Alt Mouse Scroll: False ~ TB NormalX: 0 ~ TB NormalY: 0 ~ TB MaxX: 0 ~ TB MaxY: 0
"C:\Users\Robert\Dev\Falcon32\R&D\UltimateTLB\V3ImagingTestMuleMDIApp\Debug\MDITestMule.exe" ~ TitleBar Buttons: True ~ TitleBar Buttons All: False ~ Window Snapping: False ~ Wallpaper Changes: False ~ Window Move Middle-Click: False ~ Maximized Drag: False ~ Windows Taskbar Item Remove: False ~ Hooks: False ~ Mouse Scroll: False ~ Disable Taskbars: False ~ Alt Mouse Scroll: False ~ TB NormalX: 0 ~ TB NormalY: 0 ~ TB MaxX: 0 ~ TB MaxY: 0

----- Hook Manager ---------------
Hooks Running: True
Notify GUID: 590a898d-c5bd-47e6-8e69-3369b96f8fb1
API Force Disabled: False

----- File: Main: DisplayFusion.exe ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe
Name: DisplayFusion
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 8,096,096 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 25, 2014 @ 16:31
Is Running: True [Instances: 1]

----- File: AppHook32: DisplayFusionHookAppWIN6032.exe ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookAppWIN6032.exe
Name: DisplayFusion Hook App
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 284,008 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 23, 2014 @ 16:06
Is Running: True [Instances: 1]

----- File: AppHook64: DisplayFusionHookAppWIN6064.exe ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookAppWIN6064.exe
Name: DisplayFusion Hook App
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 308,584 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 23, 2014 @ 16:06
Is Running: True [Instances: 1]

----- File: AppHook DLL: WIN5032: AppHookWIN5032_AB31542A-E69A-4B83-B70A-E613726EB2EE.dll ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Hooks\AppHookWIN5032_AB31542A-E69A-4B83-B70A-E613726EB2EE.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 256,344 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 23, 2014 @ 16:06
Is Running: False [Instances: 0]

----- File: AppHook DLL: WIN5064: AppHookWIN5064_D604185C-2E6E-48C0-87E1-51CFB4164040.dll ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Hooks\AppHookWIN5064_D604185C-2E6E-48C0-87E1-51CFB4164040.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 291,160 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 23, 2014 @ 16:06
Is Running: False [Instances: 0]

----- File: AppHook DLL: WIN6032: AppHookWIN6032_FFBF4C58-F1C0-4B13-B0F1-7D6FB4A86654.dll ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Hooks\AppHookWIN6032_FFBF4C58-F1C0-4B13-B0F1-7D6FB4A86654.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 278,360 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 23, 2014 @ 16:06
Is Running: False [Instances: 0]

----- File: AppHook DLL: WIN6064: AppHookWIN6064_45A183D8-11A7-4715-A148-E626EC0183BA.dll ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Hooks\AppHookWIN6064_45A183D8-11A7-4715-A148-E626EC0183BA.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 317,784 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 23, 2014 @ 16:06
Is Running: False [Instances: 0]

----- File: Helper: DisplayFusionHelper.exe ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHelper.exe
Name: DisplayFusion Helper
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 4,642,672 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 25, 2014 @ 16:31
Is Running: False [Instances: 0]

----- File: Helper:Win8: DisplayFusionHelperWin8.exe ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHelperWin8.exe
Name: DisplayFusion HelperWin8
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 21,888 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Oct 28, 2013 @ 14:10
Is Running: False [Instances: 0]

----- File: Command: DisplayFusionCommand.exe ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionCommand.exe
Name: DisplayFusion Command
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 4,645,232 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 25, 2014 @ 16:31
Is Running: False [Instances: 0]

----- File: Settings: DisplayFusionSettings.exe ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe
Name: DisplayFusion Settings
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 6,226,808 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 25, 2014 @ 16:31
Is Running: True [Instances: 1]

----- File: Screen Saver: DFSSaver.scr ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DFSSaver.scr
Name: DisplayFusion Screen Saver
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 4,928,000 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 25, 2014 @ 16:31
Is Running: False [Instances: 0]

----- File: Service: DisplayFusionService.exe ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionService.exe
Name: DisplayFusion Service
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 4,629,360 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 25, 2014 @ 16:31
Is Running: False [Instances: 0]

----- File: External: Classic Start Menu: ClassicStartMenu.exe ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files\Classic Shell\ClassicStartMenu.exe
Name: Classic Shell
Prod Version: 3, 6, 8, 0
File Version: 3, 6, 8, 0
Size: 151,552 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Jun 29, 2013 @ 11:50
Is Running: True [Instances: 1]

----- File: External: StartMenuX: -- ---------------
Path: --

----- Folder: External: StartIsBack: -- ---------------
Path: --

----- File: External: Start8 [folder]: -- ---------------
Path: --

----- Service: DisplayFusionService ---------------
Service: DisplayFusionService
Display: DisplayFusionService
Status: Running
Type: Win32OwnProcess
CanStop: True
CanShutdown: True
CanPauseAndContinue: False

----- Branding ---------------

----- Threads [18] ---------------
238980: Running • Age:15m ago • UserPT:8.97s • PrivPT:34.16s • TotalPT:43.13s • WaitReason:--
222188: Wait • Age:15m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:UserRequest
238268: Wait • Age:15m ago • UserPT:0.06s • PrivPT:0.02s • TotalPT:0.08s • WaitReason:UserRequest
237716: Wait • Age:15m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:UserRequest
238756: Wait • Age:15m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:ExecutionDelay
210740: Wait • Age:14m ago • UserPT:0.47s • PrivPT:0.48s • TotalPT:0.95s • WaitReason:UserRequest
239424: Wait • Age:14m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:UserRequest
239212: Wait • Age:14m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:EventPairLow
238624: Wait • Age:14m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:ExecutionDelay
223376: Wait • Age:14m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:UserRequest
236188: Wait • Age:14m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:EventPairLow
239316: Wait • Age:14m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:UserRequest
239224: Wait • Age:14m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:UserRequest
154452: Ready • Age:14m ago • UserPT:0.31s • PrivPT:0.05s • TotalPT:0.36s • WaitReason:--
239124: Wait • Age:14m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:UserRequest
236212: Wait • Age:14m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:ExecutionDelay
216544: Wait • Age:14m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:UserRequest
239368: Wait • Age:13m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:EventPairLow

----- Task Manager [3] ---------------
ID:6 • Name:HookManager • Notes:-- • Age:899.377s • Max:0 • Alive:True • BG:True • Ap:STA • State:Background • Thread Name:HookManager-3
ID:31 • Name:HookManagerWaitForEvents • Notes:-- • Age:893.572s • Max:0 • Alive:True • BG:True • Ap:STA • State:Background • Thread Name:HookManagerWaitForEvents-25
ID:32 • Name:WindowLocationManagerFirst • Notes:-- • Age:893.555s • Max:0 • Alive:True • BG:True • Ap:STA • State:Background, WaitSleepJoin • Thread Name:WindowLocationManagerFirst-26

----- Advanced Settings [116] ---------------
Application Hooks: Disable Application Hooks: --
Application Hooks: Override Application Hook for x64: --
Application Hooks: Override Application Hook for x86: --
Application Hooks: Pause Global Hooks on Full Screen: --
Debug Logging: Logging Advanced Mode: --
Debug Logging: Logging Trace Mode: --
Desktop Icons: Don't Show Confirmation when Loading: --
Desktop Icons: Don't Show Overwrite Confirmation when Saving: --
Desktop Icons: Don't Show Success Notification when Saving: --
General: Backup Settings Path Override: --
General: Disable Sound Effects: --
General: Don't Check nVidia Processes: --
General: Don't Show Error Messages for HotKey Bind Failures: --
General: Don't Show Tray Icon Notification Balloons: --
General: Font Scaling Force X: --
General: Font Scaling Force Y: --
General: Force Processes to be Launched Internally: --
General: Hide System Tray Icon: --
General: Ignore Full Screen Windows: --
General: Ignore Monitors: --
General: Memory Trim: --
General: Monitor Order: --
General: Mouse Cursor Lock to Monitor: Change Bottom: --
General: Mouse Cursor Lock to Monitor: Change Left: --
General: Mouse Cursor Lock to Monitor: Change Right: --
General: Mouse Cursor Lock to Monitor: Change Top: --
General: Mouse Cursor Lock to Window: Change Bottom: --
General: Mouse Cursor Lock to Window: Change Left: --
General: Mouse Cursor Lock to Window: Change Right: --
General: Mouse Cursor Lock to Window: Change Top: --
General: Processor Affinity (all CPUs): --
General: Run as a High Priority Process: --
General: Run as a Low Priority Process: --
General: Treat Top-Tab Browser Windows as Standard Windows: --
General: Use /N instead of /E when Opening Windows Explorer Folders: --
General: Window Highlight Border Size: --
Languages: Force Load Language Files with Errors: --
Languages: Show Language File Errors: --
Mirroring: Force Mirroring to use Classic Polling Method: --
Monitor Configuration: Don't Show Confirm Prompt: --
Monitor Configuration: Don't Show Live Monitor Preview: --
Monitor Configuration: Use Classic Monitor Get/Set Functions: --
Taskbar: Always Show Preview Window Text: --
Taskbar: Auto-Hide Animation: --
Taskbar: Button Dragging Icons: --
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #1): --
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #2): --
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #3): --
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #4): --
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #5): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey.
Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" • Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\5" • ValueName: "ClockSize"
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #6): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey.
Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" • Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\6" • ValueName: "ClockSize"
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #7): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey.
Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" • Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\7" • ValueName: "ClockSize"
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #8): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey.
Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" • Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\8" • ValueName: "ClockSize"
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #9): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey.
Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" • Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\9" • ValueName: "ClockSize"
Taskbar: Clock Text: --
Taskbar: Clock Text Colour: --
Taskbar: Clock Text Size: --
Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #1): --
Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #2): --
Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #3): --
Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #4): --
Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #5): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey.
Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" • Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\5" • ValueName: "ClockTimeZone"
Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #6): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey.
Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" • Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\6" • ValueName: "ClockTimeZone"
Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #7): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey.
Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" • Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\7" • ValueName: "ClockTimeZone"
Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #8): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey.
Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" • Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\8" • ValueName: "ClockTimeZone"
Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #9): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey.
Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" • Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\9" • ValueName: "ClockTimeZone"
Taskbar: Clock ToolTip Text: --
Taskbar: Colour Tracking Override: --
Taskbar: Disable Touch Detection (makes some controls bigger): --
Taskbar: Don't Force to Bottom when Screen Saver is Detected: --
Taskbar: Don't Load System Jump List Items: --
Taskbar: Flashing Taskbar Buttons Flash Until Focused: --
Taskbar: Flashing Taskbar Buttons Never Flash: --
Taskbar: Force Classic Style: --
Taskbar: Ignore Alternate Start Menus (Start8, Classic Shell, StartIsBack... etc): --
Taskbar: Invoke Start Menu Using Click Instead of Windows Key: --
Taskbar: Remove Hot Corner Padding (Win8): --
Taskbar: Shortcut Size: Height: --
Taskbar: Shortcut Size: Width: --
Taskbar: Show Duplicate Taskbar Prompt (Win8): --
Taskbar: Show on All Monitors: --
Taskbar: Start Button Scale: --
Taskbar: Taskbar Button Gap Size: Horizontal: --
Taskbar: Taskbar Shortcut Gap Size: Horizontal: --
Taskbar: Thumbnail Preview Animation: --
Taskbar: Thumbnail Preview Delay: --
Taskbar: Thumbnail Preview Size: --
Taskbar: Thumbnail Preview ToolTips: --
Taskbar: Windows Key Opens Secondary Start Menu: --
TitleBar Buttons: Button Offset: Horizontal: --
TitleBar Buttons: Button Offset: Vertical: --
TitleBar Buttons: Custom Button Background: --
TitleBar Buttons: Don't Hide for Top-Tabs (Chrome, Firefox 4): --
TitleBar Buttons: Don't use Aero TitleBar Button Positioning: --
TitleBar Buttons: Force Classic Style: --
TitleBar Buttons: Icon Offset: Horizontal: --
TitleBar Buttons: Icon Offset: Vertical: --
TitleBar Buttons: Minimum Window Width: --
TitleBar Buttons: Separator Size: --
TitleBar Buttons: Show Debug Info: --
TitleBar Buttons: Shrink TitleBar Buttons: --
TitleBar Buttons: Treat as Non-Maximized: --
Wallpaper: Active Desktop: Force Detection as Disabled: --
Wallpaper: Active Desktop: Force Detection as Enabled: --
Wallpaper: Don't Load Random Images on Apply: --
Wallpaper: Don't Store Image History: --
Wallpaper: Generate Smaller Files (lower quality): --
Wallpaper: Generated Folder Override: --
Wallpaper: Ignore Sub-Folders: --
Wallpaper: Restrict Images to Specific Paths: --
Wallpaper: Run Program After Wallpaper Change: --
Wallpaper: Show Wallpaper Apply Prompt: --
Wallpaper: Startup Change Delay: --
Wallpaper: Use Internal Wallpaper Processing: --
Wallpaper: WallpaperFusion: Always Load Original Images: --
Window: Use Alternate Method To Move Windows (for testing ONLY): --

