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97 discussion posts

The option Prevent mouse cursor from snagging on unaligned monitor edges works fine on monitors with different resolutions, with only one side effect: moving cursor from lower resolution would show it at the same Y coordinates, which is visually different relative to top/bottom on higher resolution monitor (only visually). This is very noticeable with physically same sizes monitors side by side, when you move cursor on the bottom of low resolution monitor it shows up higher from the bottom on high res monitor.

Would be nice if there was additional option, when enabled it would move cursor between monitors based on percentage of edge coordinates, (i.e. top = 0%, bottom = 100%)
So let's say we have two monitors 1440px and 1080px, cursor is leaving 1080px monitor at 950px position, 950 is 87.9% of 1080
87.9% of 1440 is 1265, so it should enter 1440px monitor at 1265px position. Visually this should look like same resolution monitors.

Thank you.

I do realize there will be side effects when moving windows between monitors, but maybe it still be useful feature.
• Attachment: display.png [11,351 bytes]
Jun 15, 2017 (modified Jun 15, 2017)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
That's actually on our to-do list, but no ETA at the moment. We'll be sure to post an update when we've added that in :)

Jun 15, 2017  • #2
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1 discussion post
To add to this, a few more feature requests for the support of high resolution screens:
Cursor Speed and Cursor Size adapted to the PPI of Monitors.
Scale the contents in the taskbar correctly (windows logo, task font, task icons, tray icons and clock font).
Jun 19, 2017  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've added the cursor speed/size request, and added your info to the open ticket for the taskbar scaling stuff as well :)

Jun 20, 2017  • #4
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97 discussion posts
Windows 10 has a very annoying "feature": sticky corners, where cursor sticks in corners and doesn't move to next monitor.
This was reported and requested to be removed 2.5 years ago with no movement on MS part.

It would be awesome if DF addressed this issue as well.

Thank you.
Oct 31, 2017  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
V@no: This is on our feature request list, so we've added your vote :)

Nov 1, 2017  • #6
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1 discussion post
Is there any news on the dpi/size based mouse position/speed features, or when they might get added?
Jul 18, 2018  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Not at the moment, sorry!
Jul 20, 2018  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released a new DisplayFusion beta version and there's now an option on the Mouse Management tab for disabling the sticky corners. Please let us know if you run into any trouble after updating.

Sep 24, 2018  • #9
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With the last beta I've noticed an anomaly how cursor transit from hi-res monitor to low-res: it jumps about 50px away from the edge, if it was beyond max height of low-res monitor.
This suggests that DF is in full control of cursor position, hens shouldn't be a big deal implement percentage Y position instead of absolute coordinates.
Dec 14, 2018 (modified Dec 16, 2018)  • #10
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We are in control of where the cursor ends up, but we need to make sure that all of the logic is well thought out before we can switch it to a percentage based system. It's not as simple as just saying "it was 60% down the screen when it left, so put it 60% down the target monitor." We are still planning to implement it, but just want to make sure that we do it right the first time.
Dec 18, 2018  • #11
migit's profile on
I would also like this functionality. I now have a ultra wide screen monitor, then a 4k, then a 2k, then a 4k... it's much more noticible now that i've replaced 2 of the 1080p screens with 4k screens.

if you stick this into a beta let me know! I'll gladly test it.
Mar 29, 2019  • #12
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4 discussion posts
I hope this is still in the works! I just upgraded one of my three monitors from 1080 to 1440 and the mouse movement is really bizarre going between the screens.
Jan 2, 2020  • #13
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97 discussion posts
We are in control of where the cursor ends up, but we need to make sure that all of the logic is well thought out before we can switch it to a percentage based system. It's not as simple as just saying "it was 60% down the screen when it left, so put it 60% down the target monitor." We are still planning to implement it, but just want to make sure that we do it right the first time.
Just curious, what other variables missing in that logic?
May 20, 2020 (modified May 20, 2020)  • #14
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@V@no: This is just one example, but take a look at the attached screenshot. Right now, when the mouse crosses from the right monitor anywhere below the bottom of the left monitor, we move it to just above the bottom edge of the left monitor.

So in this situation, if you move the mouse over at the blue arrow, it's pretty close when it crosses over. If we change it to purely percentage based, that's around 50% up the right monitor, so then it would end up half way up on the left monitor, which is an unnecessary jump up.

There are other scenarios that make using only percentage weird too, so until we can spend some time finding all of those edge cases and making exceptions for them, this isn't something that we're likely to implement.
• Attachment: Untitled.png [7,951 bytes]
May 20, 2020 (modified May 21, 2020)  • #15
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97 discussion posts
take a look at the attached screenshot.
Sorry, can't see the screenshot.
May 21, 2020  • #16
migit's profile on
The lack of these features is the true downfall of this software for me. Display fusion is supposed to be THE software to get when you have multiple monitors and it totally was until I started upgrading monitors. My middle screen is a 2k 144hz gsync screen for gaming because 4k just isnt necessary for that. The screens on the sides of it are 4k and moving between them is aggravating at times. Like, if I need to reach something in the corner of the 4k screen near the boundary of the 2k screen, it can take a few tries to get to it... This happens a bit too often because the mouse moves faster on the 2k screen. If I accidentally move my curser to the 2k screen, then when I go back to the 4k screen the pointer is a quarter of the way up the screen so I need to go back down for another attempt.

