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13 discussion posts
Replicating Fancy Zones functionality in Windows 8.1 using Display Fusion features? How & What minimal/ oldest version required?

I need to replicate that for a family machine. How to go about it and what would be the minimalist version of DF required for that?
Jul 24, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We added monitor splitting in v5.1, which was released in 2013. We've made a bunch of improvements since then so I would recommend just using our latest version, but I've attached a link to 5.1 below if you would like.
Jul 24, 2023  • #2
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13 discussion posts
We added monitor splitting in v5.1, which was released in 2013. We've made a bunch of improvements since then so I would recommend just using our latest version, but I've attached a link to 5.1 below if you would like.

Thanks for sharing. Saved it too.

I did the Split Monitor thing but I'm trying to figure out a similarly easy workflow for dropping and sizing windows into relevant SIZES in the SPLIT SECTIOONS.

Could you point to a HOW TO that replcaites the FZ work flow? Any video guides?

Especially for anyone coming from FZ on Win 10, but wanting as close as possible workflow on Win 8.

PS: For example I am starting with a 3 Col Split with Singular Task bar (Taskbar & Wallpaper boxes are unchecked).
Jul 25, 2023 (modified Jul 25, 2023)  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
If you have "Window Manament" enabled in the monitor splits section, and "Enable Maximized window dragging between monitors" turned on, along with the two child settings below it in the DisplayFusion Settings > Window Managment tab, it will allow you to drag and drop windows into monitor splits.

We also have a guide on working with monitor splits here:
Jul 25, 2023  • #4
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