----- Process Manager [128] ---------------
1108: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
1260: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
936: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
2008: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
2308: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
3908: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
2264: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
209208: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 4s ago
2284: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
1444: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
1484: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
5384: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
1352: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
1492: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
6528: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
5648: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
1872: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
1928: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
2668: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
2580: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
2760: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
2752: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
4272: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
2376: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
4772: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
4784: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
2344: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
2216: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
1416: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
1948: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
844: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
2980: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
2300: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
2848: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
2964: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
2868: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
7252: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
656: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
636: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
2836: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
716: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
5128: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
700: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
223300: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
233348: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
3172: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
3432: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
6140: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
231472: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
552: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
348: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
6896: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
428: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
1000: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
924: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
976: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
780: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
1220: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
1700: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
1048: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
2680: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
1016: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
900: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
728: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
828: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
1284: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 16s ago
194344: "C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\1Password.exe" • Version: 1.0 • Added: 16s ago
147664: "C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\Agile1pAgent.exe" • Version: 1.0 • Added: 52s ago
5408: "C:\Program Files (x86)\BillP Studios\WinPatrol\WinPatrol.exe" • Version: 30.5 • Added: 53s ago
5364: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Internet Services\ApplePhotoStreams.exe" • Version: 7.13 • Added: 52s ago
7416: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Internet Services\APSDaemon.exe" • Version: 2.2 • Added: 52s ago
5336: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Internet Services\iCloudServices.exe" • Version: 3.1 • Added: 53s ago
217404: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\ink\TabTip32.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 52s ago
210852: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe" • Version: 5.9 • Added: 53s ago
228592: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookAppWIN6032.exe" • Version: 6.0 • Added: 49s ago
199360: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookAppWIN6064.exe" • Version: 6.0 • Added: 46s ago
233252: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe" • Version: 5.9 • Added: 24s ago
5664: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Dolby Home Theater v4\pcee4.exe" • Version: 7.2 • Added: 53s ago
199544: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\Evernote.exe" • Version: 5.3 • Added: 52s ago
197172: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\EvernoteClipper.exe" • Version: 5.3 • Added: 52s ago
198024: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\EvernoteTray.exe" • Version: 5.3 • Added: 53s ago
6060: "C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunesHelper.exe" • Version: 11.1 • Added: 52s ago
5788: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Marvell\storage\tray\MarvellTray.exe" • Version: 1.3 • Added: 53s ago
11220: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\ONENOTEM.EXE" • Version: 14.0 • Added: 53s ago
230380: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" • Version: 9.0 • Added: 53s ago
94720: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" • Version: 9.0 • Added: 52s ago
99348: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\mspdbsrv.exe" • Version: 9.0 • Added: 52s ago
238796: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" • Version: 28.0 • Added: 32s ago
228528: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" • Version: 28.0 • Added: 9s ago
239184: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\plugin-container.exe" • Version: 28.0 • Added: 54s ago
11856: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Pidgin\pidgin.exe" • Version: 2.9 • Added: 56s ago
178616: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartGitHg\bin\smartgithg.exe" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 53s ago
4964: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\12.1.2015.2015.105\Bin\ccSvcHst.exe" • Version: 12.1 • Added: 53s ago
5600: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TechSmith\Snagit 11\Snagit32.exe" • Version: 11.0 • Added: 53s ago
5832: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TechSmith\Snagit 11\SnagitEditor.exe" • Version: 11.0 • Added: 52s ago
6132: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TechSmith\Snagit 11\SnagPriv.exe" • Version: 11.0 • Added: 52s ago
5920: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TechSmith\Snagit 11\TscHelp.exe" • Version: 1.1 • Added: 52s ago
5856: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Winamp\winampa.exe" • Version: 5.6 • Added: 53s ago
5500: "C:\Program Files\BOINC\boinc.exe" • Version: 7.2 • Added: 52s ago
5352: "C:\Program Files\BOINC\boincmgr.exe" • Version: 7.2 • Added: 53s ago
5168: "C:\Program Files\BOINC\boinctray.exe" • Version: 7.2 • Added: 52s ago
5132: "C:\Program Files\Classic Shell\ClassicStartMenu.exe" • Version: 3.6 • Added: 52s ago
224348: "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ink\TabTip.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 52s ago
5712: "C:\Program Files\Fresco Logic\Fresco Logic USB3.0 Host Controller\amd64_host\FLxHCIm.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 53s ago
1760: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center\ipoint.exe" • Version: 2.2 • Added: 53s ago
2532: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center\itype.exe" • Version: 2.2 • Added: 52s ago
1372: "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display\nvtray.exe" • Version: 7.17 • Added: 53s ago
4016: "C:\Program Files\Process Lasso\ProcessGovernor.exe" • Version: 6.7 • Added: 52s ago
2508: "C:\Program Files\Process Lasso\ProcessLasso.exe" • Version: 6.7 • Added: 53s ago
2168: "C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVBg64.exe" • Version: 1.0 • Added: 52s ago
4180: "C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVCpl64.exe" • Version: 1.0 • Added: 53s ago
4708: "C:\Program Files\Tablet\Wacom\Wacom_TabletUser.exe" • Version: 6.3 • Added: 52s ago
4572: "C:\Program Files\Tablet\Wacom\Wacom_TouchUser.exe" • Version: 6.3 • Added: 52s ago
4620: "C:\Program Files\TightVNC\tvnserver.exe" • Version: 2.6 • Added: 53s ago
5620: "C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe" • Version: 2.4 • Added: 53s ago
4688: "C:\Windows\explorer.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 56s ago
56416: "C:\Windows\explorer.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 52s ago
6332: "C:\Windows\splwow64.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 52s ago
237308: "C:\Windows\System32\audiodg.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 52s ago
5492: "C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 52s ago
3296: "C:\Windows\System32\dwm.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 52s ago
4972: "C:\Windows\System32\taskeng.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 52s ago
4608: "C:\Windows\System32\taskeng.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 52s ago
4912: "C:\Windows\System32\taskhost.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 52s ago
168420: "C:\Windows\System32\taskhost.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 52s ago
1680: "C:\Windows\System32\wisptis.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 53s ago
7724: "C:\Windows\System32\wuauclt.exe" • Version: 7.6 • Added: 53s ago
238960: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerPlugin_13_0_0_206.exe" • Version: 13.0 • Added: 54s ago

----- Process Modules [124] ---------------
C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Hooks\AppHookWIN6064_45A183D8-11A7-4715-A148-E626EC0183BA.dll
C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll
C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ink\tiptsf.dll

----- Build Time [0.678s] ---------------
Elapsed Build Time: 0.678s
Apr 29, 2014 (modified Apr 30, 2014)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The taskbar button issue is on our list, and should be all fixed up for Beta 6 :)

Regarding the 1Password issue, I haven't run into any trouble while testing it here yet. Is it the part shown by the red arrow in the attached screenshot that you were having trouble with?

• Attachment: 1Password.jpg [147,049 bytes]
Apr 30, 2014  • #2
User Image
273 discussion posts
No, it is the window in the top-right (see image). This lists all the secured items and shows a bar graph of their strength. I have over 80 items in it. After the second page, scrolling takes about 10 seconds. You can see it paint empty rectangles, add shading, add color, and print in separate passes. It almost looks like each GDI message executes, then there is a big pause before the next message issues, and so on until the window update completes.

Some environmental attributes (that should be in the provided troubleshoot paste-in) you may want to be aware of: I run 4 monitors on two 650 graphics cards. I also have the 1Password addon/extension installed into both Firefox and Chrome. I did restart the 1Password app a number of times, including it's "helper". Until I remembered the compatibility setting, I ended closing every thing running except Process Lasso and VS2008, which made no difference. I even told DF not to put caption buttons (4) on 1Password's toolbar first before hitting on removing the hooks. Last, I started 1Password this day to apply a 1Password license, allowing it to go from demo mode to licensed mode. Then I noticed the system, closed apps, finally configuring DF. I did not reboot the system once I noticed the symptom. One last interaction: I have Dropbox running. The 1Password agilekeychain file is stored and synced to my other machines and devices that way.

Hope some of this helps.
• Attachment [protected]: 1PAsswwordWindowUnderDiscussion.jpg [144,856 bytes]
Apr 30, 2014  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, weird! Definitely can't reproduce that here :(

Could you send over a debug log, as per the steps below?
  • Enable debug logging on the Troubleshooting tab (set it to Logging: All Lines) and click Apply
  • Restart DisplayFusion
  • Reproduce the issue (please note the time so I'll know where to look in the log file)
  • Attach the %appdata%\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.log file to this topic (can be found by clicking the 'Open Log' button on the Troubleshooting tab)
  • Disable debug logging after sending me the log

Apr 30, 2014  • #4
User Image
273 discussion posts
Sure. Tomorrow, when I'm back in the office.
Apr 30, 2014  • #5
User Image
273 discussion posts
Here are the results. I've included two logs and the troubleshooting data again. The RequestedTrouble.log is per your instructions. The Compatibility.log is the same action taken after the hooks are removed.



