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15 discussion posts
I was looking at the recommended silent installation options and am a bit confused by one or two of them.

If I understand correctly then:
1. CUSTOM1="/VERYSILENT" : stops the "Setup Language" popup
2. LAUNCHAFTER=0 : allows install to complete if user is logged off since it won't launch DisplayFusion upon install
3. STARTUPALL=1 : makes sure DisplayFusion starts up when user logs in
4. STARTUPUSER=0 : no idea

If STARTUPALL = 1, then why do you recommend STARTUPUSER=0? Don't those two things contradict eachother?

Similary, I'm confused about why TASKS="desktopicon,desktopicon\common,!desktopicon\user" will create desktop icons for all users. What does "!desktopicon\user" do?

Thank you!
Sep 11, 2023  • #1
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15 discussion posts
Anybody have any information about this?
Sep 13, 2023  • #2
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

STARTUPALL=1 makes it so that there's a startup entry in the registry for all users. STARTUPALL=0 makes sure that that the installer doesn't create a startup entry for the current user.

The desktopicon\common creates the desktop icon for all users, and !desktopicon\user makes it so it doesn't create one for the current user, because that's already covered by desktopicon\common.

Hope that clears things up!
Sep 14, 2023  • #3
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15 discussion posts
So are you saying that if both STARTUPALL and STARUPUSER were set to 1, it would be doubling up in some way? Because, if by "current user" you means the user running the command, it is still starting up the app for that user even if STARTUPUSER=0 (as long as STARTUPALL=1).

And the same for desktopicon\common and desktopicon\user? Would it create two icons?
Sep 14, 2023  • #4
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
It's just redundant, it shouldn't cause any issues or create double icons
Sep 15, 2023  • #5
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15 discussion posts
Awesome! Thanks for the help. I understand now.
Sep 15, 2023  • #6
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