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12 discussion posts
Minor annoyance, but I've noticed frequently that the programs on the 2nd monitor's taskbar will blink away, then blink back, ofttimes re-arranging the order of the programs.

The program I've noticed this happening with most often is Firefox, when it's switching pages. It may be a special behavior of Firefox when it switches pages, but I'm not sure. :)

Please let me know if you need more details. I just switched this morning to beta 11, and saw the error again after that. :-)
Aug 17, 2009  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Do you notice if Firefox freezes or hangs for a split second when it disappears?
Aug 17, 2009  • #2
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343 discussion posts
... I notice, though, that the DF taskbar buttons are switching position for some reason: I'll click on a button to minimize/unminimize and it's position get's swapped with another button. Happens with FireFox and Chrome.

Maybe these things are losing their order because of the lag in repositioning them back from their brief appearance on the main task bar... Kind of disorientating when you click on a specific window's button and it gets swapped with another right under your mouse.

I'll add this in from one of my dead threads so it's all in one place.
Aug 17, 2009  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@benway: Does this issue still happen with Beta 11? I made some changes (in Beta 9 I think) to better handle drag/drop items in Windows 7 that affected the way the taskbar button re-ordering worked. I thought I fixed it in either Beta 10 or 11, but can you confirm that the problem is still present in Beta 11? Thanks!
Aug 18, 2009  • #4
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12 discussion posts
@benway: Does this issue still happen with Beta 11? I made some changes (in Beta 9 I think) to better handle drag/drop items in Windows 7 that affected the way the taskbar button re-ordering worked. I thought I fixed it in either Beta 10 or 11, but can you confirm that the problem is still present in Beta 11? Thanks!

Yes, it's still present in 11. I just installed 12, so will be able to tell you if it's fixed there :)

Firefox isn't really freezing, but it is loading a new site... So perhaps some of the 'internet lag' I'm seeing is a freeze, it's hard to tell. :)
Aug 19, 2009  • #5
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12 discussion posts
@benway: Does this issue still happen with Beta 11? I made some changes (in Beta 9 I think) to better handle drag/drop items in Windows 7 that affected the way the taskbar button re-ordering worked. I thought I fixed it in either Beta 10 or 11, but can you confirm that the problem is still present in Beta 11? Thanks!

Yes, it's still present in 11. I just installed 12, so will be able to tell you if it's fixed there :)

Firefox isn't really freezing, but it is loading a new site... So perhaps some of the 'internet lag' I'm seeing is a freeze, it's hard to tell. :)

Just happened, with version 12. I opened Firefox, which is the only app on the right monitor, so it's alone on the taskbar. I then opened a chat window with Digsby, and it was the 2nd on the taskbar. After viewing several pages in Firefox, suddenly Digsby is first, and Firefox is second. Sometimes, if I'm paying attention, I see the active application move to the first monitor, then back. :)

Hopefully that's a better description. :)
Aug 20, 2009  • #6
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12 discussion posts
Just happened, with version 12. I opened Firefox, which is the only app on the right monitor, so it's alone on the taskbar. I then opened a chat window with Digsby, and it was the 2nd on the taskbar. After viewing several pages in Firefox, suddenly Digsby is first, and Firefox is second. Sometimes, if I'm paying attention, I see the active application move to the first monitor, then back. :)

Hopefully that's a better description. :)

I have a definitely reproducable way to make it happen, now. If you minimize any application on the 2nd window, the one with the DisplayFusion taskbar, and then click on the taskbar to restore it, it disappears from the taskbar for a couple seconds, then shows up at the end.

Also, I did upgrade to 13 this morning, so this is latest beta. :)

Thanks for the awesome program! :)
Aug 24, 2009  • #7
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
What version of Windows are you using, and are you using any other taskbar related software (UltraMon, any taskbar re-organizing software... etc)?
Aug 24, 2009  • #8
John L. Galt's profile on
Just happened, with version 12. I opened Firefox, which is the only app on the right monitor, so it's alone on the taskbar. I then opened a chat window with Digsby, and it was the 2nd on the taskbar. After viewing several pages in Firefox, suddenly Digsby is first, and Firefox is second. Sometimes, if I'm paying attention, I see the active application move to the first monitor, then back. :)

Hopefully that's a better description. :)

I have a definitely reproducable way to make it happen, now. If you minimize any application on the 2nd window, the one with the DisplayFusion taskbar, and then click on the taskbar to restore it, it disappears from the taskbar for a couple seconds, then shows up at the end. Also, I did upgrade to 13 this morning, so this is latest beta. :)

Thanks for the awesome program! :)

Jon, I just tried this with only 2 apps on the second monitor - and reproduced it immediately.