----- System Information ---------------
Name: DisplayFusion Pro v6.0.0 (Beta 5)
Name Data: DisplayFusion
Build Date: Apr 25, 2014 16:31
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601.65536)
Is Server: False
Is Windows 8.1 Update 1: False
Detected Version: Windows7 / Server2008R2 (Windows7 / Server2008R2)
x64 Process / System: True / True
Date/Time (UTC): 05/01/2014 14:02:18
Date/Time (Local): 05/01/2014 07:02:18
.NET Framework: 2.0.50727.5477
CurrentCulture: English (United States) (en-US • en)
CurrentUICulture: English (United States) (en-US • en)
Is Using Themes: True
Is Composition Enabled: True
Short Date Pattern: M/d/yyyy [%#m/%#d/%Y]
Short Time Pattern: h:mm tt [%#I:%M %p]
Long Date Pattern: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy [%A, %B %d, %Y]
Long Time Pattern: h:mm:ss tt [%#I:%M:%S %p]
Process Integrity Level: High
Administrator: False
UAC Enabled: True
Touch Enabled: True
On Battery: False
Command Line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe" 
Current Folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion
Process CPU Affinity: 0 (8 cores)
Memory Trim: False
Debug Logging: L3_All
Update Check Normal: True
Update Check Beta: True
Update Check Timer Interval: 100,800,000ms
Update Check Timer Status: True
IsStarting: False
IsExiting: False
Font Scaling: 1.25x1.25 (XPStyle • Reason: BFPublicData • Error: False)
Growl Detected: False
Window: GetShellWindow:1: 0x000102a8 • Class: "Progman" • Rect: {X=-1200,Y=-616,Width=4400,Height=2224} • Style: 0x96000000 • StyleEx: 0x00000080 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 4688 • Path: "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
Window: GetShellWindow:2: 0x000102a8 • Class: "Progman" • Rect: {X=-1200,Y=-616,Width=4400,Height=2224} • Style: 0x96000000 • StyleEx: 0x00000080 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 4688 • Path: "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
Window: GetDesktopWindow: 0x00010010 • Class: "#32769" • Rect: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1600,Height=1200} • Style: 0x96000000 • StyleEx: 0x00000000 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 656 • Path: ""

----- System Folders ---------------
ApplicationData: "C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Roaming" • Exists: True
CommonApplicationData: "C:\ProgramData" • Exists: True
CommonProgramFiles: "C:\Program Files\Common Files" • Exists: True
MyDocuments: "C:\Users\Robert\Documents" • Exists: True
MyPictures: "C:\Users\Robert\Pictures" • Exists: True
ProgramFiles: "C:\Program Files" • Exists: True
Recent: "C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent" • Exists: True
System: "C:\Windows\system32" • Exists: True

----- Process/Memory/Handles Information ---------------
Priority: Normal
Handles: 1,135
GDI Objects: 90
GDI Objects Peak: 177
User Objects: 125
User Objects Peak: 168
Paged Memory: 111,280k
Paged Memory Peak: 129,060k
Paged System Memory: 546k
Non-Paged System Memory: 128k
Private Memory: 111,280k
Virtual Memory: 718,788k
Virtual Memory Peak: 793,468k
WorkingSet: 98,916k
WorkingSet Min: 200k
WorkingSet Max: 1,380k
WorkingSet Peak: 141,620k

----- License ---------------
Key: 101-POQR-3842-WHDQ-5...
Key Hash: 03da587766ccd80b7fce340d30728ed6
Type: ProLicensed
Loaded: HKCU:APP
Validation: True
Validation Status: Valid
Validation Type: Unknown
Validation Version: V1
Validation Pro: ProLicensed
Validation Expiry Date: Never

----- Monitors: All [4] ---------------
Mode: Win7
Has Split: False
Has Cloned: False
Monitors by Bounds: 3, 1, 4, 2
Force Order: None

----- Monitors: Ignore Duplicate [4] ---------------
Mode: Win7
Has Split: False
Has Cloned: False
Monitors by Bounds: 3, 1, 4, 2
Force Order: None

----- #1: X=0, Y=0, W=1600, H=1200 ---------------
Is Primary: True
Is Attached: True
Is Extra: False
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610
Monitor: DELL 2000FP (Generic PnP Monitor)
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1
Colours: 32 bpp
Refresh: 60 hz
Bounds: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1600,Height=1200}
WorkArea: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1600,Height=1200}
Orientation: Landscape
DPI Scale X: 0
DPI Scale Y: 0
Driver: Builtin
Output: DVI
SID: 0
SAID: 210071:0
Con: 0

----- #2: X=1600, Y=408, W=1600, H=1200 ---------------
Is Primary: False
Is Attached: True
Is Extra: False
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610
Monitor: Cintiq21UX (Generic PnP Monitor)
Device: \\.\DISPLAY2
Colours: 32 bpp
Refresh: 75 hz
Bounds: {X=1600,Y=408,Width=1600,Height=1200}
WorkArea: {X=1600,Y=408,Width=1600,Height=1200}
Orientation: Landscape
DPI Scale X: 0
DPI Scale Y: 0
Driver: Builtin
Output: VGA
SID: 1
SAID: 210071:0
Con: 1

----- #3: X=-1200, Y=0, W=1200, H=1600 ---------------
Is Primary: False
Is Attached: True
Is Extra: False
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610
Monitor: Dell 2007FP (Digital) (Dell 2007FP (Digital))
Device: \\.\DISPLAY3
Colours: 32 bpp
Refresh: 60 hz
Bounds: {X=-1200,Y=0,Width=1200,Height=1600}
WorkArea: {X=-1200,Y=0,Width=1200,Height=1600}
Orientation: Portrait
DPI Scale X: 0
DPI Scale Y: 0
Driver: OEM
Output: DVI
SID: 0
SAID: 212954:0
Con: 0

----- #4: X=1600, Y=-616, W=1280, H=1024 ---------------
Is Primary: False
Is Attached: True
Is Extra: False
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610
Monitor: VL 1716 (Generic PnP Monitor)
Device: \\.\DISPLAY4
Colours: 32 bpp
Refresh: 60 hz
Bounds: {X=1600,Y=-616,Width=1280,Height=1024}
WorkArea: {X=1600,Y=-616,Width=1280,Height=1024}
Orientation: Landscape
DPI Scale X: 0
DPI Scale Y: 0
Driver: Builtin
Output: DVI
SID: 1
SAID: 212954:0
Con: 1

----- DisplayFusion Pro ---------------
Start with Windows [flag]: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Auto-Update: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Auto-Update Beta: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
System Hooks Pause FullScreen: False
Current Monitor Profile: b8ff2d24-ece9-4c01-aa68-b752a517da13
Ignore Monitor Profile Change: False
Font Scaling Correct: True
Aero Colour Mode: None [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]

----- Monitor Splits ---------------
AltTab: True
MirrorMonitor: False
OpenWindow: True
ScreenSavers: True
Taskbars: True
Wallpaper: True
WindowManagement: True
WindowsLogon: False

----- Themes ---------------
Visual Style Detected: True
DWM Composition Detected: True
Win8 Basic Mode: False
WindowBlinds Detected: False
Filename: C:\Windows\resources\Themes\Aero\Aero.msstyles
Colour: NormalColor
Size: NormalSize
File: --
Bitmap File: --

----- Wallpaper ---------------
Profile: "Default Profile" (b89b4643-b295-4d45-adbc-2cbe739f3aae)
Active Desktop: False
Active Desktop Items: False
Wallpaper Span: DifferentImageEachMonitor
Wallpaper Transitions: True
Wallpaper Check / Fix: True / True
Windows Wallpaper: "C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Roaming\DisplayFusion\Wallpaper_1" • Exists: True • Size: 4400x2224
Windows TileWallpaper: 1
Windows WallpaperStyle: 0
Generated Wallpaper Folder: C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Roaming\DisplayFusion
500px Manual Allowed: True
500px Random Allowed: True
Bing Image Search Manual Allowed: True
Bing Image Search Random Allowed: True
deviantART API Manual Allowed: True
deviantART API Random Allowed: True
deviantART RSS Feed Manual Allowed: True
deviantART RSS Feed Random Allowed: True
Flickr Manual Allowed: True
Flickr Random Allowed: True
Google Image Search Manual Allowed: True
Google Image Search Random Allowed: True
InterfaceLIFT Manual Allowed: True
InterfaceLIFT Random Allowed: True
Vladstudio Manual Allowed: True
Vladstudio Random Allowed: True
WallpaperFusion Manual Allowed: True
WallpaperFusion Random Allowed: True

----- Wallpaper Screens [4] ---------------
Min, Max: -1200x-616, 3200x1608
Total: 4400x2224

----- #1: X=0, Y=0, W=1600, H=1200 ---------------
Image Mode: MyComputer
Image Random: False
Image Size Mode: FitBestMaintainClip
Image: "D:\Archives\My Pictures\20090117_0676x1920.jpg" • Exists: True • Size: 1920x1200
Web ID: 
Web URL: 
Scale: 100.00%
Move: 0x0
Rotate: 0
FlipH: False
FlipV: False
Info: False
Info Position: TopLeft
Info Format: <wp-title>
Random Change Minutes: 60

----- #2: X=1600, Y=408, W=1600, H=1200 ---------------
Image Mode: SolidColour
Image Random: False
Image Size Mode: FitBestMaintainClip
Image: --
Web ID: 
Web URL: 
Scale: 100.00%
Move: 0x0
Rotate: 0
FlipH: False
FlipV: False
Info: False
Info Position: TopLeft
Info Format: <wp-title>
Random Change Minutes: 60

----- #3: X=-1200, Y=0, W=1200, H=1600 ---------------
Image Mode: SolidColour
Image Random: False
Image Size Mode: FitBestMaintainClip
Image: --
Web ID: 
Web URL: 
Scale: 100.00%
Move: 0x0
Rotate: 0
FlipH: False
FlipV: False
Info: False
Info Position: TopLeft
Info Format: <wp-title>
Random Change Minutes: 60

----- #4: X=1600, Y=-616, W=1280, H=1024 ---------------
Image Mode: SolidColour
Image Random: False
Image Size Mode: FitBestMaintainClip
Image: --
Web ID: 
Web URL: 
Scale: 100.00%
Move: 0x0
Rotate: 0
FlipH: False
FlipV: False
Info: False
Info Position: TopLeft
Info Format: <wp-title>
Random Change Minutes: 60

----- Wallpaper Profiles [1] ---------------
Default Profile: b89b4643-b295-4d45-adbc-2cbe739f3aae

----- Monitor Profiles [2] ---------------
Profile: 1234
Last Used Profile: 1234

----- 1 ---------------
ID: 5aefb3ca-7024-475d-ad21-76535c4cde2b
Last Used: 01/01/0001 00:00:00
WallpaperID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
DesktopIconsID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Split Screen Savers: True
Split Taskbars: True
Split Wallpaper: True
Split Window Management: True
Monitor #1
  Attached: True
  Primary: True
  Bounds: X=0, Y=0, W=1600, H=1200
  Colour: 32bpp
  Refresh: 60hz
  Orientation: Landscape
  SplitH: 1
  SplitV: 1
Monitor #2
  Attached: False
Monitor #3
  Attached: False
Monitor #4
  Attached: False

----- 1234 ---------------
ID: b8ff2d24-ece9-4c01-aa68-b752a517da13
Last Used: 01/01/0001 00:00:00
WallpaperID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
DesktopIconsID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Split Screen Savers: True
Split Taskbars: True
Split Wallpaper: True
Split Window Management: True
Monitor #1
  Attached: True
  Primary: True
  Bounds: X=0, Y=0, W=1600, H=1200
  Colour: 32bpp
  Refresh: 60hz
  Orientation: Landscape
  SplitH: 1
  SplitV: 1
Monitor #2
  Attached: True
  Primary: False
  Bounds: X=1600, Y=408, W=1600, H=1200
  Colour: 32bpp
  Refresh: 75hz
  Orientation: Landscape
  SplitH: 1
  SplitV: 1
Monitor #3
  Attached: True
  Primary: False
  Bounds: X=-1200, Y=0, W=1200, H=1600
  Colour: 32bpp
  Refresh: 60hz
  Orientation: Portrait
  SplitH: 1
  SplitV: 1
Monitor #4
  Attached: True
  Primary: False
  Bounds: X=1600, Y=-616, W=1280, H=1024
  Colour: 32bpp
  Refresh: 60hz
  Orientation: Landscape
  SplitH: 1
  SplitV: 1

