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5 discussion posts
Many organizations are starting to be more and more concerned any time an application has a "Remote access" feature, whether it can be disabled by the user or not does not matter. With this in mind, could a version of DisplayFusion be distributed without this feature for compliance with more stringent company policies?
Nov 16, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
You can create a GPO that disables this setting, and hides the tab so the user can't see it. You can find a list of the administrative settings here:
Nov 21, 2023  • #2
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5 discussion posts
You can create a GPO that disables this setting, and hides the tab so the user can't see it. You can find a list of the administrative settings here:

Thank you for the reply, I appreciate it, however the information security team is not worried about the user enabling/disabling the function. They are concerned that it could be taken over by a malicious actor and used to gain access to the network. In this instance hiding the panel does not meet their criteria.
Nov 21, 2023  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
The Remote Control feature in DisplayFusion doesn't provide remote access to a machine. It only allows a user running the DisplayFusion remote app to remotely run functions on the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab. Disabling the feature and hiding the tab via group policy fully disables the feature and doesn't allow it to be enabled. We will put a feature request on our list for a version that doesn't have the Remote Control feature code at all, but it's not likely something we'd implement in the near future.

Nov 30, 2023  • #4
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5 discussion posts
The Remote Control feature in DisplayFusion doesn't provide remote access to a machine. It only allows a user running the DisplayFusion remote app to remotely run functions on the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab. Disabling the feature and hiding the tab via group policy fully disables the feature and doesn't allow it to be enabled. We will put a feature request on our list for a version that doesn't have the Remote Control feature code at all, but it's not likely something we'd implement in the near future.


Thanks again for the response Owen! I appreciate that you would create a feature request at the minimum. Where I work it has become common that if "Remote Access" of any sort is on the list they consider it an attack vector and put the application on a blacklist.
Nov 30, 2023  • #5
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