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Lee Beck
11 discussion posts
The only change I made (I think) is to remove all of the icons from my second monitor. Now, when I boot my computer I get the message "entering power saving mode" and the second monitor is blank except in analog (security system) mode.

How do I get my second monitor active again? I've updated to the latest version. I've also hit the "reset" button and have unplugged/replugged the monitor.

Second monitor is active in analog mode - just not in digital.
• Attachment [protected]: Display Fusion acreen capture.jpg [125,976 bytes]
Sep 16, 2023 (modified Sep 16, 2023)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
DisplayFusion gets the monitor info from Windows. If you open the Windows Display Settings, is the monitor shown as connected there?
Sep 18, 2023  • #2
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Lee Beck
11 discussion posts
DisplayFusion gets the monitor info from Windows. If you open the Windows Display Settings, is the monitor shown as connected there?
No. See screenshot.
• Attachment [protected]: Monitor not detected.jpg [67,327 bytes]
Sep 18, 2023  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
This is likely a hardware issue then, it's not something DisplayFusion can help you with.

Sep 19, 2023  • #4
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Lee Beck
11 discussion posts
This is likely a hardware issue then, it's not something DisplayFusion can help you with.

Thanks for the information provided a couple of months ago. I've now purchased a new computer - partially so that I can use multiple displays (as advertized by Dell). First thing out of the box was to fire up the new computer with 2 of my 3 monitors. It recognized BOTH. I'm happy. Now after cleaning up my office a few days later I can't get multiple displays. I'm pretty sure (but not certain) that I'm using the same 2 monitors.

I've swapped out cables and used alternate computer (graphic cards) with the cable swaps to try to determine why I now cannot use both monitors. After a couple of hours messing with various combinations I decided to post here.

I'm happy to try differerent things and to submit screen captures.

I appreciate your help!
• Attachment [protected]: Graphics cards on new computer.jpg [129,662 bytes]
Nov 21, 2023  • #5
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