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1 discussion post
Hi. Love the product. One thing I wish it had is the ability to let me align my multi-monitors according to their actual physical dimensions, rather than just resolution. I've run this by tech support and they said it would be considered one day... but I'm wondering if any others here have experience with this.

Suppose I have two vertically oriented 1080p landscape displays that are each 20cm tall, and with vertical resolution of 1080 pixels, meaning the combination is 2160 pixels and 40cm tall.
Now suppose that to one side of those two monitors is a 4k portrait monitor also 40cm tall, but with vertical resolution of 3840 pixels.
In both windows and DF monitor setup, the 4k monitor is almost twice the height of the two 1080 monitors because of its higher dot pitch and pixel count, yet in reality, it is physically the same height. This results in mouse-jump when transitioning between them, which can be annoying.

Options like "prevent mouse cursor from snagging on unaligned monitor edges" help, but its just a bandaid, with the mouse jumping around on transition, thought no longer getting stuck.

I think the monitor setup screen should allow one or more of these options:
  • to specify the phyiscal dimension of each screen, or
  • to specifiy scaling on screen dimensions, or
  • perhaps defining the screen dot-pitch also gets around this.

Thoughts on this? How to add a feature request?

Jul 11, 2023 (modified Jul 11, 2023)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
This is currently on our feature request list, so I've added your vote to it. We'll be sure to let you know if/when we're able to implement it in the future.

Jul 11, 2023  • #2
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13 discussion posts
Hi. Love the product. One thing I wish it had is the ability to let me align my multi-monitors according to their actual physical dimensions, rather than just resolution. I've run this by tech support and they said it would be considered one day... but I'm wondering if any others here have experience with this.

Suppose I have two vertically oriented 1080p landscape displays that are each 20cm tall, and with vertical resolution of 1080 pixels, meaning the combination is 2160 pixels and 40cm tall.
Now suppose that to one side of those two monitors is a 4k portrait monitor also 40cm tall, but with vertical resolution of 3840 pixels.
In both windows and DF monitor setup, the 4k monitor is almost twice the height of the two 1080 monitors because of its higher dot pitch and pixel count, yet in reality, it is physically the same height. This results in mouse-jump when transitioning between them, which can be annoying.

Options like "prevent mouse cursor from snagging on unaligned monitor edges" help, but its just a bandaid, with the mouse jumping around on transition, thought no longer getting stuck.

I think the monitor setup screen should allow one or more of these options:
  • to specify the phyiscal dimension of each screen, or
  • to specifiy scaling on screen dimensions, or
  • perhaps defining the screen dot-pitch also gets around this.

Thoughts on this? How to add a feature request?


Interesting take. I'll ponder this and come back after I finish my rebuild of physical setup.
Jul 11, 2023  • #3
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