Ahhh. Very well. At least something I mentioned sounds doable, heh?
But there's a small issue in Windows 7.

(I just switched, first time out of around five tries, actually getting it to work without wiping everything...

I don't know if this was mentioned, but I am an avid MSN user, and I keep my MSN conversations, as well as the buddy list on my secondary monitor. There's an MSN button on the primary task bar, and on the seconady task bar...which is the buddy list on both. Not a big deal, but it seemed unintentional, so I thought I'd bring it up.
Hmm, I wouldn't know if this is a problem, but I'm an anxious guy when it comes to having up-to-date stuff, so I check for updates often. On Windows 7, the tray tooltip bubble only shows after closing the settings form, after pressing the Check For Updates button.
Another couple suggestions! Haha, I'm chock full of 'em!
Pretty much match with Windows 7 here, enabling and disabling task bar button captions. It'd be tidier.
A "Show Desktop" thing in the bottom right corner of the rightmost screen, like in Windows 7, could be useful, a quick getaway from whatever people may be lurking on, just *zoom to the bottom right, and click* BAM!

Or perhaps on each screen, whatever.
This one is REALLY not necessary: The smooth, Windows 7 mouse-over switching between task bar previews...
Besides that, I guess that's all I can up with at 2:30 in the morning on a school night. So, best of luck, gents!