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2 discussion posts

I want to install displayFusion remote and silent.
The installation is working, but i've got the following problem.

Every time a user change the settings (i.e. "Enable Multi-Monitor Taskbar"), a window with a massage appears "Thank You for Registering!" and admin rights are required.
After granting admin rights the window is still popping up, every time you change any settings. This time without asking for admin rights. But only for the current user. Another user is ask for admin rights again.

I'm using Version 5.0.1 and the installation is executed with the following parameters:
'/VERYSILENT /dir="C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\" /STARTUPUSER=0 /STARTUPALL=0 /CONTEXTMENU=0 /LAUNCHAFTER=0 /MERGETASKS="!desktopicon,!desktopicon\common,!desktopicon\user" /LPATHALL="%Path_to_license.txt%"

The Software is licensed as Enterprise License and is working well apart from the poping up messagebox.

Maybe it's just a missing registry key?? But i can't find the malefactor so far ;-)

Thanks for tips or help!!
Aug 5, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The license key issue is a bug related to the code that cleans up the license key when the settings are applied. It will be fixed in DisplayFusion 5.1, but in the meantime, if you replace all of the underscores (the _ characters) in your license key text file with plus signs (+), then deploy it again, you shouldn't run into that message any more.

Regarding the prompt for admin rights, it sounds like DF is still trying to enable the context menu options (the installer switch only disables it from getting created during the installation for the current user, though I'm going to investigate whether we should make it apply to all users in the future. In the meantime, you can disable it for all users by creating the following registry value:

Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Binary Fortress Software\DisplayFusion\
Value Type: String (REG_SZ)
Value Name: BlockUI-Settings-ContextMenuItems
Value Data: 1

Please let me know if you still run into any trouble at all.

Aug 7, 2013  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Edit: I just realized that the registry value I mentioned in my previous post only disables access to that setting, and not the setting itself. I will keep you posted after we've had more time to test the installer with the /CONTEXTMENU=0 in a multi-user environment.

Aug 7, 2013  • #3
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2 discussion posts
Hello Keith,

thanks for your reply!

I tested your workaround, but it doesn't seem to be working.
There is only one underscore in the key and i replaced it with the + (with the search and replace option of my text Editor).
But I still receive the massage.

I there anything else to consider?

Apart from that, can you name about a release date for version 5.1?

Thank You and regarts!
Aug 13, 2013 (modified Aug 13, 2013)  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We're aiming to have 5.1 out by the end of August. Could you try the latest 5.1 Beta version ( on a test machine, to make sure that it does indeed resolve the issue? Just want to be sure that it's the issue I'm thinking of :)

Aug 13, 2013  • #5
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