7 Ultimate 64bit RTM (Thanks, TechNet!)
nVidia GTX260 * 2 (each monitor attached to a separate card)
SLI enabled
DF Pro 3.0.113 (Beta 13)

His methodology is exactly what I accidentally noticed several days ago, but I could not reproduce it as readily as I now can using this method.
I am I.
Aug 25, 2009  • #9
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12 discussion posts
What version of Windows are you using, and are you using any other taskbar related software (UltraMon, any taskbar re-organizing software... etc)?

Windows Vista Business 32 bit SP2, Firefox 3.0.13, and Disby build 23485. Just installed beta 14, and was able to reproduce. :)
Aug 25, 2009  • #10
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I'll be working on this issue tonight. :)
Aug 25, 2009  • #11
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48 discussion posts
I *had* this issue as well, but as I said in the other topic Beta 14 fixed 'other minimizing problems' for me, this was one of them.
Aug 25, 2009  • #12
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
John & frostryder: I just want to confirm that you have tried this with Beta 14 and the issue still happens. It sounds like frostryder is using Beta 14, but have you tried it yet John?
Aug 25, 2009  • #13
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I can't seem to reproduce this. :( Can someone enable the "Debug Logging" option, get this error to occur, then post the log file here? Thanks!
Aug 25, 2009  • #14
John L. Galt's profile on
It's not happening with Beta 14 at all over here, Jon.
I am I.
Aug 26, 2009  • #15
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks John, that's good news. It sounds like both you and Domokun are working ok now, and I'd like to hear back from frostryder as well. :) In the meantime, I'm pleased with the progress in the last couple of betas. I wasn't sure these issues would get fully resolved.
Aug 26, 2009  • #16
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12 discussion posts
Thanks John, that's good news. It sounds like both you and Domokun are working ok now, and I'd like to hear back from frostryder as well. :) In the meantime, I'm pleased with the progress in the last couple of betas. I wasn't sure these issues would get fully resolved.

I just got a new version, 15, so thought I'd try with this. I do still get the same behavior, where if a program is minimized on the 2nd taskbar, clicking to open it removes it from the 2nd taskbar, then redraws it at the end. :) Not a major problem :)

Here is the log you requested:
*** QUOTED ***
--- Machine ------------
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2
Operating System Version: 6.0.6002.131072
Detected Version: WindowsVista / 2008
CPU: x86
Date/Time (UTC): 08/26/2009 15:42:00
Date/Time (Local): 08/26/2009 11:42:00
.NET Framework: 2.0.50727.4016
CurrentCulture: English (United States) (en-US ~ en)
CurrentUICulture: English (United States) (en-US ~ en)

--- Wallpaper ------------
Wallpaper Span: False
Monitor #1 Image: C:\Users\Christopher.COOP\Pictures\DisplayFusion\Web Images\Flickr Image - 20090810f (Aug 26, 2009 11_30_46_09).jpg
Monitor #2 Image: C:\Users\Christopher.COOP\Pictures\DisplayFusion\Web Images\Flickr Image - Unknown (Aug 26, 2009 11_31_08_10).jpg
Generated Wallpaper: C:\Users\Christopher.COOP\AppData\Roaming\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionWallpaper_1.jpg

--- DisplayFusion ------------
Name: DisplayFusion Pro v3.0.115 (Beta 15)
Build Date: Aug 25, 2009 23:16
Pro: True
Pro License: 101-YIIK-D6DD-VHDD (truncated)
Command Line: "C:\Program Files\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusion.exe"
Current Folder: C:\Program Files\DisplayFusion
Performance Mode: False
Mouse Hooks: True
Application Hooks: True
System Hooks Pause FullScreen: True
Process Integrity Level: High

--- DisplayFusion x86 Hook DLL ------------
Path: C:\Program Files\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookx86.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version: 1, 7, 0, 0
File Version: 1, 7, 0, 0
Size: 48,304 bytes

--- DisplayFusion x64 Hook DLL ------------
Path: C:\Program Files\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookx64.dll
Name: DisplayFusion Hook
Prod Version: 1, 7, 0, 0
File Version: 1, 7, 0, 0
Size: 60,592 bytes