----- Virtual Desktop ---------------
IsMain: True

----- FullScreen Applications [0] ---------------

----- Functions [77] ---------------
Enabled: True
"Move Window to Different Monitor (shows monitor selector)" ~ alt;ctrl;win;53 ~ Windows Aero\Show Monitor Selector.png Jump List: True ~ Description: "Move Window to Different Monitor (shows monitor selector)"
"Size and Move Window to Top Side of Monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;38 ~ Windows Aero\Top Side.png Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to top-middle side of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 100%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
"Size and Move Window to Bottom Side of Monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;40 ~ Windows Aero\Bottom Side.png Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to bottom-middle side of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 100%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
"Size and Move Window to Left Side of Monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;37 ~ Windows Aero\Left Side.png Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to left-middle side of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 100%"
"Size and Move Window to Right Side of Monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;39 ~ Windows Aero\Right Side.png Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to right-middle side of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 100%"
"Disable Screen Saver" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Disable Screen Saver"
"Enable Screen Saver" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Enable Screen Saver"
"Highlight Window" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Highlight Window"
"Highlight Window: Disable All Highlights" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Highlight Window: Disable All Highlights"
"Load Monitor Profile: 1" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Load Monitor Profile: 1"
"Load Monitor Profile: 1234" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Load Monitor Profile: 1234"
"Load Next Monitor Profile (alphabetically)" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Load Next Monitor Profile (alphabetically)"
"Load Next Random Wallpaper Image" ~ CTRL;WIN;82 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Load Next Random Wallpaper Image"
"Load Previous Monitor Profile (alphabetically)" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Load Previous Monitor Profile (alphabetically)"
"Load Wallpaper Profile: Default Profile" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Load Wallpaper Profile: Default Profile"
"Lock Desktop" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Lock Desktop"
"Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Focused Window" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Focused Window"
"Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Monitor" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Monitor"
"Main/Middle Monitor" ~ alt;ctrl;win;50 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to monitor #1 and maximize"
"Maximize Window" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Maximize Window"
"Minimize All Windows Except Current Window (All Monitors)" ~ ctrl;win;77 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Minimize All Windows Except Current Window (All Monitors)"
"Minimize All Windows Except Current Window (Current Monitor)" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Minimize All Windows Except Current Window (Current Monitor)"
"Minimize Window" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Minimize Window"
"Mirror Monitor" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Mirror Monitor"
"Mirror Window" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Mirror Window"
"Move All Windows to Current Monitor" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move All Windows to Current Monitor"
"Move Mouse Cursor to Center of Active Window" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move Mouse Cursor to Center of Active Window"
"Move Mouse Cursor to Center of Current Monitor" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move Mouse Cursor to Center of Current Monitor"
"Move Mouse Cursor to Center of Different Monitor (shows monitor selector)" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move Mouse Cursor to Center of Different Monitor (shows monitor selector)"
"Move Mouse Cursor to Next Monitor" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move Mouse Cursor to Next Monitor"
"Move Mouse Cursor to Previous Monitor" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move Mouse Cursor to Previous Monitor"
"Move Window to Bottom-Left Corner and Size 50%" ~ shift;ctrl;win;37 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to bottom-left corner of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
"Move Window to Bottom-Right Corner and Size 50%" ~ shift;ctrl;win;40 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to bottom-right corner of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
"Move Window to Center of Monitor" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to center of monitor"
"Move Window to Center of Monitor and Size to 75%" ~ ctrl;win;81 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to center of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 75%, Change window height to specified percentage: 75%"
"Move Window to Current Monitor" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to current monitor"
"Move Window to Current Monitor and Maximize" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to current monitor and maximize"
"Move Window to Current Monitor and Minimize" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to current monitor and minimize"
"Move Window to Current Monitor and Size Proportionally" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to current monitor and size proportionally"
"Move Window to Next Monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;88 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to next monitor"
"Move Window to Next Monitor and Maximize" ~ CTRL;WIN;65 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to next monitor and maximize"
"Move Window to Next Monitor and Minimize" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to next monitor and minimize"
"Move Window to Next Monitor and Size Proportionally" ~ CTRL;WIN;90 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to next monitor and size proportionally"
"Move Window to Previous Monitor" ~ CTRL;WIN;87 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to previous monitor"
"Move Window to Previous Monitor and Maximize" ~ CTRL;WIN;69 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to previous monitor and maximize"
"Move Window to Previous Monitor and Minimize" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to previous monitor and minimize"
"Move Window to Previous Monitor and Size Proportionally" ~ CTRL;WIN;68 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to previous monitor and size proportionally"
"Move Window to Top-Left Corner and Size 50%" ~ shift;ctrl;win;38 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to top-left corner of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
"Move Window to Top-Right Corner and Size 50%" ~ shift;ctrl;win;39 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to top-right corner of monitor, Change window width to specified percentage: 50%, Change window height to specified percentage: 50%"
"Open DisplayFusion Desktop Wallpaper" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Open DisplayFusion Desktop Wallpaper"
"Open DisplayFusion Monitor Configuration" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Open DisplayFusion Monitor Configuration"
"Open DisplayFusion Settings" ~  ~  Jump List: True ~ Description: "Open DisplayFusion Settings"
"Page/Left Monitor" ~ alt;ctrl;win;49 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to monitor #3 and maximize"
"Prevent Window Deactivation (keeps game windows focused)" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Prevent Window Deactivation (keeps game windows focused)"
"Restore Window" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Restore Window"
"Send Window to Back" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Send Window to Back"
"Send Windows Store (Metro) app to desktop window" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Send Windows Store (Metro) app to desktop window"
"Set Next Playback Communications Device as Default" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Set Next Playback Communications Device as Default"
"Set Next Playback Device as Default" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Set Next Playback Device as Default"
"Set Next Recording Communications Device as Default" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Set Next Recording Communications Device as Default"
"Set Next Recording Device as Default" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Set Next Recording Device as Default"
"Set Previous Playback Communications Device as Default" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Set Previous Playback Communications Device as Default"
"Set Previous Playback Device as Default" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Set Previous Playback Device as Default"
"Set Previous Recording Communications Device as Default" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Set Previous Recording Communications Device as Default"
"Set Previous Recording Device as Default" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Set Previous Recording Device as Default"
"Span Window Across all Monitors" ~ CTRL;WIN;192 ~  Jump List: True ~ Description: "Span window across all monitors"
"Start Screen Saver" ~ ctrl;win;83 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Start Screen Saver"
"Status/Upper Monitor" ~ alt;ctrl;win;52 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to monitor #4 and maximize"
"Toggle Key Combinations" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Toggle Key Combinations"
"Toggle Multi-Monitor Taskbar" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Toggle Multi-Monitor Taskbar"
"Toggle Pause Current Wallpaper Images" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Toggle Pause Current Wallpaper Images"
"Toggle TitleBar Buttons" ~  ~  Jump List: True ~ Description: "Toggle TitleBar Buttons"
"Toggle Window Always on Top" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Toggle Window Always on Top"
"Toggle Window Location" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Toggle Window Location"
"Toggle Window Snapping" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Toggle Window Snapping"
"Toggle Window Transparency" ~  ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Toggle Window Transparency (50%)"
"White Board/Right" ~ alt;ctrl;win;51 ~  Jump List: False ~ Description: "Move window to monitor #2 and maximize"

----- TitleBar Button Manager ---------------
Enabled: True
Minimum Window Width: 0
Force Classic Style: False
Aero Positioning: True
Shrink if Needed: True
System Caption Button Size: 43x26
Detected Caption Button Size [normal]: 39x22
Detected Caption Button Size [close]: 57x22
Custom Background: --
Button Glow Size: {X=20,Y=20}
Button Glow Image: {Width=56, Height=45}

----- TitleBar Buttons [1] ---------------
Handle Cache Owners: 1
"" ~ Rect: {X=1080,Y=169,Width=221,Height=65} ~ 0x004213e6 ~ Window:{X=232,Y=194,Width=1136,Height=813} ~ Window DWM [True]:{X=226,Y=188,Width=1148,Height=825} ~ Visible:True ~ Owner Minimized:False ~ Buttons: 1 [57px] ~ Process:x64 ~ GenericAppWindow ~ "" ~ BorderY:3 ~ DPIAware: True ~ OffNormal: 0x0 ~ OffMax: 0x0 ~ Style: WS_SYSMENU, WS_combine_CAPTION, WS_CLIPCHILDREN, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, WS_VISIBLE ~ StyleEx: WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT, WS_EX_APPWINDOW ~ ChildMode: False ~ 1080x169 ~ Reason: SafeCaption:[X=1300, Y=188, W=74, H=825] ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe"

----- Taskbars [3] ---------------
Enabled: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Taskbar Mode: WindowsAll_DisplayFusionAll
Middle-Click Behaviour: OpenNewInstance
Opacity: 10
Flash Forever: False
Flash Never: False
Thumbnail Preview: Win7Style
Thumbnail Preview Animations: True
Sizing Bar Size: 0
Button Width Max (Icons): 60
Button Width Max (Text): 160
Button Width Override: 0
Button Icon Size: 40
Button Gap Size: {Width=2, Height=0}
Clock Time Format: h:mm tt
Windows Taskbar Side: Top
Windows Taskbar Bounds (over): {X=0,Y=0,Width=1600,Height=48}
Windows Taskbar Bounds (leave): {X=0,Y=0,Width=1600,Height=0}
Windows Taskbar Monitor ID: 1
Windows Taskbar Monitor Bounds: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1600,Height=1200}
Windows Taskbar Monitor WorkArea: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1600,Height=1200}
Windows Render Mode (system): Aero
Windows Render Mode (current): Aero
Force Classic Style: False
Disabled Taskbars: None
Colour Tracking Override: None
Updates Waiting: 45
Button Height H: 48
Button Height V: 54
Need TrayIconEnum: True
Progress Marquee Timer: False
Count: 3

----- Taskbar 2 [2] ---------------
AppBarMode: False
Bounds Current: X=1600, Y=362, W=1600, H=48
Bounds MouseOver: X=1600, Y=408, W=1600, H=48
Bounds MouseLeave: X=1600, Y=362, W=1600, H=48
Bounds AppBar: X=1600, Y=408, W=1600, H=2
Monitor: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610\Cintiq21UX (ID: 2 • Primary: False • Attached: True • Extra: False • Split: False • Bounds: {X=1600,Y=408,Width=1600,Height=1200} • WorkArea: {X=1600,Y=408,Width=1600,Height=1200} • Clone: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • Driver: Builtin • Device: \\.\DISPLAY2 • TA:ID: 1048833 • TA:AID: 210071:0 • Output: VGA • DPIScaleX: 0 • DPIScaleY: 0 • Orientation: Landscape)
Position (Setting/Current): Automatic / Top
Size: Automatic
Auto-Hide: Enabled
Button Grouping Setting: Automatic
Button Grouping Current: True
TopMost: True [TopMost [Mode: TopMostForce ~ "ProcessMouseEnter"]]
Start Button v2: {Width=68, Height=48}
Buttons: 2
"C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\1Password.exe" ~ "1Password - 1Password" ~ Handles:0x00590f78:AL:0x00590f78 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=1696,Y=581,Width=988,Height=679}
"C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe" ~ "Settings • DisplayFusion Pro v6.0.0 (Beta 5)" ~ Handles:0x004213e6:AL:0x004213e6 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=226,Y=188,Width=1148,Height=825}
Pinned: 0

