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Manuel Garcia Perez
4 discussion posts
Hello I am using Display Fusion Pro to manage 3 screens and run a couple of video wallpapers. One of the screens holds a monitor panel where among other things I track my FPS.
When I was setting up the Monitor Panel I had to install Rivatuner to track the FPS.
It happens that whenever Rivatuner ( I tried the last stable version and the last Beta version, 7.3.4 nd 7.3.5 ) Display Fusion crashes. The rest of the PC works fine but Display Fusion is gone.

I wonder if someone else had the same issue and if there is any workaround.

I am using Display Fusion Pro 10.1.1 in Windows11
Sep 21, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
If you head to C:\Users\(YourUser)\AppData\Local\CrashDumps, is there anything listed for DisplayFusion? If so, could you send over the latest file?
Sep 28, 2023  • #2
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Manuel Garcia Perez
4 discussion posts
If you head to C:\Users\(YourUser)\AppData\Local\CrashDumps, is there anything listed for DisplayFusion? If so, could you send over the latest file?

Uhmmmm, I just checked there and there is no DisplayFusion.dmp log...
I can see other softwares like in my case a couple of Photoshop.dmp but no DisplayFusion

Anything Im doing wrong or I should consider?
Sep 29, 2023  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah sometimes it doesn't create a dump automatically. Does DisplayFusion hang, or does it exit instantly?
Sep 29, 2023  • #4
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Manuel Garcia Perez
4 discussion posts
Yeah sometimes it doesn't create a dump automatically. Does DisplayFusion hang, or does it exit instantly?

DisplaFusion exits like arround 5 to 10 seconds after I start Rivatuner...
At first I thought it was just the video codecs that let the video play because the video wallpaper freeze, but then I realize that DisplayFusion didnt show in the System Tray Bar anymore.
Sep 29, 2023  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Okay interesting, can you start Rivatuner, open Task Manager and click the processes tab, then right-click DisplayFusion.exe and choose "Create Dump File" and send over the file?
Oct 2, 2023 (modified Oct 2, 2023)  • #6
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Manuel Garcia Perez
4 discussion posts
Thanks for the answer.

I have launched Rivatuner and created what in W11 is called a "Memory Dump File" from the Task Manager.
I created 3 of them until Display Fusion crashed.

The thing is those DMP files around 1 GB each.
Please see screeshot attached.

Do you want me to send them to you via WeTransfer or similar

Thanks so much!
• Attachment [protected]: Screenshot 2023-10-04 091611.jpg [40,422 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Screenshot 2023-10-04 091740.jpg [46,775 bytes]
Oct 3, 2023  • #7
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Yep anything like WeTransfer or Dropbox works. If it's a private link you want to share, you can send us a direct email via the Help > Contact Us form.
Oct 4, 2023  • #8
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