I feel like usability reqs like the ones in this thread should be higher priority than purely aesthetic items like adding new wallpaper sources. Even if you guys half-assed this and it had some edge cases that werent thought of, it'd make setups like mine much more fluid.
May 21, 2020  • #17
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97 discussion posts
Right now, when the mouse crosses from the right monitor anywhere below the bottom of the left monitor, we move it to just above the bottom edge of the left monitor.

So in this situation, if you move the mouse over at the blue arrow, it's pretty close when it crosses over. If we change it to purely percentage based, that's around 50% up the right monitor, so then it would end up half way up on the left monitor, which is an unnecessary jump up.
On the picture this might look weird when you only consider resolution, I agree, but when it comes to phisically identical size monitors with different resolutions current implemention acts precesely as you trying to avoid in your description...see attached screenshot but now represents phisical sizes, where blue arrow represents bottom of left monitor per resolution.

There are other scenarios that make using only percentage weird too, so until we can spend some time finding all of those edge cases and making exceptions for them, this isn't something that we're likely to implement.
That's why we are asking for such feature as an option, the percentage calculation would probably only benefit phisically same size monitors setup.
Without experiencing this myself, the only possible "weird" situation I could think of is when dragging a window, part of it will show on second monitor at one position but as soon as cursor enters that monitor the window will jump at new cursor's position. I could live with that...
Another weird issue could be if monitors are not quite lined up phisically, in which case a more elaborate approach would needed, where user could specify at what position second monitor phisically located, and if cursor moves from monitor 1 to 2, if it's between blue and green lines (or purple and red), than it would enter at the top (bottom) of monitor 2, and if it's between green and purlple it would base on percentage, which should be independent of resolution and would transit "smothly" in either direction.

Yes, I know,
"Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn’t have to do it himself."
-A.H. Weiler
• Attachment: DF_.png [4,084 bytes]
• Attachment: DF_advanced.png [2,399 bytes]
May 22, 2020 (modified May 22, 2020)  • #18
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Yes, I know,
"Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn’t have to do it himself."
-A.H. Weiler

This gave me a good chuckle :)

We do appreciate the input and the feedback for sure. If and when we're able to implement any mouse compensation features, we will be sure to update this thread.

May 22, 2020  • #19
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Dan Hackley
9 discussion posts
Is this feature enabled yet? It's been over 3 years since it was requested, and there are various standalone free apps that do it no problem so I don't see why a paid app like this isn't able to.
Dec 15, 2020  • #20
migit's profile on
Yea. I've been using LittleBigMouse (free) to do it. It's definitely not perfect but it's good enough. It has done some weird stuff since I made one of my screens vertical, but it's still better than not having anything.

This program might be good for the devs to look. Just to see what works well and what doesn't. There is 1 feature in particular that I think they should check out in the program.

It's got this corner crossing feature which is helpful when I turn on an ultrawide monitor above the 3 main monitors. The mouse moves up to the top monitor really fluidly from places that don't intersect with it. Without the top screen turned on I need to disable that feature though. With the different resolution monitors, it thinks there should be corner crossings where it doesnt make sense to have them. My 3 screen setup is a vertical 4k, then a 2k then a 4k (horizontal). With the corner crossings enabled with that setup, moving the mouse off the top of the 2k or the horizontal 4k puts the mouse in the top right corner of the vertical 4k screen.
Dec 15, 2020  • #21
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Unfortunately, we haven't made much progress on this.

Dec 17, 2020  • #22
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10 discussion posts
As an easier way to implement this which doesn't have to account for edge cases, could you make it so the percentage solution can be separately enabled for each screen border? I think that would solve many people's problems sufficiently, especially since I imagine most DisplayFusion users are power users.
Jan 5, 2021  • #23
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7 discussion posts
I made a script which will move your mouse to the next or previous monitor at the same relative position (i.e. uses percentage of monitor resolution rather than absolute coordinates) when you press a hotkey. I know it's not exactly what you're looking for - which would require monitoring mouse movement and isn't even possible in a custom function - but I hope this will be useful for you or anyone who might be looking for a solution to this issue as it doesn't seem like BFS is going to ever implement this...

To use this script just copy the code from here into a custom function and set your hotkey, read the comments in the script file for more info.
Jan 7, 2021 (modified Jan 7, 2021)  • #24
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Grant J
8 discussion posts
Just coming here to add my weight to this request. I have one landscape 1080p monitor next to a portrait UHD monitor (split into 3 sub monitors with DF), and it is indeed a bit of a pain trying to access things on the left side of the top/bottom third of the UHD monitor. Go a bit over and I end up on the smaller monitor, come back to the UHD one and I'm in the middle third again. Rinse/repeat until I "git gud" and/or slow down.
Feb 11, 2022  • #25
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2023 update?
Jan 19, 2023  • #26
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
No updates yet
Jan 20, 2023  • #27
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