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2 discussion posts
Running windows 7 ultimate x64 and DisplayFusion v3.1.6 with PNY nVidia quadro 450 with 4 monitors.

The main reason I'm trying out displayfusion is to have a single wallpaper image stretched across the four monitors and to have a taskbar at the bottom of each monitor. Previously nView provided this, but it doesn't seem to work in windows 7 x64.

DisplayFusion works great except with I connect via remote desktop from my laptop. I have Remote Desktop setup to turn off all features on remote desktop in order for things to work faster. The problem is that the wallpaper is tiled at the size of my laptop after I exit a remote desktop session. When I log back into my desktop I have to open displayfusion desktop wallpaper again and click apply, which then streches the wallpaper across the four monitors again.

Any ideas?
Jan 17, 2010  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Do you have the "Fix my wallpaper without prompting" option checked in the DisplayFusion Settings window, on the Wallpaper tab?
Jan 18, 2010  • #2
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2 discussion posts
Thanks Jon.

I didn't have "fix my wallpaper without prompting", but looking at that screen I think I found the solution. In Wallpaper Settings Wallpaper, I checked "Don't process wallpaper changes while in a remote desktop session (RDP)" and that seems to have worked. I didn't have to check the "Warn me if my wallpaper needs adjusting" and "Fix my wallpaper without prompting", but I'll remember that if I have any other problems.

I've tried to attach an image showing the selection I made to fix the problem.
• Attachment: wallpaper-fix-tiling-rdp.png [71,279 bytes]
Jan 25, 2010  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for posting the fix!
Apr 13, 2010  • #4
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