4 discussion posts
I am looking for some pointers/tips for BFS (C# script) commands to explore for determining the right and bottom edges of a monitor when executing some "cascade windows" commands.
Without getting into too many details, essentially I may wish to resize and then cascade "too many" windows at a time ...running out of room, they will just "keep going" off screen.
The gist: I target a specified application set of windows, for instance Mozilla Firefox, on a specified monitor, iterate and set size and location for each one in turn.
Currently I set a limit on the number of windows so it doesn't get out of hand.
I am wondering if someone can recommend some BFS commands to explore that will help indicate the Right and Bottom Screen Edges of a targetted monitor ...specifically when a left or right window edge touches or overlaps that screen edge after moving a window, so I can then set some other action.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am running Windows 7 with DF Version 9.9 I do have some code limitations. That said, any pointers you may have, regardless of newer platform, would be helpful.
Thank you.