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2 discussion posts
I haven't been able to find a program that does this. Hoping this program does.

I know DisplayFusions will save the position of folders but can you also save the position of the icons within these folders so they will always appear in the same spot, every time you open the folder?

Right now, every time I open a folder, it's a big mess in there. I arrange the icon in the way I like it. I come back later and it's all messy again. I want to shoot myself.

Any solutions? Suggestions on another program?

Thanks in advance for any help.
Is it better to blind if everyone is blind too?
Jul 11, 2017  • #1
Alan Wade's profile on
One way, maybe not the ultimate solution, to do this would be assuming the icons all have the same extession is to sort them the way you want them to be.
Left click and highlight all the icons then right click on the first icon and select rename.
Give this icon a name e.g.'icon and then press Enter.
All the icons you highlighted will now be renamed to icon(1), icon(2), icon(3) etc etc
And thus when you open the folder with them in, will be in the order you wanted.
As I said, maybe not the ultimate solution but it works.
Jul 11, 2017  • #2
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