----- Taskbar 3 [3] ---------------
AppBarMode: False
Bounds Current: X=-1200, Y=-46, W=1200, H=48
Bounds MouseOver: X=-1200, Y=0, W=1200, H=48
Bounds MouseLeave: X=-1200, Y=-46, W=1200, H=48
Bounds AppBar: X=-1200, Y=0, W=1200, H=2
Monitor: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610\Dell 2007FP (Digital) (ID: 3 • Primary: False • Attached: True • Extra: False • Split: False • Bounds: {X=-1200,Y=0,Width=1200,Height=1600} • WorkArea: {X=-1200,Y=0,Width=1200,Height=1600} • Clone: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • Driver: OEM • Device: \\.\DISPLAY3 • TA:ID: 3146000 • TA:AID: 212954:0 • Output: DVI • DPIScaleX: 0 • DPIScaleY: 0 • Orientation: Portrait)
Position (Setting/Current): Automatic / Top
Size: Automatic
Auto-Hide: Enabled
Button Grouping Setting: Automatic
Button Grouping Current: True
TopMost: True [TopMost [Mode: TopMostForce ~ "ProcessMouseEnter"]]
Start Button v2: {Width=68, Height=48}
Buttons: 2
"C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\1Password.exe" ~ "1Password - 1Password" ~ Handles:0x00590f78:AL:0x00590f78 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=1696,Y=581,Width=988,Height=679}
"C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe" ~ "Settings • DisplayFusion Pro v6.0.0 (Beta 5)" ~ Handles:0x004213e6:AL:0x004213e6 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=226,Y=188,Width=1148,Height=825}
Pinned: 0

----- Taskbar 4 [4] ---------------
AppBarMode: False
Bounds Current: X=1600, Y=-616, W=1280, H=48
Bounds MouseOver: X=1600, Y=-616, W=1280, H=48
Bounds MouseLeave: X=1600, Y=-662, W=1280, H=48
Bounds AppBar: X=1600, Y=-616, W=1280, H=2
Monitor: NVIDIA GeForce GT 610\VL 1716 (ID: 4 • Primary: False • Attached: True • Extra: False • Split: False • Bounds: {X=1600,Y=-616,Width=1280,Height=1024} • WorkArea: {X=1600,Y=-616,Width=1280,Height=1024} • Clone: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • Driver: Builtin • Device: \\.\DISPLAY4 • TA:ID: 3146002 • TA:AID: 212954:0 • Output: DVI • DPIScaleX: 0 • DPIScaleY: 0 • Orientation: Landscape)
Position (Setting/Current): Automatic / Top
Size: Automatic
Auto-Hide: EnabledShownWithWindows
Button Grouping Setting: Automatic
Button Grouping Current: True
TopMost: True [TopBehindWindow:NeedSet [Mode: TopBehindWindow ~ "ProcessButtons:NoFullScreen:NoForce:TaskbarManager:ProcessTaskbarsCallback"]]
Start Button v2: {Width=68, Height=48}
Buttons: 2
"C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\1Password.exe" ~ "1Password - 1Password" ~ Handles:0x00590f78:AL:0x00590f78 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=1696,Y=581,Width=988,Height=679}
"C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe" ~ "Settings • DisplayFusion Pro v6.0.0 (Beta 5)" ~ Handles:0x004213e6:AL:0x004213e6 ~ Exception:None ~ WindowPosition:{X=226,Y=188,Width=1148,Height=825}
Pinned: 0

----- Taskbar Deleted Items [0] ---------------

----- Taskbar Items [3] ---------------
0x004417ba: AL:0x004417ba ~ Rect: {X=800,Y=600,Width=0,Height=0} ~ GroupingPath: "C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\1Password.exe" ~ Ex: DelphiUnknown ~ Class: "TApplication" ~ IconGCL: 40x40 ~ IconNormal: 40x40 [Icon_Big:Color [A=255, R=170, G=201, B=232]] ~ IconProcess: 40x40 [Color [A=255, R=75, G=106, B=129]] ~ IconLarge: 40x40 [Icon_Big] ~ Window: 0x004417ba • Class: "TApplication" • Rect: {X=800,Y=600,Width=0,Height=0} • Style: 0x94ca0000 • StyleEx: 0x08000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 239428 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\1Password.exe" ~ ProcessAppID: "" ~ WindowAppID: ""
0x004213e6: AL:0x004213e6 ~ Rect: {X=226,Y=188,Width=1148,Height=825} ~ GroupingPath: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe" ~ Ex: None ~ Class: "" ~ IconGCL: null ~ IconNormal: 48x48 [Icon_Big:Color [A=255, R=24, G=91, B=147]] ~ IconProcess: 40x40 [Color [A=255, R=16, G=75, B=129]] ~ IconLarge: 48x48 [Icon_Big] ~ Window: 0x004213e6 • Class: "" • Rect: {X=232,Y=194,Width=1136,Height=813} • Style: 0x16c80000 • StyleEx: 0x00050100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 200580 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe" ~ ProcessAppID: "" ~ WindowAppID: ""
0x00590f78: AL:0x00590f78 ~ Rect: {X=1696,Y=581,Width=988,Height=679} ~ GroupingPath: "C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\1Password.exe" ~ Ex: None ~ Class: "TFrm1pMain" ~ IconGCL: null ~ IconNormal: 40x40 [Icon_Big:Color [A=255, R=170, G=201, B=232]] ~ IconProcess: 40x40 [Color [A=255, R=75, G=106, B=129]] ~ IconLarge: 40x40 [Icon_Big] ~ Window: 0x00590f78 • Class: "TFrm1pMain" • Rect: {X=1696,Y=581,Width=988,Height=679} • Style: 0x16cf0000 • StyleEx: 0x00050100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 239428 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\1Password.exe" ~ ProcessAppID: "" ~ WindowAppID: ""

----- Taskbar Start Menu ---------------
Start Button: 0x00010210 • Class: "Button" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=1,Width=66,Height=46} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=1,Width=66,Height=46} [DWM: True] • Text: "Start" • Style: 0x94000c00 • StyleEx: 0x00080088 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 4688 • Path: "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
Start Button [External: Detected]: Windows7AndLower
Start Menu: Invalid Window: 0x006a0f5a
Button Classic Flag [small]: Size: 16x16
Button Classic Flag [medium]: Size: 20x20
Button Classic Flag [large]: Size: 24x24
Button Full Normal: Size: 66x66
Button Full Hover: Size: 66x66
Button Full Pressed: Size: 66x66
Button TopChop Normal: Size: 66x66
Button TopChop Hover: Size: 66x66
Button TopChop Pressed: Size: 66x66
Button BottomChop Normal: Size: 66x66
Button BottomChop Hover: Size: 66x66
Button BottomChop Pressed: Size: 66x66
Button Padding: {Left=11,Top=12,Right=11,Bottom=11}
Button Real Size: 44x43
Text Start: "Start"
Text JumpList: "Jump List"
Text Show Tray Overflow: "Show hidden icons"
Text System Control: ""
Text System Promoted: "System Promoted Notification Area"
MUI Path: "C:\Windows\en-US\explorer.exe.mui" (Exists: True)

----- Taskbar Tray Icons Visible [4 / 25] ---------------
4688: "Solve PC issues: 2 messages" ~ ID: 123 ~ Overflow: False ~ Command: 3 ~ Msg: 1124 ~ Icon: 20x20 ~ IconType: HIcon_Direct ~ Window: 0x00080b1c • Class: "WorkerW" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} [DWM: False] • Text: "" • Style: 0x04c00000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 4688 • Path: "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
4688: "Network Internet access Unidentified network No network access" ~ ID: 49994 ~ Overflow: False ~ Command: 2 ~ Msg: 1124 ~ Icon: 20x20 ~ IconType: HIcon_Direct ~ Window: 0x00010770 • Class: "ATL:000007FEE7AB52C0" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} [DWM: False] • Text: "Network Flyout" • Style: 0x84800000 • StyleEx: 0x00000008 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 4688 • Path: "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
4688: "Speakers: 27%" ~ ID: 100 ~ Overflow: False ~ Command: 1 ~ Msg: 1120 ~ Icon: 20x20 ~ IconType: HIcon_Direct ~ Window: 0x00020744 • Class: "ATL:000007FEFAD741F0" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} [DWM: False] • Text: "" • Style: 0x84000000 • StyleEx: 0x00000080 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 4688 • Path: "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
5620: "Dropbox 2.4.11 Up to date" ~ ID: 0 ~ Overflow: False ~ Command: 0 ~ Msg: 1044 ~ Icon: 20x20 ~ IconType: HIcon_Direct ~ Window: 0x000106fe • Class: "DropboxTrayIcon" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1020,Height=756} • RectDWM: {X=-6,Y=-6,Width=1032,Height=768} [DWM: True] • Text: "DropboxTrayIcon" • Style: 0x04c80000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 5620 • Path: "C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe"
4180: "" ~ ID: 128 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 3 ~ Msg: 32769 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x000102cc • Class: "Afx:0000000140000000:0" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} [DWM: False] • Text: "Realtek HD Audio CPL for Vista" • Style: 0x84000000 • StyleEx: 0x00000000 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 4180 • Path: "C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVCpl64.exe"
5664: "" ~ ID: 1 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 11 ~ Msg: 2048 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x00030416 • Class: "" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} [DWM: True] • Text: "" • Style: 0x04c00000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 5664 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Dolby Home Theater v4\pcee4.exe"
1372: "" ~ ID: 0 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 14 ~ Msg: 1025 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x000105aa • Class: "NotificationIconWindowClass" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} [DWM: False] • Text: "NotificationIconWindow" • Style: 0x04c00000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 1372 • Path: "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display\nvtray.exe"
7724: "" ~ ID: 0 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 18 ~ Msg: 1125 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x00060b0a • Class: "WindowsUpdateNotificationWindow" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} [DWM: False] • Text: "Windows Update Taskbar Notification" • Style: 0x84000000 • StyleEx: 0x00000000 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 7724 • Path: "C:\Windows\System32\wuauclt.exe"
11220: "" ~ ID: 0 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 8 ~ Msg: 49756 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x00060d94 • Class: "OneNoteM" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} [DWM: False] • Text: "Microsoft OneNote 2010 - Windows taskbar" • Style: 0x84000000 • StyleEx: 0x08000080 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 11220 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\ONENOTEM.EXE"
210852: "" ~ ID: 1 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 15 ~ Msg: 2048 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x005f0c42 • Class: "" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} [DWM: True] • Text: "" • Style: 0x04c00000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 210852 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe"
2508: "" ~ ID: 37655 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 0 ~ Msg: 1025 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x00020084 • Class: "ProcessLasso_Notification_Class" • RectNormal: {X=60,Y=60,Width=960,Height=696} • RectDWM: {X=60,Y=60,Width=960,Height=696} [DWM: True] • Text: "ProcessLasso_Notification_Window" • Style: 0x04cf0000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 2508 • Path: "C:\Program Files\Process Lasso\ProcessLasso.exe"
5408: "" ~ ID: 6036 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 7 ~ Msg: 6035 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x00010444 • Class: "WinPatrol" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} [DWM: True] • Text: "WinPatrol" • Style: 0x04cf0000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 5408 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\BillP Studios\WinPatrol\WinPatrol.exe"
6140: "" ~ ID: 194 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 4 ~ Msg: 1025 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x000d0a34 • Class: "SplashtopRemote" • RectNormal: {X=499,Y=399,Width=602,Height=402} • RectDWM: {X=499,Y=399,Width=602,Height=402} [DWM: True] • Text: "Splashtop® Streamer" • Style: 0x840a0844 • StyleEx: 0x00010000 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 6140 • Path: ""
11856: "" ~ ID: 0 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 20 ~ Msg: 1024 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x000714a4 • Class: "WinpidginSystrayWinCls" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} • RectDWM: {X=-6,Y=-6,Width=170,Height=57} [DWM: True] • Text: "" • Style: 0x04c00000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 11856 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Pidgin\pidgin.exe"
1680: "" ~ ID: 1001 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 17 ~ Msg: 1025 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x00020714 • Class: "Flick Notification Window Class" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} [DWM: False] • Text: "" • Style: 0x84c80000 • StyleEx: 0x00080188 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 1680 • Path: "C:\Windows\System32\wisptis.exe"
4620: "" ~ ID: 0 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 2 ~ Msg: 1025 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x000102ba • Class: "NotifyIconWindowClass" • RectNormal: {X=120,Y=120,Width=960,Height=696} • RectDWM: {X=114,Y=114,Width=972,Height=708} [DWM: True] • Text: "NotifyIconWindowTitle" • Style: 0x04c00000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 4620 • Path: "C:\Program Files\TightVNC\tvnserver.exe"
5600: "" ~ ID: 4157 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 12 ~ Msg: 32770 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x0004006e • Class: "SnagIt5UI" • RectNormal: {X=2090,Y=-196,Width=790,Height=416} • RectDWM: {X=2090,Y=-196,Width=790,Height=416} [DWM: True] • Text: "Snagit" • Style: 0x04cf0000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 5600 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TechSmith\Snagit 11\Snagit32.exe"
4964: "" ~ ID: 1000 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 1 ~ Msg: 1025 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x000100c0 • Class: "SEPClass" • RectNormal: {X=150,Y=150,Width=158,Height=45} • RectDWM: {X=144,Y=144,Width=170,Height=57} [DWM: True] • Text: "" • Style: 0x04c00000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 4964 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\12.1.2015.2015.105\Bin\ccSvcHst.exe"
5352: "" ~ ID: 1 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 13 ~ Msg: 49645 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x000103ce • Class: "wxTaskBarExWindowClass" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=158,Height=45} • RectDWM: {X=-6,Y=-6,Width=170,Height=57} [DWM: True] • Text: "BOINCManagerSystray" • Style: 0x04c00000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 5352 • Path: "C:\Program Files\BOINC\boincmgr.exe"
198024: "" ~ ID: 1 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 22 ~ Msg: 50452 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x01e40fc0 • Class: "ENTrayWnd" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} [DWM: False] • Text: "" • Style: 0x84000000 • StyleEx: 0x08000080 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 198024 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\EvernoteTray.exe"
5856: "" ~ ID: 1024 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 9 ~ Msg: 1032 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x000104d2 • Class: "WinampAgentMain" • RectNormal: {X=210,Y=210,Width=960,Height=696} • RectDWM: {X=204,Y=204,Width=972,Height=708} [DWM: True] • Text: "" • Style: 0x04c00000 • StyleEx: 0x00000188 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 5856 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Winamp\winampa.exe"
239428: "" ~ ID: 3746 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 21 ~ Msg: 1025 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x015e0ea2 • Class: "TPUtilWindow" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=0,Height=0} [DWM: False] • Text: "" • Style: 0x84000000 • StyleEx: 0x00000080 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 239428 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\1Password.exe"
4688: "" ~ ID: 1226 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 16 ~ Msg: 1226 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x00020752 • Class: "SystemTray_Main" • RectNormal: {X=0,Y=0,Width=16,Height=16} • RectDWM: {X=0,Y=0,Width=16,Height=16} [DWM: True] • Text: "Battery Meter" • Style: 0x84040000 • StyleEx: 0x00000180 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 4688 • Path: "C:\Windows\explorer.exe"
5788: "" ~ ID: 135 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 10 ~ Msg: 1024 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x000104e8 • Class: "Afx:00400000:b:00010009:00000006:000504AB" • RectNormal: {X=30,Y=30,Width=960,Height=696} • RectDWM: {X=30,Y=30,Width=960,Height=696} [DWM: True] • Text: "Accerlerator Schedule - MarvellTray" • Style: 0x04cfc000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 5788 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Marvell\storage\tray\MarvellTray.exe"
5336: "" ~ ID: 109 ~ Overflow: True ~ Command: 5 ~ Msg: 49666 ~ Icon: null ~ IconType: Unknown ~ Window: 0x00010490 • Class: "AppleInternetServicesNotifyIcon" • RectNormal: {X=180,Y=180,Width=960,Height=696} • RectDWM: {X=180,Y=180,Width=960,Height=696} [DWM: True] • Text: "iCloud" • Style: 0x04cf0000 • StyleEx: 0x00000100 • Min: False • Max: False • PID: 5336 • Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Internet Services\iCloudServices.exe"

