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21 discussion posts
Well, I'm having the same corruption issues as Benway thought he had
That thread is closed, so I'm appending to it here. I'm running XP SP3 & DisplayFusion Pro on a home-made box.

I've been getting random graphics corruption for months & months now, but ONLY on my vertical monitor (#2 of 2). Sometimes it will happen once or twice a day, sometimes once a week. There's no pattern or specific program in use when the corruption occurs. The screen will suddenly, and without warning, smear it's contents, making it unreadable. If I try to take a partial screenshot of the corruption, I can see the underlying screen perfectly in my capture window... it's as if a layer of corrupted graphics is laid over the real window. Sometimes the corruption will disappear in 5/10 minutes if I move the open window to my main monitor, other times a full reboot is the only thing that will fix it.

Here's a rundown on how I've tried to analyze this problem & why I strongly suspect it's related to DisplayFusion:

I've eliminated the possibility of hardware problems:

a) I swapped out monitors & all cables

b) I upgraded my ATI graphics card + video drivers. This problem has existed on many, many iterations of ATI drivers + I can't find any mention of this being a known bug in any ATI documentation.

c) I temporarily installed a new power supply + new power cable to the ATI card

d) For unrelated reasons, my motherboard started failing, so I took that opportunity to rebuild | upgrade my machine with a new mobo, processor, all new cabling, and a new ATI video card (mentioned above).

For all intents & purposes, this is basically a new machine (after the hardware upgrades), but the problem continues. Because I installed a different mfg. mobo, I then did a clean re-install of XP so I wouldn't have any driver issues. I'm using the same software package I've used for years with DisplayFusion without any graphics corruption untill recently, so I'm *assuming* it's not a software issue. I can't think of any radical software change I've made since this problem started many months ago.

I've been running the trouble shooting log off & on, and finally had the log running when the last corruption occurred. It happened within 1 minute +/- of June 5 | 2:33 (02:33). Hopefully you can pinpoint the problem from the log at that time Jon, as this is making me crazy (er).


Edit: I might add that this isn't a heat issue. The case, processor & vid card temps are all running well within normal specs, both at idle & under stress.
• Attachment: DisplayFusion.log [1,217,770 bytes]
Jun 12, 2010  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I would suggest running without DisplayFusion enabled, and see if the issues still happen. I know that isn't an ideal solution, but it's the best troubleshooting answer I can think of right now. :)
Jun 26, 2010  • #2
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21 discussion posts
Ok, as painful as it's going to be, I'll run the machine for a week or two with DF permanently disabled. Sometimes the box will run for a week or so before the corruption shows itself. I'll report back after that time.
Jun 26, 2010  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I look forward to hearing how it works out. :)
Jun 30, 2010  • #4
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343 discussion posts
Ok, as painful as it's going to be, I'll run the machine for a week or two with DF permanently disabled. Sometimes the box will run for a week or so before the corruption shows itself. I'll report back after that time.

I've tried to do the same, but am suspecting it's the other program I always have running: a screen capture program. Those would have the potential to screw things up more than DF, since they freeze the screen image for a capture, then release it. I'm pretty sure that Snag-IT was a particularly nasty one, as I haven't had any issues since I've switched to another capture program, and am pretty sure I caught Snag-It in the act a couple times. Whether it's Snag-IT's interaction with DF, it's hard to tell, but I'm pretty certain one screen-corruption happened with Snag-IT while DF was not loaded. So, that's what I'm thinking at this point...
Jul 1, 2010  • #5
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21 discussion posts
Well benway, at least you've got a suspicion about the culprit causing your corruption. I myself am 100% clueless because the corruption just happened to me again, after faithfully running with DF disabled the past week or so. So, at least in my case, DF is not the problem.

I don't use SnagIt & the capture program I use doesn't run natively... I call it up on the rare occasion I need it. I might add that there has never been an error in the Event Viewer either, that might give me a clue.

So Jon, I guess you can close this thread and I will continue to beat my head against the wall in frustration. /lol
Jul 4, 2010  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for following-up. I'll mark it as complete for now, and wish you best of luck in sorting out the issues. :)
Jul 5, 2010  • #7
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343 discussion posts
Well benway, at least you've got a suspicion about the culprit causing your corruption. I myself am 100% clueless because the corruption just happened to me again, after faithfully running with DF disabled the past week or so. So, at least in my case, DF is not the problem.

I don't use SnagIt & the capture program I use doesn't run natively... I call it up on the rare occasion I need it. I might add that there has never been an error in the Event Viewer either, that might give me a clue.

So Jon, I guess you can close this thread and I will continue to beat my head against the wall in frustration. /lol

Well, I just got some serious corruption (see attached), so that rules out Snag-It. I'm really thinking this is not DF's fault (doesn't fit). For now I'm dumping the Zune theme (which I've had all along) and will report back...
• Attachment: 2010-07-06_09-06-00.png [27,318 bytes]
• Attachment: 2010-07-06_09-07-50.png [17,343 bytes]
Jul 6, 2010  • #8
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
That is very bizarre - good luck tracking down the issue. :)
Jul 6, 2010  • #9
John L. Galt's profile on
I made a post that is partially applicable over here to this thread over at

Basically, check your hardware (as opposed to your software) with regard to the screen corruption (and not just the video card - also your mobo's AGP / PCI / PCI-e slot *and* BIOS settings regarding that slot) - and then take a good, long, hard look at your drivers.
I am I.
Jul 8, 2010  • #10
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent tips as always John, thanks. :)
Jul 14, 2010  • #11
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