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1 discussion post
Can DisplayFunion switch wallpapers based on my current monitor resolution?
I usually have my laptop connected to a 43" 4K monitor, and I use DF's splitting function to turn that into several virtual monitors. I drew lines on the wallpaper so I would know the bounds of the virtual monitors. It would be nice if I could automatically switch back to the original unlined wallpaper when I disconnect from the big monitor. Seemed like something I would be able to do with DF's triggers, but I couldn't figure out how.
Sep 30, 2021  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

You should be able to create two wallpaper profiles, one for the full wallpapers and one for the trimmed. You can then open the Monitor Configuration window and save a monitor profile for each monitor setup you have.

After creating your wallpaper profiles and your monitor profiles, you can click the "Manage Monitor Profiles" button at the top of the monitor configuration window, and attach the wallpaper profiles to your monitor profiles, so it should automatically change when switching.

Hope that helps!
Oct 1, 2021  • #2
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