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Georg Pichler91332
2 discussion posts
Hi guys,

and thanks in advance for taking the time to read this and maybe help out.

Im running a dual monitor setup, with one monitor being a regular screen and the other one being my TV. Unfortunately, by default, when using both, my regular screen is recognised as display 2 while the TV is display 1.

Im using three DF profiles: Mono (TV deactivated, only the regular screen is used), Dual 1 (both activated, my regular screen is set as primary display) and Dual 2 (the same, but with the TV as primary screen). Since the system recognizes my regular monitor as display 1 whenever I work with the Mono profile, I get the problem, that all opened windows get moved to my TV once I activate any of the dual screen profiles. But I want them to remain where they are, without setting rules for each single app or move each one via Ctrl+Win+X.

Unfortunately, I couldnt find an existing script which would do what I want. Since my programming skills are very limited, I tried learning from other scripts to put together a script which upon profile change will move all windows from the TV (display 1) back to the main monitor (display 2) and also will move all windows to the main monitor when using the Mono profile. Unfortunately, so far it only seems to automatically move the currently visible windows (usually my Chrome browser).

I have attached the script to this post.

I'd be glad if you could give me some advice or provide code for solving this problem :)
• Attachment: Keep_Apps.txt [951 bytes]
Mar 31, 2016  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
In the latest beta you can actually do what you're looking for without scripting. We've added a feature called Triggers. You can create a Trigger rule for when the Monitor Profile changes, and have it run any DF function. In your case, running the "Move All Windows to Current Monitor" would be the best function to use. Please see the following guide for more details on Triggers:

Please let me know if you still run into any trouble at all.

Apr 1, 2016  • #2
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Georg Pichler91332
2 discussion posts
Hi Keith,

Indeed, using the trigger feature, after updating to DF 8.0b5, has solved my problem.

Many thanks for the advice!
Apr 1, 2016  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, glad to hear it!
Apr 1, 2016  • #4
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