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2 discussion posts
I'm frequently running into an issue that seemed to start happening much worse after going to Windows 8 on 2 systems.

First let me explain my setup.

At Work:
I have (4) monitors of various sizes and orientations.

At Home:
I have (3) monitors of various sizes.
These 3 monitors are the same (same brand, size, resolution, settings) as the first 3 at work. So only the 4th monitor is orphaned when I remote in.

When I'm at home, I'm often remoting into work and using all (3) of my monitors in my RDP session. The resolution matches work on the 3 primary monitors.

When I'm at work, I'm often remoting to my home machine, but I only use (1) monitor for this RDP session (my 4th monitor). And the resolution for that RDP session is lower than any of my displays at home.

The problem I'm facing, is anytime I swap from the RDP session, to actually logging into the machine physically (like when I come into work after remoting into work, or go home and log into my home machine that I was remoted into), the icons are hosed.

They end up on random screens, resorted in random fashion, or in the middle of the screen. There seems to be no logic to where they end up at.

Is there anyway to make them be "remembered" and always end up in the primary screen, left/top centered or something? It drives me nuts moving them back every time.
Feb 11, 2014  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You can setup Desktop Icon Profiles, and Monitor Profiles, and link them together so that when each monitor layout is detected, DisplayFusion will automatically load the correct Desktop Icon Profile. Here are the steps:
  • Setup your icons the way you want them
  • Right-click the DisplayFusion tray icon, navigate to Desktop Icons > Save Profile > New Profile and save the layout
  • Open the DisplayFusion Monitor Configuration
  • Click the Save button and save your monitor layout as a new Monitor Profile
  • Click the Manage Monitor Profiles button, and in that window, assign your Desktop Icon Profile to the Monitor Profile

Hope that helps!
Feb 11, 2014 (modified Feb 11, 2014)  • #2
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