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Pat P
23 discussion posts
Hi, are you familiar with the Rhapsody Desktop Mini Player? I'm including a link to Rhapsody's support page that includes a screen shot of it in case you aren't. My question is this: the Rhapsody (main) player gives an option of launching the mini player in the top left or top right of the monitor. I'm using dual monitors and, of course, I want the mini player on my left monitor. I can only get the mini player to launch in the top right corner of the right monitor while using Display Fusion. I can then drag it over to the left monitor, but, well, you know... I want it on the left monitor <stamping my foot>

So, I'm wondering if there are any magical functions in DF to allow me to tell the mini player to always launch only in the left monitor. I already have the program linked to the task bar of the left monitor and the program always launches on that monitor. But the mini player still pops open over on the right. And life is just, like, not really, like, perfect, ya know? :'( Thank you for any help you can give me with this. Seriously it would be great.
Feb 14, 2014  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You should be able to sort this out using the Window Location feature in DisplayFusion. On the Settings > Window Location tab, add a new rule for Rhapsody with the following options specified:
  • Use the selected monitor (make sure to click the left monitor from the monitor layout section)
  • Window Size: Original
  • Window Location Mode: All Windows

Hope that helps!
Feb 18, 2014  • #2
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