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Robert Foy
3 discussion posts
The only thing stopping me from buying this at this moment is I am worried about reinstalling if my HD dies and I need to format and reinstall Windows. I have read the FAQ and it said that I can reinstall, but that is if I uninstall it first etc. But if my HD crashes and I need to reformat a new HD (I am using an SSD atm, but I tend to mess around a lot with my computer and I sometimes screw things up), how will I be able to reinstall it? File a support ticket of some kind?

EDIT: Will buying the software and then linking it to my Steam account over ride this? I would rather buy it straight from you and save myself $12 (not to mention the money goes straight to you and not a middle man :) ).
Sep 8, 2013 (modified Sep 8, 2013)  • #1
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Justin Dunn
3 discussion posts
DisplayFusion doesn't have Software Activation like Windows and Office do.
You do not need to activate it over the internet or phone and don't need to deactivate it by uninstalling it.
When you need to do a new install you can put in your license key without any problems.
Also the License key is stored with the rest of your DisplayFusion settings that can be backed up and restored on a new install.
DisplayFusion also automatically does a settings backup to [Documents Folder]\DisplayFusion Backups that can make this easier.
Sep 10, 2013  • #2
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Robert Foy
3 discussion posts
Ahh good to know. Backups I can do :)
Sep 10, 2013  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Justin is correct, there is no software activation so you just need to enter your old license key. Or better yet, just use the auto-backups that Justin mentioned on your fresh install and you'll be up and running again right away. :)
Sep 10, 2013  • #4
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