----- Taskbar Tray Icons Alt [0] ---------------

----- Window Snapping ---------------
Snap to Monitor Edges: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Snap to Application Window Edges: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Snap Distance: 10
Snap Mode: OnlyWithoutModifier
Snap Modifier: Shift
Snap Sticky: True

----- Window Management ---------------
Maximized Window Dragging: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Maximized Window Dragging Overlay: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Middle-Click Window Moving: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Window Move/Size ToolTips: False [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Win+M Helper: False [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Window Move Use New Method: False
Move Child Windows: False [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Move Child Windows Modal: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Move Child Windows Centre: False [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Mouse Wheel Scrolling: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Mouse Wrap X: False [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Mouse Wrap Y: False [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Mouse Wrap NoSnag: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]

----- Window Location [1] ---------------
Enabled: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Queue Length: 201
Taskbar Shortcuts Waiting: 0
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ~ CommandLine: "" ~ Delay: 0ms ~ Monitor: 3 ~ MoveMode: FirstWindowOnly ~ WindowType: OriginalSize ~ HotKeyID: caa0e17c-7174-4f2e-95bb-52127281e086

----- Alt+Tab Handler [0] ---------------

----- Windows Logon Background ---------------
Enabled: True
Use Wallpaper: False
Image: C:\Users\Robert\Documents\earthmoon.tif
Colour: Color [A=255, R=0, G=0, B=0]
Size Mode: FitBestMaintainClip
Colour Mode: Normal

----- Windows 8 ---------------
Win+X Helper: False [AdminLock: False • Loaded: Ignore: MinWindowsVersion]

----- Desktop Icon Profiles [0] ---------------

----- Screen Savers [5] ---------------
Enabled: True [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Span: False [AdminLock: False • Loaded: HKCU:APP]
Is Allowed: True [Allowed]
0: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\ScreenSavers\Photos.scr" ~ Preview: True
1: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\ScreenSavers\Photos.scr" ~ Preview: True
2: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\ScreenSavers\Photos.scr" ~ Preview: True
3: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\ScreenSavers\Photos.scr" ~ Preview: True
4: "C:\Windows\System32\ssstars.scr" ~ Preview: True

----- Screen Savers Installed [9] ---------------
"3D Text" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\ssText3d.scr"
"Blank" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\scrnsave.scr"
"BOINC" ~ "C:\Windows\boinc.scr"
"Bubbles" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\Bubbles.scr"
"DisplayFusion Photos Screen Saver" ~ "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\ScreenSavers\Photos.scr"
"Mystify" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\Mystify.scr"
"Photos" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\PhotoScreensaver.scr"
"Ribbons" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\Ribbons.scr"
"Starfield" ~ "C:\Windows\System32\ssstars.scr"

----- Languages [38] ---------------
ms (Loaded): "Malay" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\ms.lang"
da (Loaded): "Danish" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\da.lang"
de (Loaded): "German" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\de.lang"
en (Loaded): "English" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\en.lang"
en-gb (Loaded): "English (United Kingdom)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\en-gb.lang"
en-us (Loaded): "English (United States)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\en-us.lang"
es (Loaded): "Spanish" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\es.lang"
fr (Loaded): "French" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\fr.lang"
hr (Loaded): "Croatian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\hr.lang"
it (Loaded): "Italian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\it.lang"
lv (Loaded): "Latvian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\lv.lang"
hu (Loaded): "Hungarian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\hu.lang"
nl-be (Loaded): "Dutch (Belgium)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\nl-be.lang"
nl-nl (Loaded): "Dutch (Netherlands)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\nl-nl.lang"
no (Loaded): "Norwegian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\no.lang"
pl (Loaded): "Polish" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\pl.lang"
pt (Loaded): "Portuguese" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\pt.lang"
pt-br (Loaded): "Portuguese (Brazil)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\pt-br.lang"
ro (Loaded): "Romanian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\ro.lang"
sl (Loaded): "Slovenian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\sl.lang"
sk (Loaded): "Slovak" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\sk.lang"
sr (Loaded): "Serbian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\sr.lang"
fi (Loaded): "Finnish" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\fi.lang"
sv (Loaded): "Swedish" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\sv.lang"
vi (Loaded): "Vietnamese" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\vi.lang"
tr (Loaded): "Turkish" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\tr.lang"
cs (Loaded): "Czech" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\cs.lang"
el (Loaded): "Greek" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\el.lang"
bg (Loaded): "Bulgarian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\bg.lang"
ru (Loaded): "Russian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\ru.lang"
uk (Loaded): "Ukrainian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\uk.lang"
hy (Loaded): "Armenian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\hy.lang"
he (Loaded): "Hebrew" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\he.lang"
fa (Loaded): "Persian" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\fa.lang"
zh-cn (Loaded): "Chinese (People's Republic of China)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\zh-cn.lang"
zh-tw (Loaded): "Chinese (Taiwan)" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\zh-tw.lang"
ja (Loaded): "Japanese" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\ja.lang"
ko (Loaded): "Korean" ~ Version: ~ File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Languages\ko.lang"

----- Compatibility [6] ---------------
"C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\1Password.exe" ~ TitleBar Buttons: True ~ TitleBar Buttons All: False ~ Window Snapping: False ~ Wallpaper Changes: False ~ Window Move Middle-Click: False ~ Maximized Drag: False ~ Windows Taskbar Item Remove: False ~ Hooks: False ~ Mouse Scroll: False ~ Disable Taskbars: False ~ Alt Mouse Scroll: False ~ TB NormalX: 0 ~ TB NormalY: 0 ~ TB MaxX: 0 ~ TB MaxY: 0
"C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\Agile1pAgent.exe" ~ TitleBar Buttons: True ~ TitleBar Buttons All: False ~ Window Snapping: False ~ Wallpaper Changes: False ~ Window Move Middle-Click: False ~ Maximized Drag: False ~ Windows Taskbar Item Remove: False ~ Hooks: False ~ Mouse Scroll: False ~ Disable Taskbars: False ~ Alt Mouse Scroll: False ~ TB NormalX: 0 ~ TB NormalY: 0 ~ TB MaxX: 0 ~ TB MaxY: 0
"C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunes.exe" ~ TitleBar Buttons: True ~ TitleBar Buttons All: False ~ Window Snapping: False ~ Wallpaper Changes: False ~ Window Move Middle-Click: False ~ Maximized Drag: False ~ Windows Taskbar Item Remove: False ~ Hooks: False ~ Mouse Scroll: False ~ Disable Taskbars: False ~ Alt Mouse Scroll: False ~ TB NormalX: 0 ~ TB NormalY: 0 ~ TB MaxX: 0 ~ TB MaxY: 0
"C:\Users\Robert\Dev\Falcon32\R&D\UltimateTLB\Beta2Test\Debug\Beta2Test.exe" ~ TitleBar Buttons: True ~ TitleBar Buttons All: False ~ Window Snapping: False ~ Wallpaper Changes: False ~ Window Move Middle-Click: False ~ Maximized Drag: False ~ Windows Taskbar Item Remove: False ~ Hooks: False ~ Mouse Scroll: False ~ Disable Taskbars: False ~ Alt Mouse Scroll: False ~ TB NormalX: 0 ~ TB NormalY: 0 ~ TB MaxX: 0 ~ TB MaxY: 0
"C:\Users\Robert\Dev\Falcon32\R&D\UltimateTLB\V3ImagingTestMuleMDIApp\Debug\DialogTestMule.exe" ~ TitleBar Buttons: True ~ TitleBar Buttons All: False ~ Window Snapping: False ~ Wallpaper Changes: False ~ Window Move Middle-Click: False ~ Maximized Drag: False ~ Windows Taskbar Item Remove: False ~ Hooks: False ~ Mouse Scroll: False ~ Disable Taskbars: False ~ Alt Mouse Scroll: False ~ TB NormalX: 0 ~ TB NormalY: 0 ~ TB MaxX: 0 ~ TB MaxY: 0
"C:\Users\Robert\Dev\Falcon32\R&D\UltimateTLB\V3ImagingTestMuleMDIApp\Debug\MDITestMule.exe" ~ TitleBar Buttons: True ~ TitleBar Buttons All: False ~ Window Snapping: False ~ Wallpaper Changes: False ~ Window Move Middle-Click: False ~ Maximized Drag: False ~ Windows Taskbar Item Remove: False ~ Hooks: False ~ Mouse Scroll: False ~ Disable Taskbars: False ~ Alt Mouse Scroll: False ~ TB NormalX: 0 ~ TB NormalY: 0 ~ TB MaxX: 0 ~ TB MaxY: 0

