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James Cadd
2 discussion posts
Hi, I'm on Win 8.1 and have installed the DF trial on two machines however neither appears to detect a second monitor. How do I troubleshoot?
Dec 4, 2013  • #1
Alan Wade's profile on
Do your machines detect the second monitor without DisplayFusion running?
Dec 4, 2013  • #2
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James Cadd
2 discussion posts
These are two separate machines, each with one monitor.
Dec 4, 2013  • #3
Alan Wade's profile on
These are two separate machines, each with one monitor.

If I misunderstood your reply then sorry in advance but the way I have read it is you have one machine with one monitor and another machine with one monitor. DisplayFusion works with your main or primary monitor and any other screens attached to the same computer. It cannot replicate a screen on one machine to a screen on another machine.
Dec 5, 2013 (modified Dec 5, 2013)  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@James: Alan is correct, DisplayFusion is meant for single systems that have 2 or more monitors connected to them.
Dec 5, 2013  • #5
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