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Jonathan Chapman76458
2 discussion posts
Hi, I have a very singular feature I'm looking for.

I have two monitors with the same resolution. I'd like to be able to swap the content of the monitors with a hotkey, so monitor B then displays A's content and vice-versa. I also need this to work seamlessly with the Unreal Editor.

I don't mind if Windows thinks monitor A is still monitor A even if the image is on monitor B, ultimately I'm just trying to make it easier to move my primary window to the monitor ahead of me and reduce the amount of turning I need to do to look at both screens! Unreal generally requires two fullscreen windows to be visible at once or else involves a bunch of tab switching, and different windows are of different importance at different times.

Does DisplayFusion support such a feature? It wasn't clear to me from the feature set.
Jan 3, 2024  • #1
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102 discussion posts
Sort of. Usually it deals with one window at a time... but you can create a Scripted Function to do it to all of them. You can attach that to a hotkey afterwards.
2024-01-03 14_23_16-Scripted Function _ DisplayFusion Pro on Steam 10.1.2.png
2024-01-03 14_23_16-Scripted Function _ DisplayFusion Pro on Steam 10.1.2.png
Jan 3, 2024  • #2
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Jonathan Chapman76458
2 discussion posts
That is helpful, thank you! How long would it take after running the script before the monitors are usable again? E.g. if I swapped windows with Windows' display settings, it takes a second or two as the monitors become blank and then update sources. Would a similar thing happen here?
Jan 4, 2024  • #3
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