2 discussion posts
I've been using displayfusion for years now and it's such a very helpful tool for someone like me who uses 4 to 6 monitors in my workstation.
These requests, however, are "Quality of Life" upgrades that I'm dying to have for a long time now. I keep checking for them on every update of DisplayFusion wishing they are added.
The following are:
1. Customizing Fade "Percentages" for each monitors. (i.e. some monitors you want to fade to 80-100% and some you want to keep at 50-70%)
2. Having the option to disable fade on primary monitor. It helps your brain distinguish your primary monitor easily and see other monitors as sidekicks.
But I guess if #1 is implemented, you can easily do #2 by setting the primary to 0%. 😅
Anyhow, thank you once again for this software and really wishing you hear my request!
Kindest Regards
Hi Khris,
This is currently on our feature request list, so I've added your vote to it. We'll be sure to let you know if/when we're able to implement it in the future.