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11 discussion posts
I've noticed that whenever I change resolutions (ex: switching into and out of a full screen game) on my multi-monitor setup (1680x1050 + 1900x1200) the backgrounds displayed are obviously messed up, with part of one screens background on both screens, part of the background off screen, etc. etc.

However, it doesn't go back to normal after exiting the game. The resolutions return to normal just fine, but the backgrounds stay messed up. I have to enter DisplayFusion and click "OK" causing it to refresh the background at which point everything is fine.

This leads me to 3 suggestions:

1. Add a feature to DisplayFusion that allows it pick backgrounds from different folders depending on what the monitor resolution happens to be at the moment. So if I switch from 1680x1050 to 1280x960, it can change from a folder for 1680x1050 images to one for 1280x960 images.
-ALTERNATIVE: Scale the current image on resolution changes.
2. Reset the image whenever the desktop resolution is changed.
3. When you click the "OK" button, do NOT reset the image. As it is "OK" and "Apply" serve the same function. Have "Apply" refresh the window and "OK" simply save the settings and close the window (referring to DisplayFusion main screen).
Sep 11, 2010  • #1
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
Theres options for this. optionswallpaper Warn me if my wallpaper needs adjsuting, then you can enable the next option to advoid the prompt.
Sep 12, 2010  • #2
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11 discussion posts
Theres options for this. optionswallpaper Warn me if my wallpaper needs adjsuting, then you can enable the next option to advoid the prompt.

I seem to have overlooked that (obviously). Thank you, those options provided the requested function.
Sep 12, 2010  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for helping out Kevin, I'm happy to see the issue is taken care of. :)
Sep 13, 2010  • #4
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