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Nick Wulf
3 discussion posts
I understand that the show desktop button will minimize all open windows...which is a Microsoft thing.

Could there be an option for the DisplayFusion's taskbar' Show Desktop' button to only minimize items that are on that monitor only? An option could be set for All Windows or just that display's window.


Mar 9, 2012  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've had a few other people request this as well, so I've added your vote to the feature request, and I'll be sure to post an update if/when we're able to implement it.

Mar 9, 2012  • #2
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85 discussion posts
Regarding the "Show Desktop" button: Is it possible to add the same mechanic as the Windows "Show Desktop" button offers ?

If you rightclick the button you'll see a contextmenu to configure the behavior like shown in the screenshot.

"Desktop anzeigen" = Show desktop
"[x] Vorschau für Desktop" = Preview desktop

If you uncheck "preview desktop" it won't show the desktop on mouse-over, only on click which is kinda nice if you could setup a different behavior for the DF buttons as it current copies the behavior. So if I disable "preview desktop" and hover over a DF "show desktop" button it does nothing, only on click.
Mar 17, 2012 (modified Mar 19, 2012)  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We might be able to do that. I'll add it to our list and we'll check it out.

Mar 20, 2012  • #4
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Mr Alex Weston
1 discussion post
Could I also vote for the (first) feature to be added.

Jun 21, 2012  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Vote added, thanks!
Jun 21, 2012  • #6
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Jay Dark
3 discussion posts
I want to vote for the first feature too
Jul 27, 2012  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Vote added, thanks!
Jul 27, 2012  • #8
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4 discussion posts
My work colleague and I would also love to have this feature also. Actual Monitors, in the right-click menu of the taskbar, allows "Minimize All" as a work-around for the Show Desktop button only having the option of minimizing all windows, on all monitors; they have yet to implement this feature as well.

This request was supposed to be up for a vote I read in 2011, and in 2012, and now that we are in 2013, I was curious if anymore has come of this feature? Between Actual Vs Display Fusion, they can both do a lot of things, but since I primarily use both for multiple taskbars, this feature would sway me one way or the other. If Display fusion implemented it, I would gladly buy the unlimited personal license as well, and I know my colleague would buy the single version. So in short, I believe you could attract a good number of potential buyers with this feature alone. Thanks!

I've also noticed that when Remote Desktop, if you have Remote Desktop in full screen mode, and then hit minimize, Remote Desktop minimizes then maximizes almost instantly, and this happens A LOT. With actual monitors it doesn't do it, so I've determined the issue is with Display Fusion. Has anyone had this issue before?
Feb 19, 2013 (modified Feb 19, 2013)  • #9
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Nick Wulf
3 discussion posts
I use RDP quite often and I haven't had this happen. I usually don't have my RDP screens maximized, but on occasion I do. I connected to a couple of servers and minimized them without any issue.

When you say actual monitors, are referring to a computer that has more than 1 monitor and you are doing a RDP to a server or another workstation?

I have 3 monitors with DF running. I RDP to another workstation (on a vm) every day. I also connect to Window servers (also vm'ed) and have no issues.

Feb 19, 2013  • #10
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4 discussion posts
Sorry, when I say Actual Monitors, I mean the program by Actual Tools that does what DP does (one of their competitors).

But my computer setup is 2 monitors, and when I do use RDP, I have it fully maximized on my primary monitor, and for some reason, when I click minimize in the auto-hide bar up top, it will minimize, then jump right back to maximize. It only does this when DP is running, it's an odd scenario and happens at unpredictable frequencies. Sometimes it will stay minimized like I intended, sometimes it may take 2-3 minimize button clicks before it sticks.

It's very possible it's combination of DP and another program I'm running since I have a couple of programs for hotkeys/virtual desktops/etc. But what I do know is when I close DP, it goes away.
Feb 19, 2013  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@BelowZero: The Show Desktop for current monitor only feature request hasn't yet been implemented, but I'll certainly add your vote to it.