----- Hook Manager ---------------
Hooks Running: True
Notify GUID: 590a898d-c5bd-47e6-8e69-3369b96f8fb1
API Force Disabled: False

----- File: Main: DisplayFusion.exe ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe
Name: DisplayFusion
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 8,096,096 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 25, 2014 @ 16:31
Is Running: True [Instances: 1]

----- File: AppHook32: DisplayFusionHookAppWIN6032.exe ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookAppWIN6032.exe
Name: DisplayFusion Hook App
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 284,008 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 23, 2014 @ 16:06
Is Running: True [Instances: 1]

----- File: AppHook64: DisplayFusionHookAppWIN6064.exe ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookAppWIN6064.exe
Name: DisplayFusion Hook App
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 308,584 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 23, 2014 @ 16:06
Is Running: True [Instances: 1]

----- File: AppHook DLL: WIN5032: AppHookWIN5032_AB31542A-E69A-4B83-B70A-E613726EB2EE.dll ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Hooks\AppHookWIN5032_AB31542A-E69A-4B83-B70A-E613726EB2EE.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 256,344 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 23, 2014 @ 16:06
Is Running: False [Instances: 0]

----- File: AppHook DLL: WIN5064: AppHookWIN5064_D604185C-2E6E-48C0-87E1-51CFB4164040.dll ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Hooks\AppHookWIN5064_D604185C-2E6E-48C0-87E1-51CFB4164040.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 291,160 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 23, 2014 @ 16:06
Is Running: False [Instances: 0]

----- File: AppHook DLL: WIN6032: AppHookWIN6032_FFBF4C58-F1C0-4B13-B0F1-7D6FB4A86654.dll ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Hooks\AppHookWIN6032_FFBF4C58-F1C0-4B13-B0F1-7D6FB4A86654.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 278,360 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 23, 2014 @ 16:06
Is Running: False [Instances: 0]

----- File: AppHook DLL: WIN6064: AppHookWIN6064_45A183D8-11A7-4715-A148-E626EC0183BA.dll ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Hooks\AppHookWIN6064_45A183D8-11A7-4715-A148-E626EC0183BA.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 317,784 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 23, 2014 @ 16:06
Is Running: False [Instances: 0]

----- File: Helper: DisplayFusionHelper.exe ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHelper.exe
Name: DisplayFusion Helper
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 4,642,672 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 25, 2014 @ 16:31
Is Running: False [Instances: 0]

----- File: Helper:Win8: DisplayFusionHelperWin8.exe ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHelperWin8.exe
Name: DisplayFusion HelperWin8
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 21,888 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Oct 28, 2013 @ 14:10
Is Running: False [Instances: 0]

----- File: Command: DisplayFusionCommand.exe ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionCommand.exe
Name: DisplayFusion Command
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 4,645,232 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 25, 2014 @ 16:31
Is Running: False [Instances: 0]

----- File: Settings: DisplayFusionSettings.exe ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe
Name: DisplayFusion Settings
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 6,226,808 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 25, 2014 @ 16:31
Is Running: True [Instances: 1]

----- File: Screen Saver: DFSSaver.scr ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DFSSaver.scr
Name: DisplayFusion Screen Saver
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 4,928,000 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 25, 2014 @ 16:31
Is Running: False [Instances: 0]

----- File: Service: DisplayFusionService.exe ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionService.exe
Name: DisplayFusion Service
Prod Version:
File Version:
Size: 4,629,360 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Apr 25, 2014 @ 16:31
Is Running: False [Instances: 0]

----- File: External: Classic Start Menu: ClassicStartMenu.exe ---------------
Path: C:\Program Files\Classic Shell\ClassicStartMenu.exe
Name: Classic Shell
Prod Version: 3, 6, 8, 0
File Version: 3, 6, 8, 0
Size: 151,552 bytes
Date Modified (UTC): Jun 29, 2013 @ 11:50
Is Running: True [Instances: 1]

----- File: External: StartMenuX: -- ---------------
Path: --

----- Folder: External: StartIsBack: -- ---------------
Path: --

----- File: External: Start8 [folder]: -- ---------------
Path: --

----- Service: DisplayFusionService ---------------
Service: DisplayFusionService
Display: DisplayFusionService
Status: Running
Type: Win32OwnProcess
CanStop: True
CanShutdown: True
CanPauseAndContinue: False

----- Branding ---------------

----- Threads [20] ---------------
238980: Running • Age:1d, 20h, 1m ago • UserPT:56.57s • PrivPT:558.72s • TotalPT:615.28s • WaitReason:--
222188: Wait • Age:1d, 20h, 1m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:UserRequest
238268: Wait • Age:1d, 20h, 1m ago • UserPT:2.46s • PrivPT:0.36s • TotalPT:2.82s • WaitReason:UserRequest
237716: Wait • Age:1d, 20h, 1m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.02s • TotalPT:0.02s • WaitReason:UserRequest
238756: Wait • Age:1d, 20h, 1m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:ExecutionDelay
210740: Wait • Age:1d, 20h, 1m ago • UserPT:4.12s • PrivPT:3.10s • TotalPT:7.22s • WaitReason:UserRequest
239424: Wait • Age:1d, 20h, 1m ago • UserPT:0.02s • PrivPT:0.02s • TotalPT:0.03s • WaitReason:UserRequest
238624: Wait • Age:1d, 20h, 1m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:ExecutionDelay
223376: Wait • Age:1d, 20h, 1m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:UserRequest
239316: Wait • Age:1d, 20h, 1m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:UserRequest
239224: Wait • Age:1d, 20h, 1m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:UserRequest
154452: Ready • Age:1d, 20h, 1m ago • UserPT:5.88s • PrivPT:32.74s • TotalPT:38.63s • WaitReason:--
239124: Wait • Age:1d, 20h, 1m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:UserRequest
236212: Wait • Age:1d, 20h, 1m ago • UserPT:0.02s • PrivPT:0.02s • TotalPT:0.03s • WaitReason:ExecutionDelay
216544: Wait • Age:1d, 20h, 0m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:UserRequest
239368: Wait • Age:1d, 20h, 0m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:EventPairLow
231776: Wait • Age:1d, 17h, 26m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:EventPairLow
244796: Wait • Age:16h, 1m ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:EventPairLow
242716: Wait • Age:4s ago • UserPT:0.02s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.02s • WaitReason:UserRequest
204868: Wait • Age:1s ago • UserPT:0.00s • PrivPT:0.00s • TotalPT:0.00s • WaitReason:UserRequest

----- Task Manager [4] ---------------
ID:6 • Name:HookManager • Notes:-- • Age:158,571.765s • Max:0 • Alive:True • BG:True • Ap:STA • State:Background • Thread Name:HookManager-3
ID:31 • Name:HookManagerWaitForEvents • Notes:-- • Age:158,565.959s • Max:0 • Alive:True • BG:True • Ap:STA • State:Background • Thread Name:HookManagerWaitForEvents-25
ID:32 • Name:WindowLocationManagerFirst • Notes:-- • Age:158,565.942s • Max:0 • Alive:True • BG:True • Ap:STA • State:Background, WaitSleepJoin • Thread Name:WindowLocationManagerFirst-26
ID:63 • Name:TaskbarEnum:ProcessTaskbars • Notes:TaskbarManager:ProcessTaskbarItem [1] • Age:0.822s • Max:0 • Alive:True • BG:True • Ap:MTA • State:Background • Thread Name:TaskbarEnum:ProcessTaskbars-75933

