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John Croft
3 discussion posts
After the latest Windows 10 update my screensaver is not starting. When I go into the DF settings and hit preview it will start fine, but it will not start after the 5 minute timeout by itself. Windows is configured to allow DF to control the screensaver. Any ideas?
Mar 2, 2021  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi John,

If you disable the screensaver in DisplayFusion and enable a Windows one, does it work?

Mar 2, 2021  • #2
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John Croft
3 discussion posts
Hi John,

If you disable the screensaver in DisplayFusion and enable a Windows one, does it work?


No, it doesn't start if I disable the DF screensaver and enable the Windows screensaver. In addition, I have attempted to have the monitors turn off after 15 minutes in the Power Saving options and that doesn't work either.
Mar 2, 2021 (modified Mar 2, 2021)  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi John,

Strange, it sounds like something isn't letting your computer idle. Have you had any hardware changes since the issue started?

Mar 3, 2021  • #4
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John Croft
3 discussion posts
Hi John,

Strange, it sounds like something isn't letting your computer idle. Have you had any hardware changes since the issue started?


No, no hardware changed, just the Windows 10 mandatory update. Don't get me started on those. But I have figured out a workaround. I have a high end flight stick, throttle and rudder pedals plugged into a USB3 hub, and when it is unplugged the screensaver works fine. So it appears to be something with the Microsoft USB drivers. Hopefully Microsoft will get this fixed, since they broke it in their update (worked with these things connected before the update), but I'm not holding my breath. If anyone else has this issue the make of the stick, throttle and rudder pedals in Thrustmaster. Maybe this will help someone else. Thanks for your replies, and sorry to bother you.
Mar 3, 2021  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi John,

Ah yeah, sometimes 3rd party hardware can prevent your computer from entering idle. Glad to hear you found a work around though!
Mar 4, 2021  • #6
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1 discussion post
Just wanted to reply to this so others can see it if the issue is happening with them. This has also been happening for me and I also found that it was something plugged in via USB that wasn't allowing my PC to idle. For me, it was my ps4 controller. The Screensaver works fine now that I've unplugged it. 😊
May 20, 2022  • #7
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1 discussion post
Guys... same here. I had a fight stick that was plugged in I forgot about and I had a dvd sitting on one of the buttons so it was active. Thanks for this post; it made me notice. so anyone else with this problem this is most likely your reason as well :)
Sep 10, 2023 (modified Sep 10, 2023)  • #8
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