Regarding the RDP issue, are you using the Aero Glass theme, or Aero Basic in Windows, on the machine that you're connecting from?
Feb 22, 2013  • #12
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4 discussion posts

And Aero basic, is there a known issue with it?
Feb 23, 2013  • #13
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately there is! I actually tested this issue a while ago, and was able to reproduce it even on a clean Windows 7 installation that never had DisplayFusion running. A Google search turned up similar reports from other people in Windows related forums.

Unfortunately the only workaround I've found was to change the Windows theme to the full Aero theme.

Hope that helps!
Feb 25, 2013  • #14
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4 discussion posts
That's ok, I kind of have to run aero basic due to windows getting cranky when I tried to do to much visually intensive stuff, and despite my best tweaking of windows settings, still doesn't want to play nice lol.

The fact you even responded was appreciated, I'm hoping DF is able to incorporate the minimize screens per monitor with the show desktop button because my taxes should be in next week, and the feature is becoming much needed with using 4 monitors.
Mar 6, 2013  • #15
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sounds good! It's still on our feature request list, but unfortunately not planned for a specific version yet. We'll definitely post an update when it is though.

Mar 8, 2013  • #16
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Ed The C
1 discussion post
has this been done? If so, how to do it?
Aug 26, 2015  • #17
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Not yet, sorry :(

We will definitely post an update when we're able to implement this feature.
Aug 27, 2015  • #18
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1 discussion post
I would very much like this feature where the "show desktop" button only shows desktop for that monitor! Any plans to include this in a future update?
Mar 23, 2019  • #19
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@LordB: No immediate plans for it, sorry. We've added your vote to the open feature request though.

Mar 25, 2019  • #20
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42 discussion posts
I'd like to vote for this feature too if possible, think it'd be really nice to be able to minimize/ maximize all windows on particular displays only using a button on the taskbar of the same display.
Mar 29, 2019  • #21
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Tore Aabø
2 discussion posts
I want this feature also. This software is supposed to make it possible to work separately on two monitors, so I find it kind of strange that this is not implemented yet.
Apr 13, 2019  • #22
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Jonathan Lachapelle
1 discussion post
Hum please do add this feature, this has been requested for a few years. If it is flat out impossible to implement it would be nice to know :P
Feb 7, 2020  • #23
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It's not impossible, but tricky to implement reliably. We'll definitely post an update if/when we're able to add it in a future update.

Feb 7, 2020  • #24
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1 discussion post
My vote on this one !!!
I noted that with the W10 "Show Desktop" ...
if you use or interact with a windows or an applet that was not present
you cannot toggle back the previous situation,
so you're left with all your windows minimized.

To avoid to get stuck,
and having to manually restore one by one, all the minimized windows ...

... before "peeking the Desktop:
I have to use DF as a Patch !!!

I use Ctrl+Shift+Del to save < before peeking>
( and Ctrl+Shift+Bacspace to restore Windows )

Dec 16, 2021 (modified Dec 16, 2021)  • #25
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Timothy P. Hertel
2 discussion posts
Please add my vote to have this feature implemented.

Dec 17, 2022  • #26
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290 discussion posts
I found this discussion looking for another Show Desktop issue, and wanted to mention there are a couple of scripts for minimizing the windows only on the active monitor. They could possibly also be modified to minimize/restore the one window's application and pinned to the taskbar per this discussion:
Mar 17, 2023  • #27
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1 discussion post
I have used the donwload script, but it also minimizes website wallpapers. My goal is to min/max all the windows on one monitor in order to specificlally view the website wallpaper loaded. Is there a way to exclude website wallpapers from the code for the list of windows to minimize/maximize?
Jun 19, 2023  • #28
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me over the script you're using?
Jun 22, 2023  • #29
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1 discussion post
Aug 8, 2023  • #30
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