--- DisplayFusion x86 Hook Exe ------------
Path: C:\Program Files\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionHookx86.exe
Name: DisplayFusion Hook x86
Prod Version: 1, 1, 0, 0
File Version: 1, 1, 0, 0
Size: 83,632 bytes

--- Monitor 1 (Primary:True ~ Real:True) ------------
Name: \\.\DISPLAY1
Bounds: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1440,Height=900}
WorkArea: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1440,Height=870}

--- Monitor 2 (Primary:False ~ Real:True) ------------
Name: \\.\DISPLAY2
Bounds: {X=1440,Y=0,Width=1440,Height=900}
WorkArea: {X=1440,Y=0,Width=1440,Height=870}

--- Screens ------------
Count: 2
Point Min X: 0
Point Min Y: 0
Point Max X: 2880
Point Max Y: 900
Total Width: 2880
Total Height: 900
ActiveDesktop: False

--- Screen 1------------
ScreenID: 0
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1
Bounds: {X=0,Y=0,Width=1440,Height=900}
MoveH: 0
MoveV: 0

--- Screen 2------------
ScreenID: 1
Device: \\.\DISPLAY2
Bounds: {X=1440,Y=0,Width=1440,Height=900}
MoveH: 0
MoveV: 0

--- Managed Threads ------------
Count: 3
ID:3 ~ Name:TaskbarManager ~ Age:00:02:19.3320000 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:TaskbarManager_2f906e2c-5b93-4b02-84a9-87b0d368aac6
ID:4 ~ Name:HookManager ~ Age:00:02:19.3310000 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:HookManager_ea0b1982-537a-435c-97bd-bbe41ee2c9b7
ID:6 ~ Name:HookManagerProcess ~ Age:00:02:19.2810000 ~ Alive:True ~ BG:True ~ State:Background ~ Thread Name:HookManagerProcess_1e5f1853-6c54-4258-b78d-482d37dce122

--- Taskbars ------------
Enabled: True
Auto-hide: False
Visual Styles: True
Visual Styles Detected: True
DWM Composition Detected: False
Opacity: 100
Flash Blink: True
Window Options: ShowRelevant
Button Width Max: 160
Sizing Bar Size: 0
Full Screen: None
Count: 1

--- Taskbar 1------------
Location: {X=1440,Y=870,Width=1440,Height=30}
Monitor ID: 2
Position (Setting/Current): Automatic / Bottom
TopMost: True
Buttons (3):
"OnTime 2008 Defect and Feature Management System (Christopher Skarp)" (00010730:00010730:00010730 ~ Icon_Small2 ~ None ~ {X=1432,Y=-8,Width=1456,Height=886})
"Derek Jefferson" (000a0574:000a0574:000a0574 ~ Icon_Small2 ~ None ~ {X=2239,Y=199,Width=410,Height=300})
"Programs disappearing from taskbar - Mozilla Firefox" (000205fe:000205fe:000205fe ~ GCL_HIconSM ~ None ~ {X=1432,Y=-8,Width=1456,Height=886})

--- Deleted Items (3)------------

--- TitleBar Buttons ------------
Enabled: False
DisplayFusion Caption Button Size: {Width=32, Height=19}
System Caption Button Size: {Width=32, Height=19}
Aug 26, 2009  • #17
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
@frostryder: That is the information from the Troubleshooting tab, but what I really need is the full debug.log file. On the Troubleshooting tab click "Open Log Location" and you should see it there. If it isn't there, make sure you have "Enable debug logging" enabled. Only submit this log file once the error has occurred, and it should show up in there for me to see. Thanks!
Aug 26, 2009  • #18
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12 discussion posts
@frostryder: That is the information from the Troubleshooting tab, but what I really need is the full debug.log file. On the Troubleshooting tab click "Open Log Location" and you should see it there. If it isn't there, make sure you have "Enable debug logging" enabled. Only submit this log file once the error has occurred, and it should show up in there for me to see. Thanks!

