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20 discussion posts
With your new beta I saw the feature to launch metro apps within windows mode. I am currently using modernmix for this. I am curious if you are ever going to make it work without having to use a hotkey?

This is great to see you adding things like this :) Definitely keeping your Windows 8 customers in mind.

Thanks again!
Jul 11, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It's not planned at the moment, but I'll add this to our list and we'll definitely post an update if we implement it in a future version. Which feature specifically are you looking for? The ability to pin the windowed Metro app to the taskbar?
Jul 12, 2013  • #2
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20 discussion posts
I'll be honest, right now I use Start8, Modernmix, and DisplayFusion. Your app still does so many things that the others don't. I use Start8 because of Start Menu, and Modernmix to launch metro apps.

Right now I have metro apps, like Xbox music app pinned to the 2nd taskbar. And when I click it, it launches within a small window. The scaling of the window remains between shutdown of the metro app and launching again.

Hopefully that makes sense. Didn't know if you had anything that extensive planned down the road for metro apps.

Thanks for responding!
Jul 12, 2013  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, awesome! I'll add it to our feature request list, and we'll be sure to post an update if/when we're able to implement it.

Jul 15, 2013  • #4
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