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33 discussion posts
I'm testing a Window 10 Enterprise Build, all latest Microsoft patches, with Classic Shell installed. I've created a custom function with executes the DisplayFusion Windows Management 'Save Window Positions' . It seem to work for all my applications except for Microsoft's File Explorer. This whether I use the released File Explorer link in the standard Windows toolset or when calling File Explorer via a shortcut that executes the explorer.exe binary directly.

I always receive a DisplayFusion notification in the lower right that the DisplayFusion function has executed correctly but future executions of File Explorer always seem to start in the vicinity of the last location I manually dragged the window too before moving it and calling the DisplayFusion save position function. However, it's not in the exact position I moved it to; seems to always offset a little from that position.

I'm running the DisplayFusion 7.3 Beta 2 build.
Aug 15, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The Save Window Positions only saves the positions for currently opened windows, and won't apply to newly opened windows. If you'd like to have new windows open in a specific position, you'll need to use a Window Location rule for the program. Hope that helps! Please let me know if you still run into any trouble at all.

Aug 15, 2015  • #2
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