Sorry about that, here it is :) Still happens with 3.1, btw :)


Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Unregistered. (5001 :: CTRL;WIN;81 :: Move window to centre of monitor)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Unregistered. (5002 :: CTRL;WIN;83 :: Move window to centre of monitor and size to 75%)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Unregistered. (5003 :: CTRL;WIN;88 :: Move window to next monitor)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Unregistered. (5004 :: CTRL;WIN;90 :: Move window to next monitor and size proportionally)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Unregistered. (5005 :: CTRL;WIN;65 :: Move window to next monitor and maximize)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Unregistered. (5006 :: CTRL;WIN;87 :: Move window to previous monitor)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Unregistered. (5007 :: CTRL;WIN;68 :: Move window to previous monitor and size proportionally)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Unregistered. (5008 :: CTRL;WIN;69 :: Move window to previous monitor and maximize)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Unregistered. (5009 :: CTRL;WIN;40 :: Size and move window to bottom side of monitor)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Unregistered. (5010 :: CTRL;WIN;37 :: Size and move window to left side of monitor)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Unregistered. (5011 :: CTRL;WIN;39 :: Size and move window to right side of monitor)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Unregistered. (5012 :: CTRL;WIN;38 :: Size and move window to top side of monitor)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Unregistered. (5013 :: CTRL;WIN;192 :: Span window across all monitors)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Unregistered. (5014 :: CTRL;WIN;82 :: Next random wallpaper image (Pro only))
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Unregistered. (0 :: * :: Toggle Multi-Monitor Taskbar (Pro only))
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Unregistered. (0 :: * :: Toggle TitleBar Buttons)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Unregistered. (0 :: * :: Toggle HotKeys)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Registered. (5001 :: CTRL;WIN;81 :: Move window to centre of monitor)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Registered. (5002 :: CTRL;WIN;83 :: Move window to centre of monitor and size to 75%)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Registered. (5003 :: CTRL;WIN;88 :: Move window to next monitor)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Registered. (5004 :: CTRL;WIN;90 :: Move window to next monitor and size proportionally)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Registered. (5005 :: CTRL;WIN;65 :: Move window to next monitor and maximize)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Registered. (5006 :: CTRL;WIN;87 :: Move window to previous monitor)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Registered. (5007 :: CTRL;WIN;68 :: Move window to previous monitor and size proportionally)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Registered. (5008 :: CTRL;WIN;69 :: Move window to previous monitor and maximize)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Registered. (5009 :: CTRL;WIN;40 :: Size and move window to bottom side of monitor)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Registered. (5010 :: CTRL;WIN;37 :: Size and move window to left side of monitor)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Registered. (5011 :: CTRL;WIN;39 :: Size and move window to right side of monitor)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Registered. (5012 :: CTRL;WIN;38 :: Size and move window to top side of monitor)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Registered. (5013 :: CTRL;WIN;192 :: Span window across all monitors)
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: HotKey Registered. (5014 :: CTRL;WIN;82 :: Next random wallpaper image (Pro only))
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:37: Windows Taskbar Item Not Added (Not in Enum): 000910c4
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:39: Taskbar was clicked, not processing drag/drop timer.
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:39: Window Minimize from Taskbar Button: 000205fe
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:40: Window Set Focus from Taskbar Button: 000a0574
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:41: Taskbar was clicked, not processing drag/drop timer.
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:41: Window Minimize from Taskbar Button: 000a0574
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:42: Window Restore from Taskbar Button: 000a0574
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:42: Windows Taskbar Item Added: 000a0574
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:42: Window Set Focus from Taskbar Button: 000a0574
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:44: Windows Taskbar Item Deleted: 000a0574:000a0574:000a0574
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:51: Taskbar was clicked, not processing drag/drop timer.
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:51: Window Restore from Taskbar Button: 000205fe
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:51: Windows Taskbar Item Added: 000205fe
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:51: Window Set Focus from Taskbar Button: 000205fe
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:41:53: Windows Taskbar Item Deleted: 000205fe:000205fe:000205fe
Aug 26, 2009 @ 11:42:00: Windows Taskbar Item Deleted: 000e10d2:000e10d2:000e10d2
Sep 1, 2009  • #19
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Wow, for some reason DF is manually adding/deleting the item over and over. I'll check this out for version 3.1.2. Just out of curiosity, what program was doing this? Thanks!
Sep 1, 2009  • #20
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12 discussion posts
Wow, for some reason DF is manually adding/deleting the item over and over. I'll check this out for version 3.1.2. Just out of curiosity, what program was doing this? Thanks!

It's mostly Firefox, but also happens with Digsby :)

Thanks for all your hard work! :)
Sep 2, 2009  • #21
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Does it happen with everything, or more frequently with certain applications?
Sep 2, 2009  • #22
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
This information is in regards to an older beta version, so I'm locking/archiving this topic. If you experience this issue again with a newer version please re-post and we'll sort it out. Thanks! :)
Dec 17, 2009  • #23
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