----- Advanced Settings [116] ---------------
Application Hooks: Disable Application Hooks: --
Application Hooks: Override Application Hook for x64: --
Application Hooks: Override Application Hook for x86: --
Application Hooks: Pause Global Hooks on Full Screen: --
Debug Logging: Logging Advanced Mode: --
Debug Logging: Logging Trace Mode: --
Desktop Icons: Don't Show Confirmation when Loading: --
Desktop Icons: Don't Show Overwrite Confirmation when Saving: --
Desktop Icons: Don't Show Success Notification when Saving: --
General: Backup Settings Path Override: --
General: Disable Sound Effects: --
General: Don't Check nVidia Processes: --
General: Don't Show Error Messages for HotKey Bind Failures: --
General: Don't Show Tray Icon Notification Balloons: --
General: Font Scaling Force X: --
General: Font Scaling Force Y: --
General: Force Processes to be Launched Internally: --
General: Hide System Tray Icon: --
General: Ignore Full Screen Windows: --
General: Ignore Monitors: --
General: Memory Trim: --
General: Monitor Order: --
General: Mouse Cursor Lock to Monitor: Change Bottom: --
General: Mouse Cursor Lock to Monitor: Change Left: --
General: Mouse Cursor Lock to Monitor: Change Right: --
General: Mouse Cursor Lock to Monitor: Change Top: --
General: Mouse Cursor Lock to Window: Change Bottom: --
General: Mouse Cursor Lock to Window: Change Left: --
General: Mouse Cursor Lock to Window: Change Right: --
General: Mouse Cursor Lock to Window: Change Top: --
General: Processor Affinity (all CPUs): --
General: Run as a High Priority Process: --
General: Run as a Low Priority Process: --
General: Treat Top-Tab Browser Windows as Standard Windows: --
General: Use /N instead of /E when Opening Windows Explorer Folders: --
General: Window Highlight Border Size: --
Languages: Force Load Language Files with Errors: --
Languages: Show Language File Errors: --
Mirroring: Force Mirroring to use Classic Polling Method: --
Monitor Configuration: Don't Show Confirm Prompt: --
Monitor Configuration: Don't Show Live Monitor Preview: --
Monitor Configuration: Use Classic Monitor Get/Set Functions: --
Taskbar: Always Show Preview Window Text: --
Taskbar: Auto-Hide Animation: --
Taskbar: Button Dragging Icons: --
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #1): --
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #2): --
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #3): --
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #4): --
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #5): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey.
Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" • Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\5" • ValueName: "ClockSize"
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #6): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey.
Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" • Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\6" • ValueName: "ClockSize"
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #7): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey.
Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" • Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\7" • ValueName: "ClockSize"
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #8): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey.
Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" • Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\8" • ValueName: "ClockSize"
Taskbar: Clock Size (Taskbar #9): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey.
Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" • Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\9" • ValueName: "ClockSize"
Taskbar: Clock Text: --
Taskbar: Clock Text Colour: --
Taskbar: Clock Text Size: --
Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #1): --
Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #2): --
Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #3): --
Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #4): --
Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #5): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey.
Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" • Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\5" • ValueName: "ClockTimeZone"
Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #6): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey.
Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" • Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\6" • ValueName: "ClockTimeZone"
Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #7): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey.
Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" • Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\7" • ValueName: "ClockTimeZone"
Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #8): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey.
Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" • Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\8" • ValueName: "ClockTimeZone"
Taskbar: Clock Time Zone (Taskbar #9): {ERROR} Failed to call ReadValueString: Failed to open SubKey.
Hive: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" • Path: "Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\Taskbars\9" • ValueName: "ClockTimeZone"
Taskbar: Clock ToolTip Text: --
Taskbar: Colour Tracking Override: --
Taskbar: Disable Touch Detection (makes some controls bigger): --
Taskbar: Don't Force to Bottom when Screen Saver is Detected: --
Taskbar: Don't Load System Jump List Items: --
Taskbar: Flashing Taskbar Buttons Flash Until Focused: --
Taskbar: Flashing Taskbar Buttons Never Flash: --
Taskbar: Force Classic Style: --
Taskbar: Ignore Alternate Start Menus (Start8, Classic Shell, StartIsBack... etc): --
Taskbar: Invoke Start Menu Using Click Instead of Windows Key: --
Taskbar: Remove Hot Corner Padding (Win8): --
Taskbar: Shortcut Size: Height: --
Taskbar: Shortcut Size: Width: --
Taskbar: Show Duplicate Taskbar Prompt (Win8): --
Taskbar: Show on All Monitors: --
Taskbar: Start Button Scale: --
Taskbar: Taskbar Button Gap Size: Horizontal: --
Taskbar: Taskbar Shortcut Gap Size: Horizontal: --
Taskbar: Thumbnail Preview Animation: --
Taskbar: Thumbnail Preview Delay: --
Taskbar: Thumbnail Preview Size: --
Taskbar: Thumbnail Preview ToolTips: --
Taskbar: Windows Key Opens Secondary Start Menu: --
TitleBar Buttons: Button Offset: Horizontal: --
TitleBar Buttons: Button Offset: Vertical: --
TitleBar Buttons: Custom Button Background: --
TitleBar Buttons: Don't Hide for Top-Tabs (Chrome, Firefox 4): --
TitleBar Buttons: Don't use Aero TitleBar Button Positioning: --
TitleBar Buttons: Force Classic Style: --
TitleBar Buttons: Icon Offset: Horizontal: --
TitleBar Buttons: Icon Offset: Vertical: --
TitleBar Buttons: Minimum Window Width: --
TitleBar Buttons: Separator Size: --
TitleBar Buttons: Show Debug Info: --
TitleBar Buttons: Shrink TitleBar Buttons: --
TitleBar Buttons: Treat as Non-Maximized: --
Wallpaper: Active Desktop: Force Detection as Disabled: --
Wallpaper: Active Desktop: Force Detection as Enabled: --
Wallpaper: Don't Load Random Images on Apply: --
Wallpaper: Don't Store Image History: --
Wallpaper: Generate Smaller Files (lower quality): --
Wallpaper: Generated Folder Override: --
Wallpaper: Ignore Sub-Folders: --
Wallpaper: Restrict Images to Specific Paths: --
Wallpaper: Run Program After Wallpaper Change: --
Wallpaper: Show Wallpaper Apply Prompt: --
Wallpaper: Startup Change Delay: --
Wallpaper: Use Internal Wallpaper Processing: --
Wallpaper: WallpaperFusion: Always Load Original Images: --
Window: Use Alternate Method To Move Windows (for testing ONLY): --

----- Process Manager [127] ---------------
1928: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
2008: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
1108: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
1484: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
1492: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
2680: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
2216: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
2300: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
2344: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
1260: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
1948: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
844: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
5128: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
1284: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
428: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
1000: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
2836: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
6140: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
1220: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
1352: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
1444: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
780: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
1016: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
1048: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
2376: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
4272: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
4784: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
4772: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
3172: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
3432: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
3908: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
5384: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
6896: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
1700: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
936: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
5648: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
6528: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
2760: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
2848: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
2868: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
2580: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
2668: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
2752: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
2264: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
2284: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
2308: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
2964: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
2980: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
1416: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
828: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
728: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
248612: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 24s ago
1872: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
900: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
250036: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
716: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
636: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
552: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
348: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
249292: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 14s ago
700: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
656: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
245968: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
924: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
976: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
7252: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
233348: "" • Version: 0.0 • Added: 20s ago
239428: "C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\1Password.exe" • Version: 1.0 • Added: 24s ago
231512: "C:\Program Files (x86)\1Password\Agile1pAgent.exe" • Version: 1.0 • Added: 23s ago
5408: "C:\Program Files (x86)\BillP Studios\WinPatrol\WinPatrol.exe" • Version: 30.5 • Added: 23s ago
5364: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Internet Services\ApplePhotoStreams.exe" • Version: 7.13 • Added: 23s ago
7416: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Internet Services\APSDaemon.exe" • Version: 2.2 • Added: 23s ago
5336: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Internet Services\iCloudServices.exe" • Version: 3.1 • Added: 23s ago
247532: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\ink\TabTip32.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 23s ago
210852: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe" • Version: 5.9 • Added: 24s ago
228592: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookAppWIN6032.exe" • Version: 6.0 • Added: 23s ago
199360: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookAppWIN6064.exe" • Version: 6.0 • Added: 23s ago
244348: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe" • Version: 5.9 • Added: 15s ago
200580: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe" • Version: 5.9 • Added: 7s ago
250504: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionSettings.exe" • Version: 5.9 • Added: 15s ago
5664: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Dolby Home Theater v4\pcee4.exe" • Version: 7.2 • Added: 23s ago
199544: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\Evernote.exe" • Version: 5.3 • Added: 23s ago
197172: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\EvernoteClipper.exe" • Version: 5.3 • Added: 23s ago
198024: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\EvernoteTray.exe" • Version: 5.3 • Added: 23s ago
6060: "C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\iTunesHelper.exe" • Version: 11.1 • Added: 23s ago
5788: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Marvell\storage\tray\MarvellTray.exe" • Version: 1.3 • Added: 23s ago
11220: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\ONENOTEM.EXE" • Version: 14.0 • Added: 23s ago
94720: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" • Version: 9.0 • Added: 23s ago
99348: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\mspdbsrv.exe" • Version: 9.0 • Added: 23s ago
11856: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Pidgin\pidgin.exe" • Version: 2.9 • Added: 24s ago
4964: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\12.1.2015.2015.105\Bin\ccSvcHst.exe" • Version: 12.1 • Added: 23s ago
5600: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TechSmith\Snagit 11\Snagit32.exe" • Version: 11.0 • Added: 23s ago
5832: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TechSmith\Snagit 11\SnagitEditor.exe" • Version: 11.0 • Added: 23s ago
6132: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TechSmith\Snagit 11\SnagPriv.exe" • Version: 11.0 • Added: 23s ago
5920: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TechSmith\Snagit 11\TscHelp.exe" • Version: 1.1 • Added: 23s ago
5856: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Winamp\winampa.exe" • Version: 5.6 • Added: 23s ago
5500: "C:\Program Files\BOINC\boinc.exe" • Version: 7.2 • Added: 23s ago
5352: "C:\Program Files\BOINC\boincmgr.exe" • Version: 7.2 • Added: 23s ago
5168: "C:\Program Files\BOINC\boinctray.exe" • Version: 7.2 • Added: 23s ago
5132: "C:\Program Files\Classic Shell\ClassicStartMenu.exe" • Version: 3.6 • Added: 23s ago
249360: "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ink\TabTip.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 39s ago
5712: "C:\Program Files\Fresco Logic\Fresco Logic USB3.0 Host Controller\amd64_host\FLxHCIm.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 23s ago
1760: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center\ipoint.exe" • Version: 2.2 • Added: 23s ago
2532: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center\itype.exe" • Version: 2.2 • Added: 23s ago
1372: "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display\nvtray.exe" • Version: 7.17 • Added: 23s ago
4016: "C:\Program Files\Process Lasso\ProcessGovernor.exe" • Version: 6.7 • Added: 23s ago
2508: "C:\Program Files\Process Lasso\ProcessLasso.exe" • Version: 6.7 • Added: 23s ago
2168: "C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVBg64.exe" • Version: 1.0 • Added: 23s ago
4180: "C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVCpl64.exe" • Version: 1.0 • Added: 23s ago
4708: "C:\Program Files\Tablet\Wacom\Wacom_TabletUser.exe" • Version: 6.3 • Added: 23s ago
4572: "C:\Program Files\Tablet\Wacom\Wacom_TouchUser.exe" • Version: 6.3 • Added: 23s ago
4620: "C:\Program Files\TightVNC\tvnserver.exe" • Version: 2.6 • Added: 23s ago
5620: "C:\Users\Robert\AppData\Roaming\Dropbox\bin\Dropbox.exe" • Version: 2.4 • Added: 23s ago
4688: "C:\Windows\explorer.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 24s ago
56416: "C:\Windows\explorer.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 39s ago
6332: "C:\Windows\splwow64.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 23s ago
250708: "C:\Windows\System32\audiodg.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 23s ago
5492: "C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 23s ago
3296: "C:\Windows\System32\dwm.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 24s ago
243500: "C:\Windows\System32\sdclt.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 26s ago
4972: "C:\Windows\System32\taskeng.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 23s ago
4608: "C:\Windows\System32\taskeng.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 23s ago
4912: "C:\Windows\System32\taskhost.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 23s ago
168420: "C:\Windows\System32\taskhost.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 23s ago
1680: "C:\Windows\System32\wisptis.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 23s ago
7724: "C:\Windows\System32\wuauclt.exe" • Version: 7.6 • Added: 23s ago
234992: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ctfmon.exe" • Version: 6.1 • Added: 23s ago

----- Process Modules [125] ---------------
C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\Hooks\AppHookWIN6064_45A183D8-11A7-4715-A148-E626EC0183BA.dll
C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll
C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\ink\tiptsf.dll

----- Build Time [0.806s] ---------------
Elapsed Build Time: 0.806s
• Attachment [protected]: Compatibility.log [541,250 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: RequestedTrouble.log [327,108 bytes]
May 1, 2014 (modified May 1, 2014)  • #6
User Image
273 discussion posts
As an added bonus, here is a video showing the symptom. Note that the scrolling demonstrated is instantaneous when the DF application hooks are removed.

• Attachment [protected]: 1PasswordHooksSymptom.mp4 [118,757 bytes]
May 1, 2014 (modified May 1, 2014)  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks! It looks like for some reason DisplayFusion thinks you have monitor splitting enabled. Could you send over a new debug log of DisplayFusion starting up? Just enable logging, restart DisplayFusion, then send the log.

Can you also export the following registry key and attach it?

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion

May 1, 2014  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Actually, forget my last post. We've figured out why it thinks you have monitor splitting enabled and we'll get that fixed up for Beta 6. That should hopefully fix up the 1Password hooking issues :)
May 1, 2014  • #9
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273 discussion posts
Great news! BTW, I did try monitor splitting, but didn't find it useful so I turned it off, and it had to have been in a previous beta or maybe the last GA release. If you need more info, please ask. Glad to have been of assistance.
May 1, 2014  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, we've just released 6.0 B6, and the taskbar button issue should definitely be fixed up. We've also hopefully fixed up the issue with LastPass, though we couldn't reproduce it here. Could you give it a try and let me know how it works out?

May 7, 2014  • #11
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273 discussion posts
The missing icon now shows on the DF taskbar.
The scrolling / painting issue in 1Password appears to be resolved. I removed the compatibility rule in DF as using it seemed to make no difference, so it appears to be fixed.

May 8, 2014  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, glad to hear it!
May 8, 2014  • #13
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