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1 discussion post
Not sure if this software can do this but this is what I am after.
We want 4 monitors in different rooms connected to 1 PC displaying different information which I have worked out But, I want the monitor that sits ontop of the PC to be split into 4 panels & to display what is on the 4 other monitors. Is this possible as I cannot find how to do this anywhere on this software or any other software.
Mar 9, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You sure can! On the Settings > Functions tab, assign a key combination to the "Mirror Monitor" function. When you press the key combo, it will prompt you to select a monitor. After you choose one, it will show it's output in a window on your current monitor.

You can use the Splits and Padding button in the DisplayFusion Monitor Configuration window to split the monitor into 4, or you can just use the "Move Window to Top-Left/Right Corner and Size 50%" and "Move Window to Bottom-Left/Right Corner and Size 50%" functions to size them without using the Splits and Padding.

Hope that helps! Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions :)
Mar 9, 2015  • #2
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